Welcome to my 100-Day Frontend Development Challenge repository!
This challenge aims to reinforce my HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills by completing a variety of small projects over 100 days.
Wish me luck! :D
July 20, 2024
Tir 30, 1401
i've made a homePage for easier access and better UI! you can check it out Here.
- 001- Image Bg Text [View]
- 002- Random Hex Generator [View]
- 003- Fullscreen Nav Menu [View]
- 004- Custom Slider Input [View]
- 005- Rotating Words [View]
- 006- Twitter Follow Clone [View]
- 007- Good Cheap Fast [View]
- 008- Digit Input Field [View]
- 009- Increment Counters [View]
- 010- Blurry Loading [View]
- 011- Border Animations [View]
- 012- Theme Toggler [View]
- 013- Counter [View]
- 014- Accordion Menu [View]
- 015- Digital Clock [View]
- 016- Button Hovers [View]
- 017- Password Generator [View]
- 018- Toast Notification [View]
- 019- Rounded Navbar [View]
- 020- Flashlight Cursor [View]
- 021- Gallery Showcase [View]
- 022- Image Mosaic [View]
- 023- Random Emojies [View]
- 024- Keypress Info [View]
- 025- Scroll Indicator [View]
- 026- Character Counter [View]
- 027- Drag And Drop [View]
- 028- Heart Beat [View]
- 029- Message Box [View]
- 030- Calendar [View]
- 031- Feedback Widget [View]
- 032- User Card [View]
- 033- Dial Pad [View]
- 034- Github Profiles [View]
- 035- A Break [View]
- Improve my frontend development skills.
- Learn and implement new HTML, CSS, and JavaScript features.
- Build a portfolio of small, focused projects.
I've used these sources to recreate projects/get inspired . check 'em out! :
- HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript 100+ Projects For Beginners (HuXn WebDev)
- Coding Artist on Youtube.
- bradtraversy's 50projects50days github repository.
- some of @OnlineTutorialsYT 's videos on Youtube.
- some of @CodingSnow 's videos on Youtube.
- some of @GreatStackDev 's videos on Youtube.
For any questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out:
- Email: [email protected]
- GitHub: github.com/iliAsghar
Happy Coding! 💻