The Hypered design system is a collection of components, templates, and other bits of HTML and CSS to create a unified user experience across Hypered projects. It also contains non-web implementations, such as LaTeX templates.
Components are provided in multiple compatible forms. The first one to exist
was the Next.js
+ Tachyons.
+ Tachyons. This is currently regarded as the reference implementation, until the ITCSS version is mature enough. This is the one re-implemented by other approaches.- Pugs + ITCSS. This should be the reference implementation at some point, especially as it is created alongside a Figma file (which should be the source of truth).
(Haskell). A
ensures the generated code is similar to the Next.js implementation.- static HTML snippets
- Pandoc templates
- Scripts to modify Haddock results
- XML + XSLT stylesheet (see README)
- ...
The original site built with Next.js is visible at It also contains a component explorer based on Storybook.
Other build results from this repository are visible at
hypered./design. In particular, the same components,
but rendered using blaze-html
, are visible at
Note: there are two sites: the main one is built using Nix and hosted on a VM;
the second one is hosted on GitHub Pages out of the docs/
directory (which is
is populated manually).
The static website at contains content generated (or copied as-is) from different parts of this repository. Or, conversely, the following directories (or programs) generate parts of the static website:
(generates design/hs)components/
(processed with Next.js and Storybook)docs/
(i.e. as-is HTML pages):pages/
(processed with Next.js)- / (the landing page)
- components (components preview)
(processed withsite/default.nix
The following instructions can be followed with either a Docker container or a Nix shell.
If using Docker:
$ docker run -it -v $(pwd):/src node bash -c 'cd /src ; <some command>'
If using Nix:
$ nix-shell -p nodejs -p yarn --run '<some command>'
Note: npm
in the following instructions can be replaced by yarn
Install the dependencies using:
$ npm install
$ npx browserslist@latest --update-db # optional
The result is a node_modules
Next.js collects anonymous telemetry. This can be disabled with:
npx next telemetry disable
To check the status of Next.js telemetry:
npx next telemetry status
To run the Next.js site locally, on port 3000
$ yarn run dev
To run the Storybook.js site locally, on port 6006
npm run storybook
The main website, just like the components, is written in Next.js in the
directory. To build the Next.js pages into the out/
npm run build
npm run export
One way to serve the directory locally is:
nix-shell -p busybox --run "httpd -f -p 9000 -h out/"
To build the Storybook.js pages into the storybook-static/
npm run build-storybook
Again, one way to serve the directory locally is:
nix-shell -p busybox --run "httpd -f -p 9000 -h storybook-static/"
To build and serve the Haskell-based site locally:
$ scripts/
$ nix-shell -p busybox --run "httpd -f -p 9000 -h generated/"
The visit e.g.
A helper Node.js script is provided to render components from the command-line:
$ node render-components footer
<hr class="bt bb-0 br-0 bl-0 mh0 mt4 pb4 w4" />
<p class="inline-flex lh-copy">© Hypered, 2019.</p>
There are two parts to the Haskell code, found in bin/
and src/
One is the Hypered.Html
module, that is meant to be re-used across Hypered
projects to benefit from the Haskell implementation of the design system.
The other is Hypered.Design
which is the code behind the hypered-design
command-line tool. That tool can generate the design system website (i.e. the
"guide") at
, HTML templates for Pandoc, or show individual
component code (that can be compared with the ./
script against the
Next.js implementation).
The hypered-design
program has also a serve
subcommand that is uses as a
backend on
. It currently serves a echo handler for the login
form and is meant to evolve to serve e.g. HTML fragments that can be used with
something like htmx.
It can also be used locally to work on a page that is automatically refreshed in a browser.
In addition of component names, the render-components
script can process its
stdin with 'pretty' to normalize some input HTML.
In the example below, we can verify the footer component is the same in Haskell and Node.
$ nix-shell --run 'runghc bin/hypered-guide.hs footer' \
| nix-shell -p nodejs --run 'node render-components pretty'
<hr class="bt bb-0 br-0 bl-0 mh0 mt4 pb4 w4">
<p class="inline-flex lh-copy">© Hypered, 2019.</p>
Notice that blaze-html writes <hr>
instead of the <hr />
obtained with the
Node.js script.
The ITCSS approach is in the itcss/
A Pandoc template can be generated with the bin/hypered-design.hs
The resulting file is versioned at pandoc/default.html
for convenience.
To render Markdown files to HTML, Pandoc can be used as follow:
$ pandoc --template templates/default.html -M title=README -M font=inter
This renders this
file as a standalone HTML page using the
templates. It fills the template $title$
variable with the
string "README"
. (See for details.)
To use the templates provided by this design system, some additional care
should be taken, for instance to add the necessary Tachyons classes to headers
, h2
, ...).
Here is
how the provided pandoc/
example is rendered:
$ pandoc \
--standalone \
--template pandoc/default.html \
--lua-filter pandoc/tachyons.lua \
--output docs/components/example--template.html \
-M prefix="" \
-M font=inter \
Note that the top horizontal navigation component is filled by using the document YAML metadata block (which can also be provided as a separate file).
The same document is rendered again Here with a different font.
Part of the static site are Markdown pages rendered to HTML using Pandoc:
$ nix-build -A site
In the pandoc-pdflatex/
directory, run:
$ nix-build
The resulting PDF file is then result/example.pdf
In the brochure/
directory, run:
$ ./
The resulting PDF file is then template.pdf
A default.nix
file is provided to show how to render the above Pandoc example
with Nix.
Some code is generated by scripts and committed for convenience:
is used to generateHypered/Design/Stories.hs
,- which is imported in the
program, - which is called with the
sub-command, - and
to generate (parts of)render-components.js
The serve
subcommand expects a _site/
$ nix-build site/ -A html.all-with-static --out-link _site
$ scripts/
ghci> :main serve
There is also a custom Revealjs template that (should) match the design system.
The docs/
directory is used because this repository can then use the GitHub
Pages feature from the main
In the xelatex/
directory, run:
$ nix-build
The resulting PDF file is then result/example.pdf
To create a higher resolution screenshot, in Firefox:
> :screenshot --dpr 4 --fullpage
I don't see a way to specify the viewport dimensions, which may be necessary
for e.g. height: 100vh
. But I can make the developer tools a separate window
(on a different workspace), put the page in fullscreen, and take the screenshot
and it works.
The PNG logo is generated with:
$ nix-shell -p inkscape --run 'inkscape -w 120 -b FFFFFF static/images/logo.svg --export-filename static/images/logo-120px.png'
Using a T480 2560x1440 laptop screen, Firefox displays 1280x720 on the Dimensions page (when in full screen). To achieve the same result with Chromium, the following can be used:
$ chromium --force-device-scale-factor=2
- The IBM design system is open source.
- The initial Next.js + Storybook -based work was done by @andyngo.
- The PDF brochure was designed using Figma by Marina Rizo:
- Email address:
- Dribbble: rinxols
- The LaTeX implementation of the brochure design was done by Vel from
- The GOV.UK design system inspires parts of this work (e.g. the two thirds / one third columns).