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Frontend Mentor - Profile card component solution

This is a solution to the Profile card component challenge on Frontend Mentor.

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For this project, I had to make a static profile-card component for a fictional user.


My goal for this project was to focus on Sass, time spent and to start 2025 with an easy challenge to reinstate flow!


I'm happy with the outcome but it wasn't easy to get there 😅
I might have jumped into this a bit too keenly without planning ahead as much. I thought the layout would be really straightforward but there were some finnicky parts of the design that I had trouble with. Namely, the positioning of the profile icon and the background images being responsive. I became really frustrated at one point and had to step away, but once I returned and broke down the problem, I could resolve them with only a few lines of code.

🧩 Live Site URL
✏️ Solution URL

Built with

⚙️ Semantic HTML5 markup
⚙️ CSS Flex
⚙️ Mobile-first workflow
⚙️ Sass

My process

👽 First, I roughly planned my HTML for this static layout and then initiated my project files, Sass etc. to keep the repo organised.
👽 I got into the HTML and initial stylings like font, background color etc. I initially loaded in the image file path wrong so for a long time, the bg-image wouldn't show up, which frustrated me. I found that I shouldn't assume ease to a project and then overlook discrete details because I'm rushing. I was a bit overly-eager with this one after Christmas.
👽 I found most of the styling quick and easy. Particularly, I'm really speedy with structuring these divs where perhaps three pieces of information lay in a flex: row in amongst a column layout. I can make them behave how I need them to really fast and make good use of the order property if I need to. I feel very comfortable with justify-content: space-around/space-evenly; for instance and flex-start/flex-end which feels good.
👽 Once I got the main styling down, I wondered how I would work with the profile image, which cuts exactly halfway between two pieces of the DOM; in mine, the <aside> for the card header image and the <section> element for the rest of the card. I hadn't done this before. Initially, I used position: absolute; and that did not work. It would behave erratically later when I tried to flex the viewport up and down. It was a nightmare and looked terrible, I knew this couldn't be the best way. It probably took me a bit too long to change it to position: relative;. Position is still somewhat mysterious to me but I hope to learn!
👽 I want to learn more about width/height values. Sometimes, a tiny change can make a page behave so crudely in an attempt to make it responsive and this is so frustrating. I want to get really well-acquainted with max-width/max-height, units like em, px, % or others to try and really fine-grain my control in these situations. I hate wrestling with them later when they don't behave how I expect. I think these are foundational properties that might get overlooked because they seem straightforward in their naming, but the browser's interpretation is more granular and it's this that I want to gain more control of in future.
👽 I came to a point where I was really frustrated with this. Working with background-image was new to me. There are so many properties to use! background-attachment, for instance. Using multiple bg-imgs was new, too. What frustrated me about this design was that I wanted the circles to be sort of, pinned to the card and move accordingly with viewport changes, but instead, I had to programme in specific X/Y background-position values and this just wasn't fun 😅. Surely there's a better way?
👽 I needed to take a break at this point, so I put it away for a bit and started another project. Once I gained some flow there and found a good stopping point, I reverted back to this project to try and really understand what was 'going wrong' about it for me. As a designer, it was probably 80% of the way there, almost perfect, but these couple of things like the background images and the profile icon positioning were holding it back a lot for me. Once I found these lines of code to research further on and make adjustments to, I found that I could quite quickly get to a more frictionless and cleaner design and code file. Then, I was happy.

Time taken

⏰ Mobile: 4hrs
⏰ Desktop: 5hrs


Lots of likes on this design once I posted it.


  1. background-blend-mode like in Photoshop. I didn't expect this crossover but love it.
  2. Firefox Dev tools allows you to see when an img hasn't loaded into the browser, pointing to a file path issue. Saves a lot of confusion.
  3. You can add multiple bg imgs and control with listed values, seperated by commas.
  4. I'm speedy with flexing div items in a layout like this and adjusting space with margins.
  5. I can't rely on Chrome Dev Tools for accurate viewport displays. I need to use actual browsers and mobile. This was a big lesson and I won't rely on it in future because it's so tiring and disappointing to design something in there and then have it look completely different in reality.
  6. It's a bit limiting to design with only two viewport designs shared. PRO allows for full Figma file access which would help with this but at the moment, I just use my eye and get as close as possible. Not a big deal but can be troublesome if you design a 320px viewport size according to a 375px design image. Not the same thing.
  7. [Control] + Space for property value options in VSCode- So helpful, saves me googling and allows me to understand the finer differentiations between one value and another, particularly string values like contain or cover.

Take forward

❕ I'm speedy with divs within flex upon flex layouts!
❕ No more relying on Chrome Dev Tools for precise designing, it's not accurate and I need to use my actual devices.
❕ I'm well-initited in layouts like these now, I think I'll be ready to move onto more complicated ones soon.

Useful resources

Firefox Dev tools
Background images with HTML & CSS
