"Expectations are pre-meditated resentments"
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You must sign a contract stating that their project is licensed to you!
All Bounties and otherwise "outside" requests will go into the ./public/modules.
- The folder and repo are named after the ticket number for anonymization. This is a privilege, not a right. If someone gives me a reason to stop doing that, I will start open sourcing every single ticket, and no I've never signed an NDA.
Internal repositories (submodules) go into Domains.
- The first level is the TLD
- The second level is the "name" of the domain
- The thirds level is the subdomain
- Each subdomain has its own repository
It's recommended that you exclude **/*env*
from VS Code or otherwise the IDE of your choice.
This will allow you to "safely" go public and navigate your IDE at the same time. (eg. if you stream on https://twitch.tv)
"files.exclude": {
"**/*env*": true
Donald Wayne Moore Jr
🔭 I’m currently working on ... | ⚡️ IMGNX Spark: An Open Source Initiative |
🌱 I’m currently learning ... | - ⌨️ Vim |
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on ... | - ♾️ Everything |
🤔 I’m looking for help with .. | - 👩🏽💼 Secretarial Services |
💬 Ask me about ... | - ⚛️ React/Redux |
📫 How to reach me: ... | - 📱 +1 770 652 8889 |
😄 Pronouns: ... |
- ♂ He/him (or Pika/chu, depending on who you ask) |
⚡ Fun fact: ... | - 🎸 I tune my guitar to C Standard. |
Have a great day! 👋
- Semantic Commits (joshbuchea)
- Protect your secrets with