This project is an implementation of the Google Maps API. It currently uses the Walmart Database accessed through their API. The ideal case would be to use this code to build a locator for a client using their database and creating an API to handle the data. Since I have no clients, I used Walmart's database as an example.
This project is based on the CleverProgrammer Javascript challenge. I followed some instructions but went beyond by adding the following features:
- App works anywhere, not just LA. It uses an external API to handle data manipulation from a database (made by Walmart).
- App asks for the users location, and will center the map on their current zipcode.
- App does not look for stores matching the users zipcode, it looks for stores near the user (again, through the Walmart API).
- Search bar works by pressing the key Enter as well, not just clicking on the search icon.
- App will show how far a store is from the user's location (again, throught the Walmart API).
- App is able to open a new window with directions to the store for the user by pressing on either one of two directions buttons.
- Customized the UI.
- Created mobile device responsiveness.
See live version here:
- Correctly display store availability.
- Error handling.
Disclaimer: I do not own any rights or credit whatsoever over the data handled in this application and the API that handles it. I merely used it as an example and it is not meant to be used for any real functionality other than showcasing JavaScript principles and the implementation of Google Maps APIs.