Implementation of a NEAR Blockchein RPC node to publish all blocks by ZMQ.
Technical requirements for running
- 8+ Gb RAM
- 4+ CPUS
- 500+ Gb SSD
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install cargo
source $HOME/.cargo/env
sudo apt-get install clang libzmq3-dev libssl-dev pkg-config libpq-dev build-essential awscli git -y
# Init genesis
mkdir ~/.near/mainnet/data
cd ~/.near/mainnet/data
aws s3 --no-sign-request cp s3://near-protocol-public/backups/mainnet/rpc/latest .
LATEST=$(cat latest)
aws s3 --no-sign-request cp --no-sign-request --recursive s3://near-protocol-public/backups/mainnet/rpc/$LATEST .
- zmq port--home
- path to folder with config and near blockchein data--block-height
- "0" if u want send to zmq all transactions from 0 block
cargo run --release -- --home /near/mainnet init --chain-id mainnet --download-config --download-genesis
cargo run --release -- --home ~/.near/mainnet/ run sync-from-latest
Init genesis
docker build -t near-zmq-indexer .
docker run --rm --name near-init -v $NEAR_HOME:/near/mainnet/ near-zmq-indexer cargo run --release -- --home /near/mainnet init --chain-id mainnet --download-config --download-genesis
Run indexer
docker run --name near-mainnet -d --restart unless-stopped -p 3030:3030 -p 9555:9555 -p 24567:24567 -v $NEAR_HOME:/near/mainnet/ near-zmq-indexer cargo run --release -- --home /near/mainnet run sync-from-latest
Commands to run NEAR Indexer
Command | Key/Subcommand | Required/Default | Responsible for |
--home |
Default ~/.near |
Tells the node where too look for necessary files: config.json , genesis.json , node_key.json , and data folder |
init |
Tells the node to generate config files in --home-dir |
--chain-id |
Required * localnet * testnet * mainnet |
Defines the chain to generate config files for | |
--download-config |
Optional | If provided tells the node to download config.json from the public URL. You can download them manually- testnet config.json - mainnet config.json |
--download-genesis |
Optional | If provided tells the node to download genesis.json from the public URL. You can download them manually- testnet genesis.json - mainnet genesis.json |
TODO: Other neard keys |
pip install pyzmq==22.3.0
import zmq
ctx = zmq.Context()
socket = ctx.socket(zmq.SUB)
socket.subscribe("") # noqa
while True:
messages = socket.recv_multipart() # noqa
for message in messages:
dat = json.loads(message.decode("utf8"))