IntRNA first introduced a dual-path classification model to enable a systematic interpretation of the RNA universe. (1) providing a dual-path classification model was proposed to enable systematic interpretation of the RNA universe, (2) a novel encoding strategy was introduced by incorporating the most comprehensive set of features. Therefore, users can get the encoding results and the classification of RNA from IntRNA.
This software is developed with Python 3.X, Python 3.X is required as runtime environment. we recommemd user to install anaconda3 which is well-known as a scientific Python.
git clone https://github.com/idrblab/intrna
cd intrna
# virtual environment are recommended
conda create -n intrna python=3.8
pip install -r requirements.txt
Users can use IntRNA to (1) encode RNA image and (2) classification of RNA.
python IntRNA.py --help
usage: IntRNA.py [-h] [-i INPUTFASTA] [-o OUTPUTPATH] [-m {1,2,3}]
Your program description here
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
The RNA data needed to predict
The folder to save encoding features and predict result
-m {1,2,3}, --model_type {1,2,3}
The model will be used to predict. 1: mRNA and ncRNA; 2: 13 classes linear ncRNA; 3: circRNA and linear RNA
Users can run tasks like following shell script.
python IntRNA.py -i ./demo/sense_intronic_sample.fa \
-o ./demo/output_sense_intronic_sample \
-m 1
If there are any usage problems, welcome to submit issues to this repository or contact author with email [email protected]