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Print Queue REST API | Staging CI/CD

GitHubVisual Studio CodePythonPostgresArch

This is a "simple" application that will provide an endpoint for the print queue program to access and modify the print queue.



  • Python >= 3.11
  • Postgresql Database
  • Redis Database
  • Docker (optional)
  • Docker Compose (optional)
  • This repository
  • Google API Credentials (For Google File Uploads)


Configuration is handled via a singular .env file that contains the FLASK_ENV variable. This is then used to load its respective configuration .env file. So for FLASK_ENV=development it will load .env.development. Therefore, you will need at a minimum a .env.development and a .env file


There is an included Docker setup that will build the application and run it as a container with the asynchronous tasks, redis and postgres servers also being spun up as well. To configure the environment for docker copy the .envexample file into a .env.docker file and change the variable to suit your needs except for the following variables which are required:

  • POSTGRES_PORT = 5432
  • CELERY_BROKER_URL = redis://cache:6379/0
  • CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = redis://cache:6379/0
  • RATELIMIT_STORAGE_URI = redis://cache:6379/1

To run this docker setup you will need to run the following command:

docker-compose up

Useful Commands

# Run Application and Celery
flask run

## Run Celery (Windows)
pip install eventlet
celery -A entrypoint_celery worker -l info -P eventlet

## Run Celery (Linux)
celery -A entrypoint_celery  worker -l info

## Build Docker
docker-compose up --build

# Database Commands
flask init-db # Initialize the database
flask drop-db # Drop the database
flask nuke-db # Drop the database and reinitialize it
flask one-time-db # One time database setup (safe to run multiple times)
flask seed-db # Seed the database with test data
flask seed-default-printers # Seed the database with the default printers
flask seed-default-authorisation # Seed the database with the default authorisation permissions and roles
flask restore-db # Restore the database from backup.dump
flask backup-db # Backup the database to backup.dump

# Application Specific Commands
flask clear-all-blacklist # Clear all blacklisted tokens from the database (useful for testing)
flask clear-expired-blacklist # Clear all expired blacklisted tokens from the database (useful for general maintenance)
flask app-status # Check the status of the applications
flask list-routes # List all the routes in the application


auth.login                                      OPTIONS,POST            /api/v1/auth/login
auth.logout                                     DELETE,OPTIONS          /api/v1/auth/logout
auth.refresh                                    OPTIONS,POST            /api/v1/auth/refresh
bootstrap.static                                GET,HEAD,OPTIONS        /static/bootstrap/<path:filename>
file_upload.upload_gcode                        OPTIONS,POST            /api/v1/file_upload/upload_gcode
file_upload.upload_stl                          OPTIONS,POST            /api/v1/file_upload/upload_stl
maintenance logs.create                         OPTIONS,POST            /api/v1/maintenance/add
maintenance logs.delete_by_id                   DELETE,OPTIONS          /api/v1/maintenance/delete/<int:log_id>
maintenance logs.update_by_id                   OPTIONS,PUT             /api/v1/maintenance/update/<int:log_id>
maintenance logs.view_all_by_printer_id         GET,HEAD,OPTIONS        /api/v1/maintenance/view/all/<int:printer_id>
maintenance logs.view_all_by_printer_name       GET,HEAD,OPTIONS        /api/v1/maintenance/view/all/<string:printer_name>
maintenance logs.view_single_by_id              GET,HEAD,OPTIONS        /api/v1/maintenance/view/single/<int:log_id>
misc.test                                       GET,HEAD,OPTIONS        /api/v1/misc/toast
misc.test_2                                     GET,HEAD,OPTIONS        /api/v1/misc/legal
misc.test_celery                                GET,HEAD,OPTIONS        /api/v1/misc/test_celery
print jobs.accept_approval_job                  OPTIONS,PUT             /api/v1/jobs/approve/accept/<int:job_id>
print jobs.complete_job                         OPTIONS,PUT             /api/v1/jobs/complete/<int:job_id>
print jobs.create                               OPTIONS,POST            /api/v1/jobs/add
print jobs.delete_job                           DELETE,OPTIONS          /api/v1/jobs/delete/<int:job_id>
print jobs.fail_job                             OPTIONS,PUT             /api/v1/jobs/fail/<int:job_id>
print jobs.queue_job                            OPTIONS,PUT             /api/v1/jobs/queue/<int:job_id>
print jobs.reject_approval_job                  OPTIONS,PUT             /api/v1/jobs/approve/reject/<int:job_id>
print jobs.reject_job                           OPTIONS,PUT             /api/v1/jobs/reject/<int:job_id>
print jobs.review_job                           OPTIONS,PUT             /api/v1/jobs/review/<int:job_id>
print jobs.start_queued_job                     OPTIONS,PUT             /api/v1/jobs/start/<int:job_id>
print jobs.view_job_single                      GET,HEAD,OPTIONS        /api/v1/jobs/view/<int:job_id>
print jobs.view_jobs_by_status                  GET,HEAD,OPTIONS        /api/v1/jobs/view/<string:status>
printers.create                                 OPTIONS,POST            /api/v1/printers/add
printers.delete_by_id                           DELETE,OPTIONS          /api/v1/printers/delete/<int:printer_id>
printers.delete_by_name                         DELETE,OPTIONS          /api/v1/printers/delete/<string:printer_name>
printers.increment_by_id                        OPTIONS,PUT             /api/v1/printers/increment/<int:printer_id>
printers.increment_by_name                      OPTIONS,PUT             /api/v1/printers/increment/<string:printer_name>
printers.update_by_id                           OPTIONS,PUT             /api/v1/printers/update/<int:printer_id>
printers.update_by_name                         OPTIONS,PUT             /api/v1/printers/update/<string:printer_name>
printers.view_all_printers                      GET,HEAD,OPTIONS        /api/v1/printers/view/all/
printers.view_by_id                             GET,HEAD,OPTIONS        /api/v1/printers/view/<int:printer_id>
printers.view_by_name                           GET,HEAD,OPTIONS        /api/v1/printers/view/<string:printer_name>
static                                          GET,HEAD,OPTIONS        /static/<path:filename>
users.create                                    OPTIONS,POST            /api/v1/users/add
users.delete_by_email                           DELETE,OPTIONS          /api/v1/users/delete/<string:user_email>
users.delete_by_id                              DELETE,OPTIONS          /api/v1/users/delete/<int:user_id>
users.update_by_email                           OPTIONS,PUT             /api/v1/users/update/<string:user_email>
users.update_by_id                              OPTIONS,PUT             /api/v1/users/update/<int:user_id>
users.view_all_users                            GET,HEAD,OPTIONS        /api/v1/users/view/all
users.view_by_email                             GET,HEAD,OPTIONS        /api/v1/users/view/<string:user_email>
users.view_by_id                                GET,HEAD,OPTIONS        /api/v1/users/view/<int:user_id>


API for the iForge Print Queue System







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