Java-based XML Schema (XSD) to XML instance generator
xsd2xml is a Java-based XML Schema document to XML instance generator. Unlike the approach used by JAXB, there is no schema compilation step to generate any code. Instead, xsd2xml uses the Apache XMLSchema library to parse the given schema document and takes the root element for which the XML document must be generated.
xsd2xml originated as a component in the Examine Web Services Testing tool and is used to generate SOAP request message payloads using the XML Schema present in a WSDL 1.1 document
- Generate attributes marked optional
- Generate elements with minOccurs = 0
- Generate the other branches in choice as comments
- Generate comments when processing particles
- Generate repeating elements based on minOccurs/maxOccurs value
- Generate recursive elements upto a configurable depth
- Generate default values for the different XmlSchema types
- Generate compact XML or pretty-printed/formatted XML
String path = "..."
InputStream is = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(path);
URL xsdUrl = this.getClass().getResource(path);
XmlSchemaCollection coll = new XmlSchemaCollection();
StreamSource source = new StreamSource(is);
XmlSchema schema =;
XmlGenOptions options = new XmlGenOptions();
SchemaTypeXmlGenerator generator = new SchemaTypeXmlGenerator(coll, options);
boolean isPretty = true;
String xml = generator.generateXml(elName, isPretty);
xsd2xml is being distributed with dual-license:
- GPLv3 license for open-source usage
- Commercial license for proprietary/closed-source/commercial products that require this dynamic XML generation functionality. Please visit or contact Stratumsoft Support at [email protected] for information about how to obtain a commercial license and its usage.