Overall documentation - for docs.flamingo.me
This repository is holding the aggregation logic to collect all documentations in a nice structure - as well as some common documentations.
The site docs.flamingo.me presents a collection of all useful flamingo and flamingo related projects. The documentation you see there is aggregated from various sources.
The documentation belongs to the project whenever useful: That means documentation about the framework and the flamingo modules are normaly located directly in the according repository.
Some documentations that do not have a natural location in another repository are "living" in this repository. (see docs/docs
We document in Markdown Syntax. The table of content in the mkdocs result is using the H1 Header of the Markdown file as title of the page: So make sure each Markdown file which is used in this documentation has a useful h1 headline as first line!
First find where the documentation source is located - you can have a look in the file "_prepare-build.sh" to see the sources and how they are aggregated in the overall documentation.
Then you are welcome to open a Pull Request with your suggested changes or addons to the documentation. Thanks :-)
Run ./local-build.sh
and open workspace/docs/site/index.html