Web project scaffolding code based on Pyramid, TypeScript, SCSS, Jade, and Ansible. Batteries included for rapid setup in hackathons.
Be sure to have the following packages installed (these are expected to be installed in the host platform):
- VirtualBox (http://virtualbox.org)
- Vagrant (http://vagrantup.com)
- NodeJS (http://nodejs.org) (version >= 0.10)
- Git (http://git-scm.com)
- Python 2.7.* (http://python.org)
NodeJS on Ubuntu is outdated, so you will have to add a repository that has it. The npm command comes with the latest version of NodeJS in Chris Lea's repository. To get the latest version of NodeJS, run the commands:
% sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
% sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js -y
% sudo apt-get update
% sudo apt-get install nodejs
Lastly, we need to install the package for the Network File System used by Vagrant to share files with the virtual machine.
% sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server
After all of that, just follow the rest of the instructions listed under "General Instructions".
% git clone [email protected]:kalibrr/angular-momentum.git
% cd angular-momentum/
% vagrant up
% cd frontend
% npm install
% sudo npm install -g broccoli-cli
% sudo npm install -g broccoli-timepiece
and you're ready to go!
This is incomplete, but here's a subset of the directory structure.
ansible/ - files used for [Ansible](https://ansible.com/), a system configuration management application
frontend/ - the files related to the frontend server
src/ - the source files for this application
build/ - all of the files in src/ get compiled into here.
package.json - a description of this NodeJS application (see http://package.json.nodejitsu.com/)
backend/ - the files related to the backend server
requirements.txt - the requirements file used by [pip](http://www.pip-installer.org/en/latest/requirements.html)
README.md - this readme file
Vagrantfile - the configuration file for [Vagrant](http://www.vagrantup.com/)
Vagrant is a tool that makes setting up and configuring virtual machines easier.
Useful commands are:
vagrant up - Boots up the virtual machine and provisions it. Creates it if it doesn't exist yet.
vagrant ssh - ssh into the virtual machine
vagrant provision - Applies all the things in the puppet file.
vagrant halt - Shuts down the virtual machine.
vagrant reload - Restarts the virtual machine.
vagrant destroy - Destroys a virtual machine completely.
vagrant status - Checks to see the status of a virtual machine.