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Multi-server initialize script for minecraft servers


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Minecraft Multi-Server Initializer

A minecraft server initialize script that allows you to manage multiple servers.


  • Create, Delete, Rename, Copy Minecraft Servers
  • Allows creation off servers with different ram allocations, cpu cores and jar files.
  • Backups off worlds and complete servers into a different location to the servers.
  • Server updating for vanilla, and bungeecord servers
  • Exclude files and directories from full backup by adding them to "exclude.list"
  • WorldEdit compatible backups
  • Loading off worlds into system RAM for faster access (reducing lag) ** This requires extra setup inside the server.config you must define a RAM disk ** For more instructions on how to setup a RAM disk, check out tutorials on digital ocean.
  • Allows sending off commands to servers via command line
  • Uses screens for console access (info below)
  • Multi-user support - root controls all servers


screen, rsync, java

Getting Started

Installing Dependencies

Installing screen & rsync

On Red Hat-based distributions:

	yum install screen
	yum install rsync

On Debian based systems such as Ubuntu:

	apt-get install screen
	apt-get install rsync

Installing Java 8

On Red Hat-based distributions:

	yum install java

On Debian based systems such as Ubuntu:

	apt-get install openjdk-8-jre
	apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
	update-alternatives --config java

Enabling MCInitializer

  1. Symlink the minecraft script to /etc/init.d/minecraft

     <i>sudo ln -s ~/mcinitializer/minecraft /etc/init.d/minecraft</i>

    Set the correct permissions on the minecraft script

     <i>chmod 755  ~/mcinitializer/minecraft</i>

    Finally, update rc.d to start the servers when the system starts

     <i>sudo update-rc.d minecraft defaults</i>
  2. Edit the variables in config.example once done, rename it to config

  3. Edit crontab

    As the server user you're running the script as:

     <i>crontab -e</i>

    Add these lines:

     <i>#m 	h 	dom	mon	dow	command
     54 0,11 * * * /etc/init.d/minecraft say 'Server restart in 5 minutes!'
     58 0,11 * * * /etc/init.d/minecraft say 'Server restart in 1 minute!'
     59 0,11 * * * /etc/init.d/minecraft restart
     02 05   * * * /etc/init.d/minecraft backup
     *  *    * * * /etc/init.d/minecraft command 'save-all'
     */30 *  * * * /etc/init.d/minecraft to-disk</i>


To view all commands do

/etc/init.d/minecraft help

To view all server commands do

/etc/init.d/minecraft SERVER_NAME help

Console Access

Will let you connect to see the servers console

/etc/init.d/minecraft SERVER_NAME screen

To exit console:

Ctrl+A D

Server Status

Will give you a list of all the servers for the user (all servers if root) and their online status.

/etc/init.d/minecraft status


Multi-server initialize script for minecraft servers







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