Releases: indexxing/PolyPlus
Release v1.3
- Add price to avatar sandbox discovery
- Avatar sandbox search, sorting, & ordering
- Avatar sandbox pagination
- Great divide user statistics section instead of tab
- Fix event logo height on home event container
- Add "Planet X, Andromeda" to great divide place allowlist
- "List of Values Everlast" Integration feature
- Add back popup, and quick links to popup
- Add "Planet X, Andromeda" great divide user stats
- Store "owned tags" in event items category
- Add "Re-add Copyable Places" feature
- Add redirects for old Polytoria site paths
- Add torso support to avatar sandbox
- Avatar sandbox change body part colors feature
- Redesigned avatar sandbox to look like avatar page
- Add "Retro" items category to avatar sandbox
- Make retro item ids negative avatar sandbox
- Serial tags on collectibles inventory tab
- "Hoarded Items" card on collectibles inv tab
- Add avatar sandbox oufits feature!
- Added warning to retro items avatar sandbox category
- New "time played" feature (a bit buggy right now)
- Add "Copy Thread ID" context menu item
- Add "time played" feature to debug page
- "pinned games" rewrite
- "Homepage Join Friends Tooltip Button" feature
- Add event items json generator to dev page
- No more great divide features 🥺🥺🥺🥺
- Improved purchase button detection
- "Multi-Whitelist" and "Clear Whitelist" features
- Add friendly name for "frontAccessory" items avatar sandbox
- Add proper torso loading to avatar sandbox
- Off-sale price items in avatar sandbox
- Avatar sandbox name/accessory type parity
- Avatar sandbox item ribbons
- Avatar sandbox type parity with avatar redesign
- Avatar sandbox remove accessory type tags
- Avatar sandbox retro item ribbon
- Percentage after like rating on create page
- (part 2) no more great divide features 🥺🥺🥺🥺
- Re-try if ratelimited for multi-whitelist feature
- (joke feature) use anniversary message templates
- Quick play audio + bring back the great divide features
- New "see player id and join date when blocked" feature
- Add "Archived Settings" category to settings
- Item modeler info on known items
- Asset designer credit setting toggle
- "Trade Valuation" feature (thanks to LOVE)
- Place activity toggle button
- "options" buttons in settings
- Multi-decal uploading submit button query
- Use userID instead of username for great divide stats request
- Great divide user stats KDR tooltip randomly not registering
- Great divide user stats cache length
- Store owned tag inventory caching
- Fix context invalidation when using reload keybind
- Avatar dimension toggle working with all badges
- Only the first setting checkbox registering
- Update sitewide.js loading order using PageLoad()
- Fix loading when readyState is "interactive"
- Fix text change when toggling place activity
- Fix label text not changing when changing place activity
- Fix debug page not showing storage in bytes (missing functionality)
- Update github repo links on dev and debug pages
- Fix avatar sandbox load user overwriting cache
- Fix errors wearing toolbox assets in avatar sandbox
- Fix un-equipping in avatar sandbox
- Fix creator name and uIDs always being Polytoria in avatar sandbox
- Fix avatar dimension toggle feature
- 2 tools showing when trying on item
- Include tool in wearing avatar sandbox
- Include face in wearing avatar sandbox
- Github desktop selecting issue
- LoadItems() overwriting item cache avatar sandbox
- Fix loading privated assets in avatar sandbox
- Fix wearing assets other than hats by id avatar sandbox
- Fix unequipping items in avatar sandbox
- Reset avatar before loading user avatar sandbox
- Add outfits avatar sandbox category icon
- Change error icon for "timed-item owner check"
- Copyable places feature always enabled
- Fix store owned tags on event items
- "re-add copyable places" setting toggle
- I forgot to add default setting for join friend button
- Click event listener with avatar sandbox ribbons
- Avatar sandbox retro item tools
- ??? price for avatar sandbox retro items
- Change link to poly-archive if item is retro avatar sandbox
- Used wrong variable lol avatar sandbox
- Update forum mentions to use new profile URLs
- Loading outfits with retro items avatar sandbox
- Fix time played not checking if place is whitelisted
- Passing decal name in formData with multi-upload
- Improved query selector for blocked users search
- Forum mentions feature breaking emojis
- Change setting container structure
- Re-order experimental settings
- Setting notes to reduce description length
- KDR great divide user stats tooltip
- Change great divide user stats KDR text color
- Add support for multiple links in event items store category
- Fix "hasn't participated in the great divide" text
- Redesign great divide user statistics card
- Float great divide user stats icons to sides
- Ability to toggle QOL achievement features
- "New in v1.3!" setting marker
- Make dev page incorporate local storage for byte size
- Add "sync" and "local" card tags to debug page
- Redesign debug page to use bootstrap collapse elements
- Reorder debug page
- Reset search after switching tab in avatar sandbox
- Add torso option to wear asset type dropdown
- Add torsos tab to avatar sandbox
- Remove open in new tab button avatar sandbox
- Remove tooltip on debug cache avatar sandbox
- "advanced" avatar sandbox card section
- Rename "Torso" to "Body Part" in avatar sandbox frontend
- Show accessory type instead of creator avatar sandbox
- Add border radius to item image avatar sandbox
- Setting name text-shadow
- Add "New in v1.3!" setting tag to copyable places feature
- Improved "no participation" great divide stats card
- Up collectibles inv tab page limit from 3 to 12
- Update registerTooltips.js to register dropdowns
- Add avatar sandbox outfits to debug page
- Add avatar sandbox poly-archive credits
- Fill in rename outfit input avatar sandbox
- Add border radius to avatar sandbox discovery images
- Avatar sandbox trofie shortcut
- Delete (unused) places.js
- Update how "Time Played:" looks
- Add spacing between blocked users
- Search blocked users on search, not button click
- Remove question mark icon next to place revenue
- Add items cached count to debug page inventory cache
- "Restricted" server join button if not allowed
- Cache friend count
- Cache asset designer data
- Quick shortcut to serve-mesh API
- Updated trade valuation tooltip + added shorthand
- Remove update notifier code
- Disable search filters for retro items avatar sandbox
- Move "Time Played" to "Experimental Settings"
- Move "Avatar Sandbox" out of "Experimental Settings"
- Add cache to pinned games
- Change LOVE valuation to use website API
- Change to use URL
- Use mask instead of -webkit-mask
Release v1.2.2
Chrome Webstore:
Firefox Add-ons:
New Feature: "Multi-Decal Uploading" (thanks to @GoldenretriverYT)
"Best Friends" feature has been removed/disabled
Improved loading assets by ID in the "Avatar Sandbox"
Fixed "Apply Membership Theme for Free" feature being broken due to settings nested objects update
Fixed "Try-On Items" feature forcing the avatar preview to have the old default avatar clothes, even if the player's avatar had no shirt or pants
Fixed "Download Place File" because the site no longer uses CSRF tokens for authentication
Fixed "Theme Creator" loading at the incorrect time on Firefox
New Limited-Time Feature: "Potentially Unbalanced" indicator in server list
Event Place cards on the places page now have an animated gradient instead of a still gradient (thanks to @okdargy)
You can now extract textures from an official Polytoria item quickly in the extension's pop-up (TEMPORARILY DISABLED)
New Feature: "Avatar Dimension Toggle"
Fixed library-download.js errors due to the code running on official Polytoria items, despite the code not supposed to
Avatar Sandbox work-in-progress rewrite (NOT ENABLED IN THE CURRENT VERSION, V1.2.3 WILL HAVE IT INCLUDED)
Updated "Store Main Page Owned Tags" feature code
New Feature: "Collectibles" Inventory Category
New Limited-Time Feature: "User Statistics tab on profiles"
Refreshed settings page design
Fixed library item type detection
Breadcrumbs on the view page for models, audios, decals, and meshes now link to the Library instead of the Store
If the document loads prior to the DOMContentLoaded event being registered in the sitewide.js file, then it'll still run everything as normal instead of just not running
I was bored so you can now make a profile act like a birthday profile by appending ?birthday=true to the URL
The IRL price of a reseller on a collectible is now shown if you have the feature enabled
Removed pagination for both "Item Wishlist" and "Collectibles" Inventory Category, proper pagination will be added in v1.2.3
Updated "Item Wishlist" button to be next to the item name text
Release v1.2.1
Release v1.2.1
Now available on the Chrome Webstore here:
(version v1.2 was skipped because for some reason the Chrome Webstore didn't let me upload v1.2 but did let me upload v1.2.1)
Improved settings page ("*unsaved" title when not saved yet, redesigned toggle indicators, redesigned toggle buttons, and small changes)
data-URL property of the body HTML tag is now the pathname rather than the full URL
Work in progress places integration for Pinned Games (on the actual places page, debating deleting this or not)
Code cleanup
Code improvements
Added .gitignore
Updated specific.css to use pathnames rather than the full URL
Updated data_structure.txt reference for developers
Changed manifest version name to pre-release build so you can tell what build you are using
You are now able to see the version number, build type (stable or pre-release), and quickly check for updates in the footer of the settings page
The text on the settings page footer has been changed to say "made by Index with the help of several contributors" instead of just "made by Index"
Update banner on settings page with 2 options: go to releases page on this GitHub repository or to skip this update (unrecommended)
You can now skip updates (again, unrecommended)
Added "Reset to Default" button on all options modals on the settings page which will reset that setting's specific options to their defaults.
Removed element IDs from the "Modify Navbar" feature options modal (they were there due to the old way options modals worked before release)
Renamed polyplus-settings.js to settings.js
Updated all "IRL Price with Brick Count" display code to have different variable names
"IRL Price with Brick Count" is more accurate by parsing abbreviated numbers into their full number (fixing odd bugs that would happen with things such as a user's networth) - it is still not super accurate when it comes to users' networth but it's way better than before
You can now clear specific data locations ( and on the extension's debug page
Updated update notifier code
The profile page now uses the utilities to calculate the "IRL Price with Brick Count" result rather than using the old repetitive code
Added another extension icon for when the extension has an update available - it currently isn't used anywhere due to the code for it not working for some reason
Updated the way the Theme Creator loads themes, it now loads instantly on page load! (credit to SK-Fast's old Poly+ extension for the realization)
Guild stores now have IRL prices listed if the "Show IRL Price with Brick Count" setting is enabled.
"Run Update Notifier" context menu item now only runs on the developer debug page and nowhere else
Settings are automatically saved whenever you edit the value of a select field
Added accurate names for element IDs on the settings page so I can link to them
If there is a hash/anchor URL specified in the settings page redirect URL it will carry the hash/anchor URL over to the local page URL
Improved "Show Outfit Cost on Profiles" design
Improved Debug Page
Added "Show Approximate Place Revenue" feature
Linked roadmap in the
Added "Place Achievements Progress Bar" feature
[AVATAR SANDBOX] The + and - button shown on item card hover now updates depending on if the item is being worn or not.
Added "Achievement Owned Percentage" feature, all achievements now say what percentage of all players on Polytoria own the achievement (percentage fixed to 2 decimal places)
Added "Quick Place Downloads" feature
The "Store Owned Tags" feature is now fixed, slightly more reliable, and has been expanded to exclude other types of assets now it just fetches 100 of your hats, faces, and tools
Added "Event Items Store Category" Feature
Fixed "Try On" store items
Deleted "Try On" store items code and moved it to the main item view page script
Fixed Transactions page Bricks to IRL Price converter
Transactions page bricks to IRL Price converter now doesn't say "$NaN" when the input is erased
Deleted popup and installation HTML files as they aren't used and haven't been used for a while. I am thinking of adding a new popup when you click the extension icon in your browser toolbar but that will be different than the code that was there.
New Feature: Show "Owners" instead of "Sales"
Updated theme code to run on all pages, even when the "Theme Creator" feature is turned off so that CSS such as modal CSS can still apply without other scripts having to apply their own CSS blob to the page
Updated context menu background code to remove all context menus created by the extension before creating the context menus so the error for duplicate context menu IDs won't keep appearing (hopefully, but I haven't gotten the error yet so...)
Improved detection for the purchase button on item view pages
Fixed the item view page not checking if the item isn't owned before trying to add the IRL Brick price
Removed old setTimeout() code at the start of some files
Added new feature: "Collectibles' Hoarders List"
Reorganized resources folder to be in the root directory rather than a sub-folder of the javascript folder
Added a new feature: "Quick Library Downloads"
Added more manifest.json information
Added "Show Friend Count on Homepage" feature
Rewrote settings JS
Reorganized several settings as nested objects
Added "Avatars Enabled" sub-setting of the "Collectibles' Hoarders List" feature
Added a select menu to determine the default minimum copies to be determined a hoarder for the "Collectibles' Hoarders List" feature
New feature: "Timed-Item Owner Check"
New feature: "Hide User Ads"
Renamed several files
Fixed "Item Wishlist" feature with new profile URLs
Fixed the "Copy Asset ID" context menu item, it now applies to old profile URLs and new profile URLs and will work for either of them (backwards compatibility added because the URL rollout will apparently take 3-4 months according to Brixster)
Removed "Tabs" permission, it was unnecessary (I didn't know that before)
Fixed store main page "owned" tags when the user's inventory is private/friends-only
Fixed "creator" tags in comment sections around the site, this will break when the new profile URLs are fully rolled out however I will fix shortly after
Deleted currently-unused
resource -
Several bug fixes and fresh installs of the extension are now working
Bug Fix v1.1.1
This release fixes the settings page bugs present in the v1.1 release.
Update log from last update: here
Repetitive code is now way easier to edit as it is now stored in the utility module rather than the same code in several different files
Changed "Theme Creator" Copy JSON button to have the text "Copy" rather than rely on an icon due to me forgetting to import fontawesome
Hopefully fixed the store page randomly not working by not showing IRL prices or not showing the owned tags (may rewrite the entire code for that file since it is pretty old like Early Summer 2023)
Fixed clicking on "Poly+" in the sidebar on the settings page sending you to an invalid page (due to browser security stuff) which wasn't happening to me before public beta
Disabled importing theme data JSON for now to ensure security
Improved Debug Page
Added Update Notifier that runs every day at 12 PM
Changed Simplified Profile URLs from /profile/[username] to /users/@[username]
Removed version_name from manifest.json so that it's easy to find the version number on browser extensions page
Items that are in your "Item Wishlist" will now be automatically removed when purchased. You can now also no longer add items to your "Item Wishlist" if you already own the item.
Fixed issue with forgetting to remove simplified-profile.js from manifest.json after deleting the file
Added all experimental settings to the settings page ("Game Profiles", "Inline Editing", "Forum Unix Timestamps")
Removed commented out settings on the settings page
Removed the "Handle" part of all function names (eg. "HandlePinnedGames()" -> "PinnedGames()")
Moved profile/profile.js to account/profile.js
You can now quickly copy a message to share your or somebody else's 3D avatar URL on profile pages.
Settings page modals now work if you fresh install the extension
N/A place rating percentage fix
You can no longer wish-list place achievements
Fixed IRL price and wish-listing game passes
Fixed the "Item Wishlist" feature link on the inventory page sidebar linking to the wish-list directory several times if clicked on several times
Fixed "owned" tags on the store main page only loading when the item grid updates, it now loads tags when initially loaded too
Fixed "Modify Navbar" feature navbar items being shifted and the "Forum" link unable to be edited
Added IRL prices to the "Game Passes" section of the place view page
Added IRL prices to the "Trending Items" section of the homepage
Updates to how the home.js file runs (going to rewrite it eventually)
Pinned Games now have a gradient overlay displaying the likes and dislikes above the place thumbnail
Added "load example data" section to debug page so you can quickly load example data for "Pinned Games", "Best Friends", and "Item Wishlist"
Fixed IRL price on the store main page saying "NaN" (meaning "Not a Number") when there is a time limit on an item
Changed font size and color of the likes/dislikes text on the gradient overlay of Pinned Games.
Thanks for sticking around! Poly+'s very first public release is here. Please follow the download instructions listed on the file on the main repository page.