Chrome Developer Tools style sheets based on Chris Kempson's Base16 colour scheme
Note: As of Chrome 33, theming support has been overworked (if not removed altogether), making this style-sheet incompatible. Should you be interested in updating this theme, you might want to use this Yeoman generator as reference. Please commit your changes to the Base16 template!
- Download any style sheet from the
folder - Copy file to
~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/User StyleSheets
- Make sure to rename destination file to
- Download any style sheet from the
folder - Copy file to
%APPDATA%\Local\Google\Chrome\UserData\Default\User StyleSheets
- Make sure to rename destination file to
- Download any style sheet from the
folder - Copy file to
~/.config/google-chrome/Default/User StyleSheets
- Make sure to rename destination file to
All pull requests should be made against Base16 Builder, the tool used to compile these style sheets
Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson, LESS based on a Gist by Ben Truyman