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Flutter Starter Kit

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Flutter Starter Kit is a simple starter app that provides a solid foundation for building Flutter applications. It includes core functionalities such as state management, theme changing, localization, and AdMob integration.

Getting Started

Follow the steps below to set up the Flutter Starter Kit on your local machine.

Step 1: Clone Git Repository

To clone Flutter Starter Kit, follow these steps:

  1. Open the folder that you want to clone the repo.
  2. Run Terminal in the folder.
  3. Run this command in Terminal: git clone [enter your app name] .

Step 2: Change Git Origin

To change Git origin of Flutter Starter Kit, follow these steps:

  1. Open the folder of your project.
  2. Run a Terminal and run this command: git remote add origin[your GitHub username]/[your GitHub repository].git .

Step 3: Update Package Name

To change the package name of the Flutter Starter Kit, follow these steps:

  1. Run this command in Terminal: flutter pub global activate rename.
  2. Then run these commands one-by-one:
    flutter pub global run rename --bundleId [your package name]
    flutter pub global run rename --appname "[your app name]"
    flutter pub global run rename --appname [your app name] --target ios
    flutter pub global run rename --appname [your app name] --target android
    flutter pub global run rename --appname [your app name] --target web
    flutter pub global run rename --appname [your app name] --target macOS
    flutter pub global run rename --appname [your app name] --target windows

Step 4: Update AdMob ID

  1. Open the file android/app/src/main/res/values/api_keys.xml.
  2. Replace the test AdMob ID with your own AdMob ID.
  3. Copy the file lib/core/config/config_example.dart as lib/core/config/config.dart, and change the IDs with your own IDs. You can add new ones if you wish.

Step 5: Update App Name And Other Texts

To change the app name in Flutter Starter Kit, follow these steps:

  1. Replace the default app name with your own name. The texts are located at lib/core/constants/string_constants.dart.
  2. You can add or edit texts according to your needs.
  3. Use them in your app.

Step 6: Update App Icon

To change the app icon in Flutter Starter Kit, follow these steps:

  1. Replace the default app icon with your own icon file. The default app icon is located at assets/images/logo.png.
  2. Open the terminal and navigate to the project directory.
  3. Run the command dart run flutter_launcher_icons to apply the changed app icon.

Step 7: Translate Files

To translate the app into different languages, follow these steps:

  1. Open the file lib/core/translations/translation_keys.dart.
  2. Describe the translation keys you want to use in your app.
  3. Go to the lib/core/translations/langs folder.
  4. Update the translation files according to the desired language. You can add new ones if you wish.
  5. If you added new language files, register them in lib/core/translations/languages.dart.
  6. Define the recently added languages in lib/core/data/languages_list.dart.

Step 8: Adding New Controllers

To add new controllers to app, follow these steps:

  1. Controllers are in lib/core/controllers/ folder. Open the folder.
  2. Create your controller (e.g. SettingsController) in a new folder (e.g. settings).
  3. Register your controller in lib/main.dart with Get.put().
  4. Define your controller in lib/core/base/base_controller.dart with Get.find().
  5. You can use it like BaseController.settingsController.

Step 9: Theming

To customize app theme, follow these steps:

  1. Theme file is in lib/core/constants/theme_constants.dart. Open the file.
  2. There are settings for dark and light theme. You can add new properties (e.g. textTheme), or edit existing properties.
  3. You can use them in your app with Theme.of(context).


  • State management using Get.
  • Theme changing functionality.
  • Localization support.
  • AdMob integration for showing ads.
  • Comparing versions in app markets.


Contributions to Flutter Starter Kit are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please submit a pull request or open an issue on the GitHub repository.


Flutter Starter Kit is released under the MIT License. You are free to use, modify, and distribute this starter kit.


For any further questions or inquiries, you can open a pull request. Thanks!


A Flutter starter project for new apps.







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