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Click Storm

Click Storm is an open-source auto-clicker and input automation tool written in Rust. Download the latest version or visit the wiki for documentation.


Windows Security has marked the executable as having Trojan:Script/Wacatac.B!ml in the past, which is a false positive. See the Antivirus section for more information.

Clicker vs Scripting

The clicker mode is for spamming the mouse button quickly. For a more customized approach, scripting is available using Rhai.


The application uses OS threads to perform work. While the timing may not be 100% accurate, it tries to be as close as possible. The location picker and clicking only works on the main display due to library limitations.


Linux users may need to install libxdo-dev to run the application.

Device Permissions

Some devices may prevent hardware access due to permissions, see this permissions page if you have issues.


The fluent ftl files are in the locales folder under their respective language codes.


When running the file through VirusTotal, a few of the engines may flag the file as malicious. This is most likely because the application can take control of the mouse and perform hardware actions automatically. Input manipulation is generally a red-flag in the context of device security, however it is the core functionality of Click Storm as an auto-clicker.


Install rust

  • Open a terminal in the repository location
    • Most operating systems have an option to open a terminal in the current folder when right clicking in blank space within the file browser.
  • Enter cargo build --release to build but not execute, cargo run --release to build and execute
    • The --release flag can be removed to build the debug version
    • The binary will be located in target/release/ or target/debug/ depending on which version was built.


In some cases, linux may also require the following dependencies:

  • egui: sudo apt-get install -y libclang-dev libgtk-3-dev libxcb-render0-dev libxcb-shape0-dev libxcb-xfixes0-dev libxkbcommon-dev libssl-dev
  • enigo: sudo apt install -y libxdo-dev
  • device_query: sudo apt-get install -y libx11-dev


cargo doc --workspace --no-deps


Unit/Integration Tests

cargo test --workspace


See miri repository.

  • Install the nightly toolchain with rustup toolchain install nightly
  • Install miri component on rust nightly: rustup +nightly component add miri
  • Run tests with miri: cargo +nightly miri test --workspace
  • Run application with miri: cargo +nightly miri run
    • This takes a long time to run and currently fails due to an unsupported operation in winit.


Zap icon from Feather Icons.