Asynchronous Task Queue module for C#. The module is designed to order asynchronous tasks in a queue based on their priority.
- Default - The type with the lowest priority. Tasks are added to the end of the queue and retrieved after all higher priority tasks have been submitted for execution.
- High - A relatively high priority type. These tasks are added to the queue for tasks with the same priority.
- Interrupt - Highest priority. Such tasks go to the very beginning of the queue and interrupt the execution of a task with a lower priority if there is no free space in the execution queue. Warning: The progress of an interrupted task is lost and it is ranked first in the queue of tasks with the same priority.
The class whose instances are the basic elements of the asynchronous task queue.
This class encapsulates a delegate that takes a single CancellationTokenSource
argumenite and returns a System.Threading.Tasks.Task instance
is required to interrupt the execution of the task (Interruption must be provided by the author of the method that is passed as a delegate).
In addition, the class contains Priority for storing the priority of the task, CancellationTokenSource
for the ability to interrupt the task execution and System.Action<AsyncTask>
in order to inform the parent about the termination of the task execution.
Method | Description |
AsyncTask | The constructor accepts a waiting delegate with a single argument, CancellationTokenSource , System.Action<AsyncTask> and AsyncTask.Priority . Serves to create and initialize an instance AsyncTask. |
Run | Starts the execution of a task. Supports waiting and returns System.Threading.Tasks.Task . |
Stop | Stops the execution of a task. |
Implements a priority queue for asynchronous tasks. This queue is implemented according to the Fi-Fo principle, taking into account the priority. The queue supports the execution of several tasks in parallel. The number of threads is specified when creating a queue instance.
Field | Description |
Count | The number of tasks currently in the queue. |
NumberOfThreads | The number of threads used to execute tasks. |
MaxNumberOfThreads | The maximum number of threads to run tasks. |
NextIsRedy | The Ready flag for next item(takes into account the number of free threads). |
Method | Description |
AsyncTaskQueue | The constructor accepts the maximum number of threads to run tasks argument |
Add | Adds an asynchronous task to the queue. |
GetNext | Returns a next task from the queue according to priority. Returns null if the queue is empty. |
Clear | Removes all tasks from the queue and interrupts current tasks. |
To add this module to your project, run the command:
git submodule add
Simple example of use:
AsyncTaskQueue taskQueue = new AsyncTaskQueue();
for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
taskQueue.Add(async (cancellationToken) => {
await Task.Run(() => {
int j = 10;
while (j-- > 0)
if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Canceled task, TaskQueue.Count: {0}", taskQueue.Count));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Finished task, TaskQueue.Count: {0}", taskQueue.Count));
var asyncTask = taskQueue.GetNext();
while (asyncTask != null)
await asyncTask.Run();
asyncTask = taskQueue.GetNext();
catch (AsyncTaskQueue.Exception e)