A Static Report with all the findings and precice details of techniques used is in the file Report.pdf
- All of the required libraries needed to run the project successfully are listed in the requirements.txt file.
- Notably, these are the libraries you most likely need:
- numpy
- pandas
- matplotlib
- pykalman
- scipy
- statsmodels
- seaborn
- sklearn
- tabulate
- The project should be run in Python 3.
Way 1.
1) Run 'clean_save.ipynb'
- Results produced: filtered files for each scenario
- Location saved: 'Data/Cleaned/X/''
- X is the scenario
2) Run 'transformation.ipynb'
- Results produces: one transformed file for each scenario
- Location saved: 'Data/Transformed/X'
- X is the scenario
3) Run 'statistics.ipynb'
- Results produced: graphs of multiple inferential and statistical tests
- Images only displayed in the notebook, not saved
4) Run 'machine_learning.ipynb'
- Results produced: images for ROC Curve and Confusion matrix for each model we created
- Images only displayed in the notebook, not saved
- Best models saved in location: "Models"
5) Run 'predict.ipynb'
- Imports Saved models from "Models"
- Predicts and print results for never seen data in "Data/testData"
Way 2.
1) Run 'app.py'
This will use already trained model and produce results after cleaning and transforming the data.
- Input: takes in an input recording data file name from the command line
- Results produced: prints out whether if it was a fall or not with the accuracy score
- How to run it:
Linux : python3 app.py filename.csv
Windows : python app.py filename.csv
- The input file should have similar format to files in Data/walkSit/walkSit1.csv
- Simalar files could be generated using IOS app : “Sensor Data Recorder” - Nils Ackermann
- Use Acceleration.csv generated from the application