- Generates a set of UI heex components to start a project from.
- Generates a component catalogue live view.
- Uses daisyUI build on top of tailwindcss
The generated components are meant to be a point to start from. They will reside in your project space, where you can easily adjust them to your needs.
mix gen.components
mix gen.components -o other_components
-o, --output
- lowercase name of the module, that will hold the components. Defaults tocomponents
See the demo project for some examples.
To see the demo project in action:
- checkout the project
- cd to the
gonzo project - run
npm install
- call
mix gen.components
- call
iex -S mix phx.server
- visit catalogue
The package can be installed by adding gen_components
to your list of
dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:gen_components, "~> 0.1.0", only: [:dev]},
# optional icon package
{:heroicons, "~> 0.5.0"}
The generated components are meant to be changed after being generated. So it is recommendet to add the components folder to your live reload dev config:
# Watch static and templates for browser reloading.
config :my_app_web, MyAppWeb.Endpoint,
live_reload: [
patterns: [
Run npm install
in components_demo/assets
, to use tailwind and daisyUI
Add the folowing to router.ex
inside your project:
if Mix.env() == :dev do
import MyAppWeb.ComponentsCatalogueLive
catalogue_routes "/catalogue"
The custom components are used to format numbers and dates in the browsers locale.
To make it work add the following to your app.js
// to activate local format custom components
import "./components"
- Use the gonzo project to build your component.
- Adapt it to the templates