🚧🚧🚧 This project is still in very early version, see roadmap. Features might be changed before stable release without notification. Suggestions and discussions are welcome.
Yet another customizable FREE github stats dashboard.
Demo: https://ossinsight-lite.vercel.app/

- GitHub account for fork and run your own data pipeline to fetch your GitHub activities.
- TiDB Serverless account to store your personal data for FREE.
- Vercel account to deploy your dashboards.
- Create a TiDB Serverless cluster
- Fork repository and setup GitHub Action to fetch data
- Deploy to Vercel to get your dashboards!
- Add tracking repos
- Private repositories
- TODO: Enable SQL cache
See roadmap
- Any feedback is welcome! Please create an Issue or start a Discussion.
- If your site's home page thrown a 'client side error', Visit
page to see if your database was correctly configured. - How to update? You can:
- manually sync upstream updates if any workflows changed
- or enable workflow Sync upstream to automatically sync upstream updates, you could set GitHub Action secret
to enable auto update workflows. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66643917/refusing-to-allow-a-github-app-to-create-or-update-workflow for more details.
You can add widgets to README.md / websites / reports / slides / profile by just 4 steps:
🚀 Deploy your own dashboard
🔗 Click the share link at the right conner of each widget card
📋 Choose a way to add your widget: Markdown, HTML, Link or use Thumbnail img only
🤩 Paste and enjoy!
Here are some examples:
The most used languages | Contribution behavior percentage |
Contribution monthly | Contribution time distribution |
Contribution pull request size history | Currently working on |