👋 Hi, I'm a Full-stack Developer and DevOps Engineer with over 10+ years of professional experience in Web Development and 5+ years of experience in Amazon Web Services.
Over the years, I have worked on core product development as a software consultant, DevOps Engineer, and Project manager. With exposure ranging from:
Web Developer
- Complete LAMP (Linux / Apache / Mysql / PHP) stack
- UI / UX (Smarty, XHTML 1.0, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, and jQuery)
- Responsive web design (media queries and Bootstrap framework)
- Several MVC-based frameworks (CodeIgniter, Yii)
- Major popular PHP-based Content Management System(WordPress)
- Major popular e-commerce platforms (osCommerce, OpenCart)
- Database optimization
- Cross-platform hybrid mobile app development (JQuery Mobile, Ionic, Angular Js, PhoneGap, Cordova)
- APIs (Facebook, Google, Fate Secret, Brightcove)
- Payment gateways (Paypal, CCBill, First data, NMI)
DevOps Engineer
- Knowledge of AWS, Azure, DigitalOcean, Google Cloud, and Cloud Computing concepts.
- Deploying an Application in the Cloud
- Experience in Managing, Maintenance, and Linux environments.
- Deploys new modules, upgrades, and fixes to the production environment.
- Experience management of a Huge Production Environment
- Serverless (Lambda, Azure Functions, CloudFlars Workers)
- Experience with versioning control systems like Git, CI / CD, Docker, and Kubernetes.
Continually pursuing a wide spectrum of web, mobile, and cloud-related technologies.
🌱 Key Skills : PHP, HTML, NodeJs, jQuery, JavaScript, Ajax, JSON, html5, Amazon Web Services, AWS EC2, Amazon Elastic Load Balancing, Auto Scaling, Amazon Route 53, Amazon S3, CI / CD.
📫 How to reach me ...
Emial : [email protected]