Reference engineering blog link:
This is the sample code of for Meeting Room demo. It was modified by LINE example code: And Sparkfun GridEye example code:
- Raspberry pi 3B+ *1
- ESP32 *1
- SparkFun Grid-EYE Infrared Array Breakout - AMG8833 (Qwiic) (SEN-14607)*
(Or whatelse you like)
- Import code from ESP32 with COSCUP_ESP32_DEMO/COSCUP_ESP32_DEMO.ino and replace the ${SERVICE_UUID}
- Run COSCUP_RASPI_Thermal/ on your raspberry pi 3B+
- Deployed LIFF web app here and CHAT BOT
- Turn on your LINE APP, scan this QRCode to enable LINE Things
- And then you can see your device on LINE Things list
For details on Bluetooth LE plugin API for LINE Things on LIFF, please refer to the following document (English to follow shortly):