A Python Wrapper for the official Wikifolio Trading API
Wikifolio has realeased an official API for trading. This is a Python wrapper for this API. Instead of using https://github.com/henrydatei/wikifolio-api, you can use this wrapper to trade with your wikifolio if you have a client api key and a user api key. To get these keys, you have to
- register a wikifolio account
- write an email to [email protected] and ask for a client api key and a user api key
- they write back/phone you and ask for the purpose of using the api
- whatever you tell them, don't say you want to fully automatize your trading, they don't like that
- they send an agreement to you, which you have to sign and send back
- they send you the keys
Although this wrapper can automate your trading you should not officially do it. Wikifolio does not like it and they can block your account. So use it at your own risk. What is possible is that a user clicks a button and then the wrapper does the trading, i.e. rebalancing the wikifolio.
- write tests
- publish on PyPi
If published on PyPi, you can install it with
pip install wikifolioTradingAPI // not yet published and unsure if this name is available
Alternatively, you can clone this repository and create a file in it with the following content:
from wikifolioTradingAPI import WikifolioTradingAPI
import datetime
wf_api = WikifolioTradingAPI("my_client_api_key", "my_user_api_key")
# print(wf_api.list_wikifolio_underlyings('wf0spc2022')) # It says it found 2677 underlyings??? This wikifolio has 8 positions. Maybe it lists all possible underlyings?
orderid = wf_api.place_limit_order('wf0spc2022', 'US0378331005', 1, 150, datetime.date(2024,7,28) ,'buy')
print(wf_api.place_quote_order('wf0spc2022', 'US0378331005', 1, 'buy'))