Mix sound with images to create montage/edits using the rhymthic beats!
BeatRemix identifies the beats in a sound file and using it generate an edit video containing images that change according to the flow/beats! All the work is proof-of-concept and is subpar at best but it demonstrates the capability to automatically generate cool edits without using any video editors/etc!
Youtube video link with ASMR typing sounds here
Sample Output Video (Do watch it): (Katy Perry, California Girls) Sample Edit
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/hari01584/beat-remix
Go to the project directory
cd beat-remix
Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
run the main script
python beat.py
Note: You also need ffmpeg to run BeatRemix, follow this tutorial and get it installed.
How to use?
- Place all Image files in images/[directory]/ folder.
- Place sound files in sounds/ folder.
- Call python beat.py and select image directory and sound file upon prompt.
Note: There is already starter files for both images and sounds in project, so you can directly call beat.py and choose upon existing default files!
BeatRemix is just a proof-of-concept work to demonstrate the future possibilities of automatically editing videos but currently it cannot be used as production ready application, since the video lacks many important things like filters/transitions etc!
Obviously duh, that's why it's made!
Contributions are always welcome, for starters you can see into beats.py that contains source code to call SimpleBeatButter and SimpleHoneyMerger classes, these classes contains the groundwork of splitting/analyzing/merging images with sound! You can create more such classes by following the template and make pull requests here!