This is an R package that integrates the PI System with R through PI Web API. With this package, you can retrieve PI data without having to generate the URL for each request. This version was developed on top of the PI Web API 2018 swagger specification.
- PI Web API 2018 installed within your domain using Kerberos or Basic Authentication. If you are using an older version, some methods might not work.
- R 3.4.3+
This R package is not available on CRAN. You should download it directly from
this GitHub repository by using the remotes
R package. If you don't have it
installed, please use the command below:
Then, load the library and install the PI Web API R package with the install_github
If the installation is successful, the command below will load the package:
If you want to uninstall this package, use the command below:
All the methods and classes from this R package are described on its documentation, which can be opened by typing on the R console:
- Is is highly recommended to turn debug mode on in case you are using PI Web API 2017 R2+ in order to receive more detailed exception errors. This can be achieved by creating or editing the DebugMode attribute's value to TRUE from the System Configuration element.
- The X-Requested-With header is added to work with CSRF defences.
Please refer to the following examples to understand how to use this library:
useKerberos <- FALSE
username <- "myusername"
password <- "mypassword"
validateSSL <- TRUE
debug <- TRUE
piWebApiService <- piwebapi$new("https://webserver/piwebapi", useKerberos, username, password, validateSSL, debug)
useKerberos <- TRUE
username <- NULL
password <- NULL
validateSSL <- TRUE
debug <- TRUE
piWebApiService <- piwebapi$new("https://webserver/piwebapi", useKerberos, username, password, validateSSL, debug)
- If you want to use basic authentication instead of Kerberos, set useKerberos to FALSE.
- If you are having issues with your SSL certificate and you want to ignore this error, set validateSSL to FALSE.
- If you want to receive a log about each HTTP request, set debug to TRUE.
response1 = piWebApiService$home$get()
response2 = piWebApiService$dataServer$getByPath("\\\\piservername", "WebId")
response3a = piWebApiService$point$getByPath("\\\\JUPITER001\\sinusoidu")
response3b = piWebApiService$point$getByPath("\\\\JUPITER001\\cdt158")
response3c = piWebApiService$point$getByPath("\\\\JUPITER001\\sinusoid")
webIds <- c(response3a$WebId, response3b$WebId, response3c$WebId)
response3d = piWebApiService$streamSet$getValuesAdHoc(webIds)
response4a <- piWebApiService$data$getRecordedValues(path = "pi:\\\\PISRV1\\sinusoid", startTime = "y-200d", endTime = "t")
response4b <- piWebApiService$data$getRecordedValues(path = "pi:\\\\PISRV1\\sinusoid", startTime = "y-200d", endTime = "t", selectedFields = "items.value;items.timestamp")
response4c <- piWebApiService$data$getRecordedValues(path = "af:\\\\PISRV1\\UCDavisBuildings\\Buildings\\Buildings\\Academic Surge Building\\Electricity|Demand", startTime = "y-200d", endTime = "t")
response5a <- piWebApiService$data$getInterpolatedValues(path = "pi:\\\\PISRV1\\sinusoid", startTime = "y-2d", endTime = "t", interval = "1h")
response5b <- piWebApiService$data$getInterpolatedValues(path = "pi:\\\\PISRV1\\sinusoid", startTime = "y-2d", endTime = "t", interval = "1h", selectedFields = "items.value;items.timestamp")
response5c <- piWebApiService$data$getInterpolatedValues(path = "af:\\\\PISRV1\\UCDavisBuildings\\Buildings\\Buildings\\Academic Surge Building\\Electricity|Demand", startTime = "y-2d", endTime = "t", interval = "1h")
response6a <- piWebApiService$data$getPlotValues(path = "pi:\\\\PISRV1\\sinusoid", startTime = "y-2d", endTime = "t", intervals = 30)
response6b <- piWebApiService$data$getPlotValues(path = "pi:\\\\PISRV1\\sinusoid", startTime = "y-2d", endTime = "t", intervals = 30, selectedFields = "items.value;items.timestamp")
response6c <- piWebApiService$data$getPlotValues(path = "af:\\\\PISRV1\\UCDavisBuildings\\Buildings\\Buildings\\Academic Surge Building\\Electricity|Demand", startTime = "y-2d", endTime = "t", intervals = 30)
response7a <- piWebApiService$data$getMultipleRecordedValues(paths = paths, startTime = "y-200d", endTime = "t")
response7b <- piWebApiService$data$getMultipleRecordedValues(paths = paths, startTime = "y-200d", endTime = "t", selectedFields = "items.items.value;items.items.timestamp")
response8a <- piWebApiService$data$getMultipleInterpolatedValues(paths = paths, startTime = "y-200d", endTime = "t", interval = "1h")
response8b <- piWebApiService$data$getMultipleInterpolatedValues(paths = paths, startTime = "y-200d", endTime = "t", interval = "1h", selectedFields = "items.items.value;items.items.timestamp")
response9a <- piWebApiService$data$getMultiplePlotValues(paths = paths, startTime = "y-200d", endTime = "t", intervals = 30)
response9b <- piWebApiService$data$getMultiplePlotValues(paths = paths, startTime = "y-200d", endTime = "t", intervals = 30, selectedFields = "items.items.value;items.items.timestamp")
The path from the methods above should start with "pi:" (if your stream is a PI Point) or "af:" (if your stream is an AF attribute).
newPoint <- PIPoint(NULL, NULL, "SINUSOIDR", NULL, "12 Hour Sine Wave", "classic", "Float32", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
response10 = piWebApiService$dataServer$createPoint("s0TJVKOA0Ws0KihcA8rM1GogUElGSVRORVNTLVNSVjI", newPoint)
timedValue1 <- PITimedValue(timestamp = "2017-04-26T17:40:54Z", value = 30)
timedValue2 <- PITimedValue(timestamp = "2017-04-27T17:40:54Z", value = 31)
timedValue3 <- PITimedValue(timestamp = "2017-04-26T17:40:54Z", value = 32)
timedValue4 <- PITimedValue(timestamp = "2017-04-27T17:40:54Z", value = 33)
t1 <- list(timedValue1, timedValue2)
t2 <- list(timedValue3, timedValue4)
s1 <- PIStreamValues(webId = webIds[1], items = t1);
s2 <- PIStreamValues(webId = webIds[2], items = t2);
values <- list(s1, s2)
response11 <- piWebApiService$streamSet$updateValuesAdHoc(values, "BufferIfPossible", "Replace");
createdPoint <- piWebApiService$point$getByPath("\\\\PIFITNESS-SRV2\\SINUSOIDR")
updatePoint <- PIPoint()
updatePoint$Descriptor <- "12 Hour Sine Wave for R"
response12 <- piWebApiService$point$update(createdPoint$WebId, updatePoint)
response13 <- piWebApiService$point$delete(createdPoint$WebId)
getSinReq <- list(Method = "GET", Resource = "\\\\pifitness-srv2\\sinusoid")
getCdtReq <- list(Method = "GET", Resource = "\\\\pifitness-srv2\\cdt158")
getData <- list(Method = "GET", Resource = "{0}&webid={1}")
getData$Parameters <- c("$.sinu.Content.WebId", "$.cdt.Content.WebId")
getData$ParentIds <- c("sinu", "cdt")
batch <- list(sinu = getSinReq, cdt = getCdtReq, data = getData);
response14 <- piWebApiService$batch$execute(batch)
allowRight <- array(1:2)
allowRight[1] = "Read"
allowRight[2] = "ReadData"
denyRights <- array(1:3)
denyRights[1] = "Write"
denyRights[2] = "Execute"
denyRights[3] = "Admin"
securityEntry <- PISecurityEntry(securityIdentityName = "SwaggerIdentity", allowRights = as.list(allowRight), denyRights = as.list(denyRights))
response15 <- piWebApiService$element$createSecurityEntry(elementWebId, securityEntry, TRUE);
response16 <- piWebApiService$element$getSecurityEntries(elementWebId)
allowRight <- array(1)
allowRight[1] = "Read"
denyRights <- array(1:4)
denyRights[1] = "Write"
denyRights[2] = "Execute"
denyRights[3] = "Admin"
denyRights[4] = "ReadData"
securityEntry <- PISecurityEntry(allowRights = allowRight, denyRights = denyRights)
response17 <- piWebApiService$element$updateSecurityEntry("SwaggerIdentity", elementWebId, securityEntry, TRUE)
response12 <- piWebApiService$element$getByPath("\\\\PISRV1\\City Bikes\\(TO)BIKE")
response13 <- piWebApiService$elementTemplate$getByPath("\\\\PISRV1\\City Bikes\\ElementTemplates[BikeStationTemplate]")
valueQueries = list();
valUeQuery1 <- PIValueQuery(attributeName = "Latitude", attributeValue = 0, searchOperator = "GreaterThan")
valueQueries[[1]] = valUeQuery1
search1 <- PISearchByAttribute(searchRoot = response12$WebId, elementTemplate = response13$WebId, valueQueries = valueQueries);
response14 <-piWebApiService$element$createSearchByAttribute(search1, FALSE, NULL)
searchId = substr(response14$headers$location,65,1000000)
response15 <-piWebApiService$element$executeSearchByAttribute(searchId)
response16 <- piWebApiService$streamSet$registerStreamSetUpdates(webIds);
piItemsStreamUpdatesRegister <- content(response14)
markers <- c(piItemsStreamUpdatesRegister$Items[[1]]$LatestMarker, piItemsStreamUpdatesRegister$Items[[2]]$LatestMarker, piItemsStreamUpdatesRegister$Items[[3]]$LatestMarker)
response17 <- piWebApiService$streamSet$retrieveStreamSetUpdates(markers);
Copyright 2018 OSIsoft, LLC.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Please see the file named