This is a set of packages and scripts that provide a simple way for interfacing with the Tanium SOAP API using python or the command line.
- Current Stable Version:
- 2.1.6 (Sep 15 2015) Release Link
- Current Development Version:
- 2.1.7 Develop Branch
- Online documentation for PyTan 2.1.6:
- Offline documentation for PyTan 2.1.6:
- Other documentation:
- The current stable version will always be maintained in the master branch.
- Unstable and development versions can be accessed via the develop branch.
- Full regression tests will be performed every major (x.0.0) or minor (0.x.0) release of PyTan
- All documentation and API examples will be rebuilt every major (x.0.0) or minor (0.x.0) release of PyTan
- Revision releases (0.0.x) will only be tested against the latest stable release of Tanium for each minor build (6.2.314.xxxx, 6.5.314.xxxx, etc.)
- Author and Maintainer: Jim Olsen ([email protected])
- License: MIT
- Copyright: Tanium, Inc. 2015