Dvdvck Power
NPM: Fixes delayed version
NPM: Add main property to package.json to support vanilla require statement
CORE: add a update left
CORE: use a function to change the offset in new container
CORE: added lens override for window width to 0 (default value can create unwanted scroll on mobile devices);
CORE: tint image src changed to thumbnail src instead of zoom image src
CORE: fixed lensColour tint override to 'transparent' instead of 'none';
CORE: style reformated and removed duplicate rules applied in getWindowLensStyle();
CORE: added missing cursor rule for lens type.
CORE: fixed lens and inner zoom not working for touchmove action;
CORE: added lensColour as background-color to lens style;
CORE: style rules reformat;
CORE: isInteger IE fix