This project is a decentralised voting system that uses Ganache and Metamask to enable anyone to vote by verifying their biometric data from their Aadhar card.
1.Installation 2.Usage 3.Contributing 4.License
- Clone the repository to your local machine using git clone 2.Navigate to the project directory using cd decentralised-voting-system. 3.Install the required dependencies using npm install. 4.Start the Ganache CLI using npm run ganache. 5.Compile the smart contracts using npm run compile. 6.Deploy the smart contracts to the Ganache network using npm run migrate. 7.Start the frontend using npm start.
1.Open your Metamask wallet and connect it to the Ganache network. 2.Verify your biometric data from your Aadhar card. 3.Cast your vote by selecting the candidate of your choice. 4.Wait for the transaction to be confirmed on the blockchain. 5.Your vote has now been cast and recorded on the blockchain.
1.Fork the repository. 2.Create a new branch with a descriptive name using git checkout -b descriptive-branch-name. Make your changes. 3.Test your changes using npm test. 4.Commit your changes using git commit -m "Descriptive commit message". 5.Push your changes to your fork using git push origin descriptive-branch-name. 6.Create a pull request.