A simple, open source command line package manager for NVGT audio game engine.
Visit NVGT Package Manager's Official Website
NVGT Package Manager uses TOML as formatter, thus any configuration file must use TOML. Format indentation is expected, and must use tab over space.
To use the package manager software, run nvgtpkg
and it will display help. To get help for a command you can run nvgtpkg <command> -h
or nvgtpkg <command> --help
Note that if you are using non compiled version you may run nvgtpkg.py
instead of nvgtpkg
NVGT Package Manager is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
If you want to create a package, first setup a Git repository. This Git repository is not necessary unless you want to publish to NVGTPKG packages easily.
Once you have necessary setups:
- Create the library files, using include directives, separating them is possible as you want.
should be in the root directory of the package folder. This file is used as an include starting file for users who will include#include "package_name/main.nvgt"
- Next, add
with the TOML format. Content that you can copy will be provided below. You can also use the package editor to create and move the file to your package directory.
If you want to use the package editor, just install the NVGT required packages by running this command:
nvgtpkg install -r "nvgtpkgs.txt"
That's it!
Note: You can also use the package editor script to create and manage packs, and then move the file to the directory you want, for instance, assets/pkgs to publish on this repository, or as package.toml in your package directory for project metadata.
# Name. can contain spaces
name = "Your Package Display Name"
# Optional description
description = ""
# Direct URL to download, only required if you want to publish the package.
download_url = "https://example.com/package.zip"
# Author information
name = "Author Name"
# Optional homepage key that specifies the website, or the email, of the author. If it is email, start with mailto:
homepage = "Author_homepage"
Once you have created a package, create a pull request to this repository to publish it with the following changes to this repository:
- First, Copy your package's package.toml to assets/pkgs.
- Next, rename the file as your package short name. A package short name cannot contain spaces, and must use underlines or dashes.
If you want to contribute code to NVGTPKG software, you will first know how to build.
To build NVGT Package Manager software:
- First, make sure you have Python 3 and above installed.
- Install the requirements.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install PyInstaller.
pip install --upgrade pyinstaller
- Lastly, run the following command from the root of the NVGTPKG repository:
pyinstaller --onefile --console nvgtpkg.py
Contributions to NVGTPKG project are welcome, but please note the following things first:
- Contributions to this project are expected to follow the contributing guidelines.
- The NVGTPKG project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. You may add credits to your contributed parts and scripts, but the general copyright notice is to remain the same.