Reference engineering blog link:
This code was modified by LINE Corporation's sample code =>
- About ESP32
- Please upload esp32/arduino/sample/sample.ino to esp32 with Arduino IDE.
- Please replace user service uuid to yours.
- About LIFF APP
- Please refer:
- About the device
- Please check the readme in esp32 directory.
Scan the following QR code, and then you can see the LINE Things tab in settings.
- If you would like to keep sample service UUID, you will have to add the following OA, and you can see the device on LINE Things list.
Documentation regarding the original firmware and LIFF functions for LINE Things are published at LINE Things Developer Trial.
In order to develop for LINE Things using Developer Trial, you will need to create a LIFF application, register a trial product, and issue a GATT Service UUID. For additional details, please visit the LINE Developers site.
This code is licensed under Creative Commons License CC0.