This website is built using Docusaurus 2, a modern static website generator.
Install nodejs and npm
Check nodejs version
node -v
- The Node.js version number should be displayed as output.
Verify the installation of npm alongside Node.js
npm -v
- The npm version number should be displayed as output.
Clone Repository
cd iom-docs
npm install
npm run start
- The project should be running on port 3000 and will be opened in the browser.
If you want to hide rating feedback
in frontMatter
title: Doc title
Property | Requirements | Type | Default | Description |
src | mandatory | string | - | Image source |
alt | optional | string | - | Image alternative (for SEO). |
centered | optional | true/false | false | Make centered image. |
maxWidth (px) | optional | string | max-content | Set max width. |
borderless | optional | true/false | false | Make img borderless |
import Img from "@site/src/components/Img";
alt="Alternative text"
import MiniCard from "@site/src/components/MiniCard";
<MiniCard link="" linkName="Start now">
Click to Get started
npm run build
npm run serve
npx docusaurus-prince-pdf -u http://localhost:3000/docs/guides --include-index
import Iframe from "@site/src/components/Iframe";
<Iframe title="Title of video" src="" />;
The Glossary plugin is disabled in devMode by default for low-speed purposes.
If you want to enable both modes, comment out the line process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' && glossaryPlugin,
and uncomment the line // glossaryPlugin,
For youtube embed videos import and use YoutubeCard component. Just pass link and title.