Examples of use of STKFMM library (https://github.com/wenyan4work/STKFMM) via the python interface.
- Focus on Stokes equation in 3D and Stokes equation with a boundary wall.
- Installed on Ubuntu 16.04 system.
- Steps: install dependencies via conda, install PVFMM, install SKFMM.
- Install prerequisites in a conda virtual environment
(for reproducibility: I use
as the main channel)
conda create -n stkfmm python=3.7 # create environment named stkfmm
conda activate stkfmm # switch to the new environment
conda install mkl-devel scipy numpy openmpi mpi4py gcc_linux-64 gxx_linux-64 gfortran_linux-64 boost
pip install pybind11-cmake # will be used to bind STKFMM and python
conda install cmake
conda install jupyter # to run notebooks
conda install matplotlib # for visualization
conda install numba # to run examples.py and kernels.py
conda install tbb # for numba + threading
Install PVFMM -> I followed steps in https://github.com/wenyan4work/Environment
git clone https://github.com/wenyan4work/Environment mv Environment STKFMM-env # rename cd STKFMM-env
- Comment out in Compile.py everything, except the part related to PVFMM, and the partt which updates git submodules (TODO: test if Eigen and gcc are needed).
- Set variables
export MKL_THREADING_LAYER=GNU # necessary because conda uses gcc export MKL_INTERFACE_LAYER=GNU,LP64 # necessary because conda uses gcc export MKLROOT=/home/icemtel/miniconda3/envs/stkfmm/ # SET THE PATH TO THE CODNA ENVIRONMENT
- Run installation script
python Compile.py 2>&1 | tee Compile.log #
Install STKFMM
git clone https://github.com/wenyan4work/STKFMM.git
Adjust parameters in the cmake script
- a doxygen (documentation utility) html file will be generated (to edit and change execution rights)
nano do-cmake.sh chmod 777 do-cmake.sh
mkdir build cd build ../do-cmake.sh make
Download precomputed data from https://users.flatironinstitute.org/~wyan/pdata.7z and unzip to
-> weights >3.5 GB Q: where is "$PVFMM_DIR"? I don't have such variable. [needs to be fixed to solve with periodic boundary conditions]- Alternative: install Eigen, and set
- Alternative: install Eigen, and set
is the python bindings - make sure that they are visible to python (copy this file to the directory with python scripts and jupyter notebooks, or to the path with python libraries, or add/build/Python/
to the path).