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Some words about scope and information architecture of the CMS Garden website:
These are the key interests the website must support:
- (Marketing) Help decision makers to find appropriate web CMS solutions (and avoid closed-source)
- (Collaboration) Make CMS workers/communities aware of the opportunities the project is offering (projects, working groups)
- (Lobbying) Present the association as a connector/touchpoint and multiplier for policy makers and the FOSS CMS communities
- Member akquisition (people/organizations, not systems)
Tasks that were painful in the legacy system (that we want to change):
- different types: forgetting translations
- events: copy-paste former event descriptions, no updates
- events: wrong addresses (looking up the postal address on the organizer's page, not re-using the visitor address from a former event node)
- cms portrait: finding all the fields that require an update
- different types: adding images (impossible to resize/crop images)
- user administration: regularly check + approve registrations
- stick to approval workflows: easy to bypass, notifications not working properly or reaction takes too long
- too many tools (let's try to replace at least one or two)
The setup bases largely on this major strength of Drupal.
- Users + Organizations can pick their prefered CMS. The corresponding logo will show up on their profile pages. This connection can also be used to show related users and/or organizations on the respective CMS portrait pages (e. g. "$cms Associations" or "experts for $cms")
- Events can be tagged with CMSs ("CMS communities on site") - this can be useful for CMS Garden info booths or for meetups. Reversely, event dates related to a CMS can be listed on the CMS portrait page.
- Blog posts can be tagged and filtered by the CMS tag
- Testimonials can be entered related to a certain CMS - and show up (randomly) on the CMS profile page
Events are tagged and can be filtered by type on overview pages (e. g. "only show meetups")
Used to group FAQ by topics
Session proposals and lecture descriptions can be tagged and filtered/grouped by common interests
Free tagging for blog posts, user expertise etc.
User profiles give information about the person's
- expertise
- connection to organizations
- open source + CMS Garden's devotion
Summaries about a person can differ. Therefore we want to offer different abstract fields for different scenarios:
- Compact display (just picture + full name)
- Blog author
- Speaker profile
- internal information (contact data only accessible by CMS Garden members/own event organizers)
It is important that:
- Users have control over what personal information is public.
- Users can document their consent according to GDPR (because we want to, not because we have to)
- Display names are not identical to user names used for login (some people prefer to use their email address as user name, unaware that this could appear in many places). We use the module realname to replace all instances of user name by a pattern like first-name.last-name.
User are related to in many ways:
- content authors (blog post authors)
- co-authors (of cms portraits)
- users connected to an organization
- contacts (for a cms or an event)
- speakers of a lecture/session proposal
- flagging events (as attendees), session proposals (interested)
We can support our volunteers gain visibility/reputation by showing an appealing profile page. This shows all information written for the public. We can add to a good user experience by placing user-related lists, such as "my blog posts", "my testimonial for open source/$cms", involvement in events, ...
After log in, users shall see some animating teasers about how to participate (write a blog post, get access to the chat tool,...) Therefore we are planning to show a page different from the regular profile, also containing a useful user menu.
This will be the greatest change after the relaunch: Event entries are split up into re-usable and date-specific information:
- Event defaults: re-usable general information about the event, like scope, place, website
- Location: re-usable address/geolocation, including a leaflet map display
- Event date: the actual calendar entry, including the unique event title, date/time, additional specific information (like "this year's focus"), overrides for default location/web address, contact), plus some organizational information both public and internal
The simplest way to add a calendar entry for an event (series) will be:
- create new Event date
- enter title like "FrOSCon 2021"
- pick start/end date + time
- pick node with event default information
A special case is our own CMS UnConference. We will replace the current platform by an integrated solution. Once "Session proposal management" is enabled ...
- users can flag this event with "I will attend"
- users can submit a session proposal for this event
- attendees will be listed on the event page
- session proposals will be listed on the event page
- users can flag sessions as interesting
Two items on the wishlist (just to have it in the back of our minds):
- offer a "cms decision wizard"
- export portraits for the next edition of the printed book (or rather: track changes for all fields)
Therefore we have a looot of fields (structured data) on this content type.
The display of a CMS portrait will show a lot of referenced/referencing entities:
- $cms associations (CT Organization)
- testimonials for $cms
- events with $cms participation
- news (CT article) or other "magazine" content tagged with $cms
- $cms experts (CMS Garden member users/organizations who ticked $cms)
- showcases tagged with $cms
Most often handled as the simplest content type (fiew fields), this type in fact has the highest ambitions. We want to place calls to actions between content portions, we want to create visually structured layouts for very different purposes. Each page is a "landing page" for a certain purpose.
We need to decide whether to work with "paragraphs" or "layout builder" or with both.
Here are some requirements:
- place content sections with different background colors/images between other content sections (calls to action, injections)
- place figures (images, videos), form steps, polls, views listings
- create accessible content with figures regardless of layout variety (headline hierarchies, accessible figures with detail links in caption)
- create distributor pages (teasers to deep links related to the page's scope)
- allow for individual meta tags, social sharing links
- Home page
- About the Garden
- Membership - application form should be integratable
- Projects
- The Award - including a web form
Used for official announcements (news, position papers, press releases, calls to action). A field for context filtering those sub-types would be useful in the future.
Opiniated articles by CMS Garden members. Similar to articles. Must show author profiles to support the "personal opinion/expertise" character. Context filter: "author's other posts".
Articles and blog posts will appear in a common overview - working title (legacy): "Magazine".
Platform users as well as external people are invited to give us testimonials about open source, CMS Garden, or a specific CMS.