A Hybrid mobile application built using React Native framework as a part of final project for the Class INFO I400/I590 Cross Platform Mobile Programming (Fall 2022). I have also added a splash screen and little animation on Home Screen.
This app has 4 sections
- Home Screen
- Explore Space
- Space News
- NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day
Carousal of Planets , which can be swipe left or right with some sound effect of page swipe.
This sections displays all the images from the searched query . It uses NASA's Media Library API to fetch media. When clicked on the result , it will open the media in a modal along with related information of the picture . I have also implemented Next and Previous button on Modal so that user wont need to close the modal everytime to open consecutive images.
This screen displays all the news related to space . I used Flatlist to display all the news items and also implemented Pull to Refresh feature to fetch the latest news and lazy loading to fetch more news by pagination . You can also share the news with your friends by long pressing on the news . When you click on the news item , it will open the news in in-app browser also provide share option on the broweser screen.
This section uses NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day API to fetch media everyday as a highlight of the day along with the description of the picture. When you click on the image , it will open the image in full screen where you can zoom in - zoom out . It also provides a option to download the image , it requires some device's local storage permission to store the image in your phone's local storage , inside a folder names 'Planet Explorer'
Before cloning, make sure you have setup the React Native Expo environment on your machine and Expo Go app on your mobile device.
Step 1 : Clone the App.
git clone https://github.com/info-mobile-fa22/p03-final-project-hrishiakhade.git
Step 2: Install Dependencies.
Go to Project Directory cd p03-final-project-hrishiakhade
and then npm install
Step 3: Opne the Expo Go App and scan the QR Code.
Run npx expo run
from project directory and scan QR code from Android or iOS device.
Note : I have included my personal NASA API KEY and Rapid API key in the utils/api-helper/index.js
file . It might expire , if you are facing issue with loading data , please generate your own API key from the following websites
- NASA API : https://api.nasa.gov
- Rapid API : https://rapidapi.com/newbAPIOfficial/api/planets-info-by-newbapi