Second Insight revolutionizes investment risk assessment by offering users a comprehensive report, effortlessly navigating the skies of investment risks. Let AI handle the quantitative analysis while humans trust their intuition to make informed investment decisions.
IvyHacks - Columbia x Cornell x NYU AI Hackathon
By Homer Quan, Ayan Das, Garv Sehgal, Daniel Chen
Slides {insert slides link}
Demo {insert youtube link}
- Next.js
- Vercel
- Shadcn
- FastAPI
- OpenAI
- LlamaIndex
- Pandas
- NumPy

- How to run:
- set openai api key in your enviroment:
export OPENAI_API_KEY= xxxxxxx
- install node dependences on all four folders in cli_run_model folder
<package-manager> i .
- start model web service:
cd cli_run_model/combined_service; node web.js
- start ui web service:
cd cli_run_model/ui; php -S
- Open "http://local:8000" on you browser