Project Description This repo contains the code for Illumio security hub connector that allows customers to convert Illumio events into AWS security hub findings while enriching them with Illumio labels and EC2 metadata
Project Technology stack The security hub connector is written in python3.6 and can run in a virtual environment with python3.6
Project workflow
The requirements for this project are recorded in requirements.txt file and need to be installed as explained in the INSTALL document.
Detailed instructions on how to install, configure, and get the project running are mentioned in INSTALL document.
If you have questions, please use slack for asking them. If you have issues, bug reports, etc, please file an issue in this repository's Issue Tracker.
The Project is released and distributed as open source software subject to the LICENSE. Illumio has no obligation or responsibility related to the Project with respect to support, maintenance, availability, security or otherwise. Please read the entire LICENSE for additional information regarding the permissions and limitations. You can engage with the author & contributors team and community on SLACK.
Instructions on how to contribute: CONTRIBUTING.