18 commits
to master
since this release
What Changed
Slider Overhaul & New Features
- Classic Sliders are Back (sort of) – A new slider type called "Classic" is available for those who preferred the old Anamnesis-style controls.
- Restored Math Input – You can now perform basic math directly in slider input fields again.
- Click & Hold to Adjust Sliders – Holding the increase/decrease buttons will now continuously adjust values.
- Escape to Close Input – Pressing Escape now closes the slider input field.
- Mouse Scroll Returns – Scroll wheel can now adjust values when the input field is active.
- Improved Dragging Behaviour – Dragging sliders now feels more consistent regardless of where you start.
New Slider Settings & Customization
Users now have more control over slider behaviour:
- Slider Sensitivity (Default: 1.0)
- Show Slider Thumb (Default: Off for Modern, always on for Classic)
- Customize Slider Types (Modern or Classic) for:
- Time & Weather
- Camera
- Bone Rotation
- Bone Position
- Bone Scale
- Decimal Precision Control – Adjust decimal precision for slider values (purely visual).
- Persistent Input Fields – Option to keep input fields open after pressing Enter.
Fixes & Improvements
- Fixed Unselectable First Item – Resolve an Issue that caused the first Item in the Equipment selector not being able to be selected.
- Fixed Enter Press Crash – Resolved an Issue that Caused the Application to crash under specific circumstances when Pressing Enter.
- Fixed Auto-Save Crash – Resolved a rare issue where missing directories could cause a crash.
- Fixed Specific Entity Crash – Entities that had No Skeletons (Non-Minion Campfire etc.) would lead to a Crash on Auto-Save.
- Fixed Settings Not Loading – Resolved an issue preventing settings from loading properly.
- Wrap Rotations Now Work Properly – Rotation values will now wrap correctly.
- Better Slider Borders – Adjusted colour coding and design to be less distracting.
.NET & System Updates
- Fixed .NET Runtime Links – Download links now point to the correct installer.
- Updated .NET Version – Now using .NET Desktop Runtime 9.0.2 instead of 9.0.1.