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Jelly Blend - A soft Body simulation addon for Blender


Jelly Blend is a soft body physics engine using state of the art XPBD method. This software is currently WIP, so things will not be stable.


  • Soft body self collisions
  • Collision with colliders
  • Damping
  • Friction


  • Simulation caching
  • Multi-thread soft body constrain solving
  • Multi-thread collsion handling?
  • Ability to ping vertex

Supported Blender version

The addon is tested on the latest blender release (a.k.a. Blender 4.0+).


Go to the Release page to download zip file for your platform. Then in Blender, go to Edit->Preference->Add-ons. From there, click install button on the upper right corner and select the zip file.

!! Important Notes: Windows users need special steps to uninstall, please refer to the Uninstall section.


after install, the add-on should appear as Jelly Blend Soft Body. Enable it by ticking the checkbox.


Linux user can ignore this section and remove the add-on normally.

As for Windows users, due to the limitation of Blender and Python, a special uninstall method is required.

  1. Disable the add-on
  2. Restart Blender
  3. Remove the add-on

Get Started

User manual

Build from source


  1. Install build tools and dependencies

    • Complier (ex. gcc/clang)
    • Cmake generator (ex. make/ninja)
    • Python 3.10
    • cmake
    • git

    You can install these build tools on Ubuntu by

    sudo apt install build-essential cmake git

    Check your system python version

    python3 --version

    If the version is not 3.10.x, you have to setup the correct version of python. I recommends python PPA or miniconda.

  2. Clone the repo and configure

    git clone

    Create build directory and configure

    cd jelly_blend
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..

    You might need to give cmake a hint to the correct python installation

    cmake -DPython_ROOT_DIR="path to your python binary" ..
  3. build and install

    cmake --build .

    After the build, there will be a folder called jelly_blend_addon. To install the addon, you can move the folder to the Blender addon directory. Which is typically located at ~/.config/blender/3.6/scripts/addons. Or you can compress the folder to .zip format and install the addon from Blender gui.


  1. Install build tools and dependencies

    • Complier (MSVC)

      I do not suggest using Mingw, since you will need to link standard libraries statically.

    • Cmake generator (ex. make/ninja)

    • Python 3.10

    • cmake

    • git

    The most convenient way to get these build tools is to install the Desktop development with C++ kit in Visual Studio. As for python, miniconda/anaconda is strongly recommended.

  2. Clone the repo and configure

    git clone

    Create build directory and configure

    cd jelly_blend
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..

    You might need to give cmake a hint to the correct python installation

    cmake -DPython_ROOT_DIR="path to your python binary" ..
  3. Build and install

    cmake --build .

    After the build, there will be a folder called jelly_blend_addon. To install the addon, you can move the folder to the Blender addon directory. Or you can compress the folder to .zip format and install the addon from Blender gui.


  • Miles Macklin and Matthias Muller. 2021. A Constraint-based Formulation of Stable Neo-Hookean Materials. In Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion, Interaction and Games (MIG '21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 12, 1–7.

  • Teschner, Matthias & Heidelberger, Bruno & Müller, Matthias & Pomeranets, Danat & Gross, Markus. (2003). Optimized Spatial Hashing for Collision Detection of Deformable Objects. VMV’03: Proceedings of the Vision, Modeling, Visualization. 3.


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