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2D to 3D Reconstruction

Take out your phone, take a video, and get a 3D model!


This project runs on Python 3.5+. We recommend doing the following installations inside a Python virtual environment or Conda environment. Use pip to install the dependencies for this project:

pip install -r requirements.txt

This project requires a machine learning model to run the depth predication. This can be either generated via the instructions found in the DenseDepth Github. Alternately you can download one of the pertained models from the DenseDepth repository.

Files and Pipelines

Here we give a brief overview of the files in this repository and what each file’s function is.

  • dense_depth/: Folder containing clone of DenseDepth repository. It is here so that we can use the DenseDepth model to predict depth maps.
  • examples/: Folder containing several image sets for running our pipeline on
  • models/: Folder to put models in
  • utils/homography_utils/: RANSAC and feature matching algorithms
  • utils/ Functions from Open3D documentation that we use in our pipeline
  • utils/: Our utils folder. This includes a file for every method in the pipeline that we use: ICP, rigid 3D, 3D homography, and some other miscellaneous utils.
  • and These are the two main pipelines in our model.
  • requirements.txt: List of Python packages needed to run this project

We will go through and in more detail below.

Pre-trained Models

To run, we need the DenseDepth model pretrained on NYU Depth v2. We have linked the models here.


There are 2 main pipelines set up for our project. The difference between the two is that uses machine learning to generate the initial depth maps, whereas takes in depth images. Since some of the algorithms we worked with did not work too well on mediocre depth, we have the second option of taking good depth.

The steps to the pipelines are as follows:

  1. will use DenseDepth repository to generate depth maps for every RGB frame of the video given. will skip this step as we have already provided it with corresponding depth frames (hence RGBD).

  2. Create a point cloud for all of the images using the depth maps.

  3. Apply one of the point cloud matching algorithms to merge all the generated point clouds. There are several options here:

  • FPFH + RANSAC: Matches FPFH descriptors using a RANSAC based 3D transformation estimation

  • FPFH + FAST: Matches FPFH descriptors using the Fast global registration algorithm

  • 3D Rigid Body Transformation: Matches two sets of 3D points by finding the optimal rigid body transform transformation using least squares. The 3D points’ initial correspondences are computed using SIFT and RANSAC.

  • 3D Homography and ICP: Matches two sets of 3D points by finding the optimal 3D homography matrix using constrained least squares. The 3D points’ initial correspondences are computed using SIFT and RANSAC. This global registration is then further refined by running ICP with partial matching on the two point clouds.

  1. Generate a mesh for the merged point clouds using either the Poisson or the ball point surface reconstruction algorithms.

The final result of this pipeline is a dense 3D mesh!

We have listed command line usage for both pipelines below.


for both pipelines all the images need to be number in an increasing order starting at 1


usage: [-h] [--model MODEL] [--rgb RGB]
                      [--mode {fpfh,rigid3d,3dhomo}] [--voxel VOXEL] [--fast]
                      [--surface {poisson,ball_point}] [--save_intermediate]
                      [--out_folder OUT_FOLDER] [--out_name OUT_NAME] [--plot]

Depth Generation, Point Cloud Registration, and 3D Model Reconstruction

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --model MODEL         Trained Keras model file. Requires TensorFlow and
  --rgb RGB             Input filename or folder for RGB images
  --mode {fpfh,rigid3d,3dhomo}
                        Global registration method
  --voxel VOXEL         Size of voxel to downsample for FPFH. Do not use if
                        not using FPFH for mode option.
  --fast                Enable to use fast global registration for FPFH. Do
                        not use if not using FPFH for mode option
  --surface {poisson,ball_point}
                        Method of generating surface mesh
  --save_intermediate   Enable to store intermediate results (in out_folder)
  --out_folder OUT_FOLDER
                        Path to folder to save generated point clouds and
                        meshes in
  --out_name OUT_NAME   Name of image set to save as
  --plot                Enable to plot intermediate results in pipeline

Note: input folder must be the format 

Reconstruct RGBD

usage: [-h] [--rgb RGB] [--depth DEPTH] [--inter INTER]
                           [--mode {fpfh,rigid3d,3dhomo}] [--voxel VOXEL]
                           [--fast] [--surface {poisson,ball_point}]
                           [--save_intermediate] [--out_folder OUT_FOLDER]
                           [--out_name OUT_NAME] [--plot]

Depth Point Cloud Registration and 3D Model Reconstruction

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --rgb RGB             Input filename or folder for RGB images
  --depth DEPTH         Input filename or folder for depth images
  --inter INTER         Read point clouds
  --mode {fpfh,rigid3d,3dhomo}
                        Global registration method
  --voxel VOXEL         Size of voxel to downsample for FPFH. Do not use if
                        not using FPFH for mode option.
  --fast                Enable to use fast global registration for FPFH. Do
                        not use if not using FPFH for mode option
  --surface {poisson,ball_point}
                        Method of generating surface mesh
  --save_intermediate   Enable to store intermediate results (in out_folder)
  --out_folder OUT_FOLDER
                        Path to folder to save generated point clouds and
                        meshes in
  --out_name OUT_NAME   Name of image set to save as
  --plot                Enable to plot intermediate results in pipeline


Below we have a bunch of command line arguments for using our pipeline to generate meshes, using the NYU Depth V2 (165 MB) model. Place The nyu.h5 file into the models/ folder. Then just start up your virtual environment (or wherever you installed your dependencies), cd into this project's repo, and run these in your terminal!

The results that we generated running these examples can be found here.


Front-Side of a car - Expected Results

python --rgb ./examples/car/*.jpg --mode rigid3d --surface poisson --save_intermediate --out_folder ./examples/car/rigid3d --out_name car_poisson
python --rgb ./examples/car/*.jpg --mode 3dhomo --surface poisson --save_intermediate --out_folder ./examples/car/homography --out_name car_poisson
python --rgb ./examples/car/*.jpg --mode fpfh --voxel 5 --fast --surface poisson --save_intermediate --out_folder ./examples/car/fpfh_fast --out_name car_poisson
python --rgb ./examples/car/*.jpg --mode fpfh --voxel 5 --surface poisson --save_intermediate --out_folder ./examples/car/fpfh_ransac --out_name car_poisson
python --rgb ./examples/helmet/*.jpg --mode fpfh --voxel 5 --fast --surface poisson --save_intermediate --out_folder ./examples/helmet/fpfh_fast --out_name helmet_poisson
python --rgb ./examples/helmet/*.jpg --mode fpfh --voxel 5 --surface poisson --save_intermediate --out_folder ./examples/helmet/fpfh_ransac --out_name helmet_poisson

Reconstruct RGBD

python --rgb ./examples/kitchen_rgbd/imgs/*.png --depth ./examples/kitchen_rgbd/depth/*.png --inter true --mode rigid3d --save_intermediate --surface poisson --out_folder ./examples/kitchen_rgbd/rigid3d --out_name kitchen_rgbd_poisson
python --rgb ./examples/kitchen_rgbd/imgs/*.png --depth ./examples/kitchen_rgbd/depth/*.png --inter true --mode 3dhomo --save_intermediate --surface poisson --out_folder ./examples/kitchen_rgbd/homography --out_name kitchen_rgbd_poisson
python --rgb ./examples/kitchen_rgbd/imgs/*.png --depth ./examples/kitchen_rgbd/depth/*.png --inter true --mode fpfh --fast --voxel 20 --save_intermediate --surface poisson --out_folder ./examples/kitchen_rgbd/fpfh_fast --out_name kitchen_rgbd_poisson
python --rgb ./examples/kitchen_rgbd/imgs/*.png --depth ./examples/kitchen_rgbd/depth/*.png --inter true --mode fpfh --voxel 20 --save_intermediate --surface poisson --out_folder ./examples/kitchen_rgbd/fpfh_ransac --out_name kitchen_rgbd_poisson

Front-Side of a car - Expected Results

python --rgb ./examples/car_rgbd/*.jpg --depth ./examples/car_rgbd/*.png --inter true --mode 3dhomo --save_intermediate --surface poisson --out_folder ./examples/car_rgbd/homography --out_name car_rgb_poisson
python --rgb ./examples/car_rgbd/*.jpg --depth ./examples/car_rgbd/*.png --inter true --mode fpfh --fast --voxel 10 --save_intermediate --surface poisson --out_folder ./examples/car_rgbd/fpfh_fast --out_name car_rgb_poisson
python --rgb ./examples/car_rgbd/*.jpg --depth ./examples/car_rgbd/*.png --inter true --mode fpfh --voxel 20 --save_intermediate --surface poisson --out_folder ./examples/car_rgbd/fpfh_ransac --out_name car_rgb_poisson

Car bad matches - Expected Results

images of the car from frames that are far part from each other.

python --rgb ./examples/car_bad/*.jpg --depth ./examples/car_bad/*.png --inter true --mode 3dhomo --save_intermediate --surface poisson --out_folder ./examples/car_bad/homography --out_name car_rgb_poisson
python --rgb ./examples/car_bad/*.jpg --depth ./examples/car_bad/*.png --inter true --mode fpfh --fast --voxel 10 --save_intermediate --surface poisson --out_folder ./examples/car_bad/fpfh_fast --out_name car_rgb_poisson
python --rgb ./examples/car_bad/*.jpg --depth ./examples/car_bad/*.png --inter true --mode fpfh --voxel 20 --save_intermediate --surface poisson --out_folder ./examples/car_bad/fpfh_ransac --out_name car_rgb_poisson

Front of a sofa - Expected Results

python --rgb ./examples/sofa_rgbd/*.jpg --depth ./examples/sofa_rgbd/*.png --inter true --mode fpfh --fast --voxel 10 --save_intermediate --surface poisson --out_folder ./examples/sofa_rgbd/fpfh_fast --out_name sofa_rgbd_poisson
python --rgb ./examples/sofa_rgbd/*.jpg --depth ./examples/sofa_rgbd/*.png --inter true --mode fpfh --voxel 20 --save_intermediate --surface poisson --out_folder ./examples/sofa_rgbd/fpfh_ransac --out_name sofa_rgbd_poisson
python --rgb ./examples/sofa_rgbd/*.jpg --depth ./examples/sofa_rgbd/*.png --inter true --mode fpfh --voxel 20 --save_intermediate --surface ball_point --out_folder ./examples/sofa_rgbd/fpfh_ransac --out_name sofa_rgbd_ball

sofa bad matches - Expected Results

images of the sofa from frames that are far part from each other.

python --rgb ./examples/sofa_rgbd/*.jpg --depth ./examples/sofa_rgbd/*.png --inter true --mode fpfh --fast --voxel 10 --save_intermediate --surface poisson --out_folder ./examples/sofa_bad/fpfh_fast --out_name sofa_rgbd_poisson
python --rgb ./examples/sofa_rgbd/*.jpg --depth ./examples/sofa_rgbd/*.png --inter true --mode fpfh --voxel 20 --save_intermediate --surface poisson --out_folder ./examples/sofa_bad/fpfh_ransac --out_name sofa_rgbd_poisson


2d to 3d reconstruction






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