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French-army-knife Toolbox for Salesforce. Orchestrates base commands and assist users with interactive wizards to make much more than native sfdx + Allows you to define a complete CI/CD Pipeline and Schedule a daily Metadata backup & monitoring of your orgs + Flow Visual Git Diff


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sfdx-hardis by Cloudity Banner


Presented at Dreamforce 23!

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Toolbox for Salesforce DX, by Cloudity, natively compliant with most platforms and tools

Native Integrations

It will allow you to:

Please see the full list of commands in Online documentation

sfdx-hardis commands are also available with UI in SFDX Hardis Visual Studio Code Extension

VsCode SFDX Hardis

See Dreamforce presentation

See Dreamforce presentation


With IDE

You can install Visual Studio Code extension VsCode SFDX Hardis

Once installed, click on Hardis Group button in VsCode left bar, and follow the additional installation instructions

Installation tutorial

As SFDX Plugin


  • Install Node.js (recommended version)
  • Install Salesforce DX by running npm install @salesforce/cli --global command line

Plugin installation

sfdx plugins:install sfdx-hardis

For advanced use, please also install dependencies

sf plugins install @salesforce/plugin-packaging
sfdx plugins:install sfdmu
sfdx plugins:install sfdx-git-delta
sfdx plugins:install sfdx-essentials
sfdx plugins:install texei-sfdx-plugin

If you are using CI/CD scripts, use echo y | sfdx plugins:install ... to bypass prompt.


You can use sfdx-hardis docker images to run in CI

See Dockerfile


sfdx hardis:<COMMAND> <OPTIONS>


Here are some articles about sfdx-hardis

  • English

Questions/Answers Salesforce Developers Podcast sfdx-hardis: A release management tool for open-source Assisted solving of Salesforce deployments errors Handle Salesforce API versions Deprecation like a pro How to mass download notes and attachments files from a Salesforce org How to freeze / unfreeze users during a Salesforce deployment How to detect bad words in Salesforce records using SFDX Data Loader and sfdx-hardis Reactivate all the sandbox users with .invalid emails in 3 clicks Invalid scope:Mine, not allowed ? Deploy your ListViews anyway !


Anyone is welcome to contribute to this sfdx-hardis

  • Install Node.js (recommended version)
  • Install typescript by running npm install typescript --global
  • Install yarn by running npm install yarn --global
  • Install Salesforce DX by running npm install @salesforce/cli --global command line
  • Fork this repo and clone it (or just clone if you are an internal contributor)
  • At the root of the repository:
    • Run yarn to install dependencies
    • Run sf plugins link to link the local sfdx-hardis to SFDX CLI
    • Run tsc --watch to transpile typescript into js everytime you update a TS file
  • Debug commands using NODE_OPTIONS=--inspect-brk sfdx hardis:somecommand -someparameter somevalue


sfdx-hardis partially relies on the following SFDX Open-Source packages



sfdx hardis:auth:login [-r <string>] [-h] [-s] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

Login to salesforce org

  $ sfdx hardis:auth:login [-r <string>] [-h] [-s] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel 

  -d, --debug                                                                       Activate debug mode (more logs)
  -h, --devhub                                                                      Also connect associated DevHub
  -r, --instanceurl=instanceurl                                                     URL of org instance
  -s, --scratchorg                                                                  Scratch org
  --json                                                                            format output as json

  --loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL)  [default: warn] logging level for
                                                                                    this command invocation

  --skipauth                                                                        Skip authentication check when a
                                                                                    default username is required

  --websocket=websocket                                                             Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX
                                                                                    Hardis UI integration

  $ sfdx hardis:auth:login

See code: lib/commands/hardis/auth/login.js

sfdx hardis:cache:clear [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

Clear cache generated by sfdx-hardis

  $ sfdx hardis:cache:clear [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel 

  -d, --debug                                                                       Activate debug mode (more logs)
  --json                                                                            format output as json

  --loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL)  [default: warn] logging level for
                                                                                    this command invocation

  --skipauth                                                                        Skip authentication check when a
                                                                                    default username is required

  --websocket=websocket                                                             Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX
                                                                                    Hardis UI integration

  $ sfdx hardis:cache:clear

See code: lib/commands/hardis/cache/clear.js

sfdx hardis:config:get [-l <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

Returns sfdx-hardis project config for a given level

  $ sfdx hardis:config:get [-l <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel 

  -d, --debug                                                                       Activate debug mode (more logs)

  -l, --level=project|branch|user                                                   [default: project] project,branch or

  --json                                                                            format output as json

  --loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL)  [default: warn] logging level for
                                                                                    this command invocation

  --skipauth                                                                        Skip authentication check when a
                                                                                    default username is required

  --websocket=websocket                                                             Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX
                                                                                    Hardis UI integration

  $ sfdx hardis:project:deploy:sources:metadata

See code: lib/commands/hardis/config/get.js

sfdx hardis:doc:extract:permsetgroups [-o <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

Generate markdown files with project documentation

  $ sfdx hardis:doc:extract:permsetgroups [-o <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel 

  -d, --debug                                                                       Activate debug mode (more logs)

  -o, --outputfile=outputfile                                                       Force the path and name of output
                                                                                    report file. Must end with .csv

  --json                                                                            format output as json

  --loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL)  [default: warn] logging level for
                                                                                    this command invocation

  --skipauth                                                                        Skip authentication check when a
                                                                                    default username is required

  --websocket=websocket                                                             Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX
                                                                                    Hardis UI integration

  $ sfdx hardis:doc:extract:permsetgroups

See code: lib/commands/hardis/doc/extract/permsetgroups.js

sfdx hardis:doc:plugin:generate [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

Generate Markdown documentation ready for HTML conversion with mkdocs

  $ sfdx hardis:doc:plugin:generate [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel 

  -d, --debug                                                                       Activate debug mode (more logs)
  --json                                                                            format output as json

  --loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL)  [default: warn] logging level for
                                                                                    this command invocation

  --skipauth                                                                        Skip authentication check when a
                                                                                    default username is required

  --websocket=websocket                                                             Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX
                                                                                    Hardis UI integration

  After the first run, you need to update manually:

  - mkdocs.yml
  - .github/workflows/build-deploy-docs.yml
  - docs/javascripts/gtag.js , if you want Google Analytics tracking

  Then, activate Github pages, with "gh_pages" as target branch

  At each merge into master/main branch, the GitHub Action build-deploy-docs will rebuild documentation and publish it 
  in GitHub pages

  $ sfdx hardis:doc:plugin:generate

See code: lib/commands/hardis/doc/plugin/generate.js

sfdx hardis:lint:access [-e <string>] [-i <string>] [-f <string>] [-o <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

Check if elements(apex class and field) are at least in one permission set

  $ sfdx hardis:lint:access [-e <string>] [-i <string>] [-f <string>] [-o <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] 
  [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel 

  -d, --debug                                                                       Activate debug mode (more logs)

  -e, --elementsignored=elementsignored                                             Ignore specific elements separated
                                                                                    by commas

  -f, --folder=folder                                                               [default: force-app] Root folder

  -i, --ignorerights=ignorerights                                                   Ignore permission sets or profiles

  -o, --outputfile=outputfile                                                       Force the path and name of output
                                                                                    report file. Must end with .csv

  -u, --targetusername=targetusername                                               username or alias for the target
                                                                                    org; overrides default target org

  --apiversion=apiversion                                                           override the api version used for
                                                                                    api requests made by this command

  --json                                                                            format output as json

  --loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL)  [default: warn] logging level for
                                                                                    this command invocation

  --skipauth                                                                        Skip authentication check when a
                                                                                    default username is required

  --websocket=websocket                                                             Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX
                                                                                    Hardis UI integration

  $ sfdx hardis:lint:access
  $ sfdx hardis:lint:access -e "ApexClass:ClassA, CustomField:Account.CustomField"
  $ sfdx hardis:lint:access -i "PermissionSet:permissionSetA, Profile"

See code: lib/commands/hardis/lint/access.js

sfdx hardis:lint:metadatastatus [-d] [-o <string>] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

Check if elements(flows) are inactive in the project

  $ sfdx hardis:lint:metadatastatus [-d] [-o <string>] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion 
  <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

  -d, --debug                                                                       Activate debug mode (more logs)

  -o, --outputfile=outputfile                                                       Force the path and name of output
                                                                                    report file. Must end with .csv

  -u, --targetusername=targetusername                                               username or alias for the target
                                                                                    org; overrides default target org

  --apiversion=apiversion                                                           override the api version used for
                                                                                    api requests made by this command

  --json                                                                            format output as json

  --loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL)  [default: warn] logging level for
                                                                                    this command invocation

  --skipauth                                                                        Skip authentication check when a
                                                                                    default username is required

  --websocket=websocket                                                             Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX
                                                                                    Hardis UI integration

  $ sfdx hardis:lint:metadatastatus

See code: lib/commands/hardis/lint/metadatastatus.js

sfdx hardis:lint:missingattributes [-d] [-o <string>] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

Check if elements(custom fields) aren't description

  $ sfdx hardis:lint:missingattributes [-d] [-o <string>] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] 
  [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

  -d, --debug                                                                       Activate debug mode (more logs)

  -o, --outputfile=outputfile                                                       Force the path and name of output
                                                                                    report file. Must end with .csv

  -u, --targetusername=targetusername                                               username or alias for the target
                                                                                    org; overrides default target org

  --apiversion=apiversion                                                           override the api version used for
                                                                                    api requests made by this command

  --json                                                                            format output as json

  --loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL)  [default: warn] logging level for
                                                                                    this command invocation

  --skipauth                                                                        Skip authentication check when a
                                                                                    default username is required

  --websocket=websocket                                                             Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX
                                                                                    Hardis UI integration

  $ sfdx hardis:lint:missingattributes

See code: lib/commands/hardis/lint/missingattributes.js

sfdx hardis:lint:unusedmetadatas [-d] [-o <string>] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

Check if elements (custom labels and custom permissions) are used in the project

  $ sfdx hardis:lint:unusedmetadatas [-d] [-o <string>] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion 
  <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

  -d, --debug                                                                       Activate debug mode (more logs)

  -o, --outputfile=outputfile                                                       Force the path and name of output
                                                                                    report file. Must end with .csv

  -u, --targetusername=targetusername                                               username or alias for the target
                                                                                    org; overrides default target org

  --apiversion=apiversion                                                           override the api version used for
                                                                                    api requests made by this command

  --json                                                                            format output as json

  --loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL)  [default: warn] logging level for
                                                                                    this command invocation

  --skipauth                                                                        Skip authentication check when a
                                                                                    default username is required

  --websocket=websocket                                                             Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX
                                                                                    Hardis UI integration

  $ sfdx hardis:lint:unusedmetadatas

See code: lib/commands/hardis/lint/unusedmetadatas.js

sfdx hardis:mdapi:deploy [-d <directory>] [-w <minutes>] [-q <id> | -l NoTestRun|RunSpecifiedTests|RunLocalTests|RunAllTestsInOrg | -r <array> | -o | -g | -c] [-f <filepath>] [-s] [--soapdeploy] [--purgeondelete] [--debug] [--websocket <string>] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--verbose] [--concise] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

sfdx-hardis wrapper for sfdx force:mdapi:deploy that displays tips to solve deployment errors.

  $ sfdx hardis:mdapi:deploy [-d <directory>] [-w <minutes>] [-q <id> | -l 
  NoTestRun|RunSpecifiedTests|RunLocalTests|RunAllTestsInOrg | -r <array> | -o | -g | -c] [-f <filepath>] [-s] 
  [--soapdeploy] [--purgeondelete] [--debug] [--websocket <string>] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--verbose] 
  [--concise] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

  -c, --checkonly                                                                   checkOnly
  -d, --deploydir=deploydir                                                         deployDir
  -f, --zipfile=zipfile                                                             zipFile
  -g, --ignorewarnings                                                              ignoreWarnings
  -l, --testlevel=(NoTestRun|RunSpecifiedTests|RunLocalTests|RunAllTestsInOrg)      [default: NoTestRun] testLevel
  -o, --ignoreerrors                                                                ignoreErrors
  -q, --validateddeployrequestid=validateddeployrequestid                           validatedDeployRequestId
  -r, --runtests=runtests                                                           [default: ] runTests
  -s, --singlepackage                                                               singlePackage

  -u, --targetusername=targetusername                                               username or alias for the target
                                                                                    org; overrides default target org

  -w, --wait=wait                                                                   [default: 0 minutes] wait

  --apiversion=apiversion                                                           override the api version used for
                                                                                    api requests made by this command

  --concise                                                                         concise

  --debug                                                                           debug

  --json                                                                            format output as json

  --loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL)  [default: warn] logging level for
                                                                                    this command invocation

  --purgeondelete                                                                   purgeOnDelete

  --soapdeploy                                                                      soapDeploy

  --verbose                                                                         verbose

  --websocket=websocket                                                             websocket

  [![Assisted solving of Salesforce deployments 

  [See documentation of Salesforce 

See code: lib/commands/hardis/mdapi/deploy.js

sfdx hardis:misc:toml2csv -f <string> [-t <string>] [-l <array>] [-s] [-o <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

Split TOML file into distinct CSV files

  $ sfdx hardis:misc:toml2csv -f <string> [-t <string>] [-l <array>] [-s] [-o <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] 
  [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel 

  -d, --debug                                                                       Activate debug mode (more logs)
  -f, --tomlfile=tomlfile                                                           (required) Input TOML file path

  -l, --filtersections=filtersections                                               [default: ] List of sections to
                                                                                    process (if not set, all sections
                                                                                    will be processed)

  -o, --outputdir=outputdir                                                         Output directory

  -s, --skiptransfo                                                                 Do not apply transformation to input

  -t, --transfoconfig=transfoconfig                                                 Path to JSON config file for mapping
                                                                                    and transformation

  -u, --targetusername=targetusername                                               username or alias for the target
                                                                                    org; overrides default target org

  --apiversion=apiversion                                                           override the api version used for
                                                                                    api requests made by this command

  --json                                                                            format output as json

  --loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL)  [default: warn] logging level for
                                                                                    this command invocation

  --skipauth                                                                        Skip authentication check when a
                                                                                    default username is required

  --websocket=websocket                                                             Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX
                                                                                    Hardis UI integration

  $ sfdx hardis:misc:toml2csv --tomlfile 'D:/clients/toto/V1_full.txt' 
  $ sfdx hardis:misc:toml2csv --skiptransfo --tomlfile 'D:/clients/toto/V1_full.txt' 
  $ sfdx hardis:misc:toml2csv --skiptransfo --tomlfile 'D:/clients/toto/V1_full.txt' --outputdir 'C:/tmp/rrrr'
  $ NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=9096 sfdx hardis:misc:toml2csv --skiptransfo --tomlfile './input/V1.txt' 
  --outputdir './output' --filtersections 'COMPTES,SOUS'

See code: lib/commands/hardis/misc/toml2csv.js

sfdx hardis:org:configure:data [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

Configure Data Export/Import with a SFDX Data Loader Project

  $ sfdx hardis:org:configure:data [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel 

  -d, --debug                                                                       Activate debug mode (more logs)
  --json                                                                            format output as json

  --loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL)  [default: warn] logging level for
                                                                                    this command invocation

  --skipauth                                                                        Skip authentication check when a
                                                                                    default username is required

  --websocket=websocket                                                             Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX
                                                                                    Hardis UI integration

  See article:

  [![How to detect bad words in Salesforce records using SFDX Data Loader and 

  $ sfdx hardis:org:configure:data

See code: lib/commands/hardis/org/configure/data.js

sfdx hardis:org:configure:files [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

Configure export of file attachments from a Salesforce org

  $ sfdx hardis:org:configure:files [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel 

  -d, --debug                                                                       Activate debug mode (more logs)
  --json                                                                            format output as json

  --loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL)  [default: warn] logging level for
                                                                                    this command invocation

  --skipauth                                                                        Skip authentication check when a
                                                                                    default username is required

  --websocket=websocket                                                             Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX
                                                                                    Hardis UI integration

  See article below

  [![How to mass download notes and attachments files from a Salesforce 

  $ sfdx hardis:org:configure:files

See code: lib/commands/hardis/org/configure/files.js

sfdx hardis:org:configure:monitoring [--orginstanceurl <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

Configure monitoring of an org

  $ sfdx hardis:org:configure:monitoring [--orginstanceurl <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u 
  <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel 

  -d, --debug                                                                       Activate debug mode (more logs)

  -u, --targetusername=targetusername                                               username or alias for the target
                                                                                    org; overrides default target org

  --apiversion=apiversion                                                           override the api version used for
                                                                                    api requests made by this command

  --json                                                                            format output as json

  --loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL)  [default: warn] logging level for
                                                                                    this command invocation

  --orginstanceurl=orginstanceurl                                                   Org instance url (technical param,
                                                                                    do not use manually)

  --skipauth                                                                        Skip authentication check when a
                                                                                    default username is required

  --websocket=websocket                                                             Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX
                                                                                    Hardis UI integration

  $ sfdx hardis:org:configure:monitoring

See code: lib/commands/hardis/org/configure/monitoring.js

sfdx hardis:org:connect [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

Connect to an org without setting it as default username, then proposes to open the org in web browser

  $ sfdx hardis:org:connect [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel 

  -d, --debug                                                                       Activate debug mode (more logs)
  --json                                                                            format output as json

  --loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL)  [default: warn] logging level for
                                                                                    this command invocation

  --skipauth                                                                        Skip authentication check when a
                                                                                    default username is required

  --websocket=websocket                                                             Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX
                                                                                    Hardis UI integration


  $ sfdx hardis:org:connect

See code: lib/commands/hardis/org/connect.js

sfdx hardis:org:create [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

Create and initialize sandbox org

  $ sfdx hardis:org:create [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] 
  [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

  -d, --debug                                                                       Activate debug mode (more logs)

  -v, --targetdevhubusername=targetdevhubusername                                   username or alias for the dev hub
                                                                                    org; overrides default dev hub org

  --apiversion=apiversion                                                           override the api version used for
                                                                                    api requests made by this command

  --json                                                                            format output as json

  --loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL)  [default: warn] logging level for
                                                                                    this command invocation

  --skipauth                                                                        Skip authentication check when a
                                                                                    default username is required

  --websocket=websocket                                                             Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX
                                                                                    Hardis UI integration

  $ sfdx hardis:org:create

See code: lib/commands/hardis/org/create.js

sfdx hardis:org:data:delete [-p <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

Delete data in org using sfdmu

  $ sfdx hardis:org:data:delete [-p <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion 
  <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

  -d, --debug                                                                       Activate debug mode (more logs)
  -p, --path=path                                                                   Path to the sfdmu workspace folder

  -u, --targetusername=targetusername                                               username or alias for the target
                                                                                    org; overrides default target org

  --apiversion=apiversion                                                           override the api version used for
                                                                                    api requests made by this command

  --json                                                                            format output as json

  --loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL)  [default: warn] logging level for
                                                                                    this command invocation

  --skipauth                                                                        Skip authentication check when a
                                                                                    default username is required

  --websocket=websocket                                                             Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX
                                                                                    Hardis UI integration

  $ sfdx hardis:org:data:delete

See code: lib/commands/hardis/org/data/delete.js

sfdx hardis:org:data:export [-p <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

Export data from an org using a SFDX Data Loader Project

  $ sfdx hardis:org:data:export [-p <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion 
  <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

  -d, --debug                                                                       Activate debug mode (more logs)
  -p, --path=path                                                                   Path to the sfdmu workspace folder

  -u, --targetusername=targetusername                                               username or alias for the target
                                                                                    org; overrides default target org

  --apiversion=apiversion                                                           override the api version used for
                                                                                    api requests made by this command

  --json                                                                            format output as json

  --loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL)  [default: warn] logging level for
                                                                                    this command invocation

  --skipauth                                                                        Skip authentication check when a
                                                                                    default username is required

  --websocket=websocket                                                             Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX
                                                                                    Hardis UI integration

  See article:

  [![How to detect bad words in Salesforce records using SFDX Data Loader and 

  $ sfdx hardis:org:data:export

See code: lib/commands/hardis/org/data/export.js

sfdx hardis:org:data:import [-p <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

Import/Load data in an org using a SFDX Data Loader Project

  $ sfdx hardis:org:data:import [-p <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion 
  <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

  -d, --debug                                                                       Activate debug mode (more logs)
  -p, --path=path                                                                   Path to the sfdmu workspace folder

  -u, --targetusername=targetusername                                               username or alias for the target
                                                                                    org; overrides default target org

  --apiversion=apiversion                                                           override the api version used for
                                                                                    api requests made by this command

  --json                                                                            format output as json

  --loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL)  [default: warn] logging level for
                                                                                    this command invocation

  --skipauth                                                                        Skip authentication check when a
                                                                                    default username is required

  --websocket=websocket                                                             Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX
                                                                                    Hardis UI integration

  See article:

  [![How to detect bad words in Salesforce records using SFDX Data Loader and 

  $ sfdx hardis:org:data:import

See code: lib/commands/hardis/org/data/import.js

sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:audittrail [-e <string>] [-t <number>] [-o <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

Export Audit trail into a CSV file with selected criteria, and highlight suspect actions

  $ sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:audittrail [-e <string>] [-t <number>] [-o <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] 
  [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel 

  -d, --debug                                                                       Activate debug mode (more logs)

  -e, --excludeusers=excludeusers                                                   Comma-separated list of usernames to

  -o, --outputfile=outputfile                                                       Force the path and name of output
                                                                                    report file. Must end with .csv

  -t, --lastndays=lastndays                                                         Number of days to extract from today

  -u, --targetusername=targetusername                                               username or alias for the target
                                                                                    org; overrides default target org

  --apiversion=apiversion                                                           override the api version used for
                                                                                    api requests made by this command

  --json                                                                            format output as json

  --loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL)  [default: warn] logging level for
                                                                                    this command invocation

  --skipauth                                                                        Skip authentication check when a
                                                                                    default username is required

  --websocket=websocket                                                             Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX
                                                                                    Hardis UI integration

  Regular setup actions performed in major orgs are filtered.

  - ""
     - createScratchOrg
     - changedsenderemail
     - deleteScratchOrg
     - loginasgrantedtopartnerbt
  - Certificate and Key Management
     - insertCertificate
  - Data Management
     - queueMembership
  - Email Administration
     - dkimRotationPreparationSuccessful
     - dkimRotationSuccessful
  - Groups
     - groupMembership
  - Holidays
     - holiday_insert
  - Inbox mobile and legacy desktop apps
     - enableSIQUserNonEAC
  - Manage Users
     - activateduser
     - createduser
     - changedcommunitynickname
     - changedemail
     - changedfederationid
     - changedpassword
     - changedinteractionuseroffon
     - changedinteractionuseronoff
     - changedmarketinguseroffon
     - changedmarketinguseronoff
     - changedprofileforuser
     - changedprofileforusercusttostd
     - changedprofileforuserstdtocust
     - changedroleforusertonone
     - changedroleforuser
     - changedroleforuserfromnone
     - changedUserEmailVerifiedStatusUnverified
     - changedUserEmailVerifiedStatusVerified
     - changedUserPhoneNumber
     - changedUserPhoneVerifiedStatusUnverified
     - deactivateduser
     - deleteAuthenticatorPairing
     - deleteTwoFactorInfo2
     - deleteTwoFactorTempCode
     - frozeuser
     - insertAuthenticatorPairing
     - insertTwoFactorInfo2
     - insertTwoFactorTempCode
     - lightningloginenroll
     - PermSetAssign
     - PermSetGroupAssign
     - PermSetGroupUnassign
     - PermSetLicenseAssign
     - PermSetUnassign
     - PermSetLicenseUnassign
     - registeredUserPhoneNumber
     - resetpassword
     - suOrgAdminLogin
     - suOrgAdminLogout
     - useremailchangesent
  - Reporting Snapshots
     - createdReportJob
     - deletedReportJob
  - Sandboxes
     - DeleteSandbox

  By default, deployment user defined in .sfdx-hardis.yml targetUsername property will be excluded.

  You can define additional users to exclude in .sfdx-hardis.yml **monitoringExcludeUsernames** property.

  You can also add more sections / actions considered as not suspect using property **monitoringAllowedSectionsActions**



     "Some section": [] // Will ignore all actions from such section
     "Some other section": ["actionType1","actionType2","actionType3"] // Will ignore only those 3 actions from section 
  "Some other section". Other actions in the same section will be considered as suspect.

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:audittrail $ sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:audittrail --excludeusers $ sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:audittrail --excludeusers, $ sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:audittrail --lastndays 5

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/diagnose/audittrail.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:legacyapi [-e <string>] [-l <number>] [-o <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Checks if an org uses retired or someday retired API version

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:legacyapi [-e ] [-l ] [-o ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-e, --eventtype=eventtype [default: ApiTotalUsage] Type of EventLogFile event to analyze

-l, --limit=limit [default: 999] Number of latest EventLogFile events to analyze

-o, --outputfile=outputfile Force the path and name of output report file. Must end with .csv

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION See article below

[Handle Salesforce API versions Deprecation like a pro](https://ni

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:legacyapi $ sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:legacyapi -u $ sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:legacyapi --outputfile 'c:/path/to/folder/legacyapi.csv' $ sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:legacyapi -u --outputfile ./tmp/legacyapi.csv

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/diagnose/legacyapi.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:unusedlicenses [-o <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

When you assign a Permission Set to a user, and that this Permission Set is related to a Permission Set License, a Permission Set License Assignment is automatically created for the user.

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:unusedlicenses [-o ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-o, --outputfile=outputfile Force the path and name of output report file. Must end with .csv

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION But when you unassign this Permission Set from the user, the Permission Set License Assignment is not deleted.

 This leads that you can be **charged for Permission Set Licenses that are not used** !

 This command detects such useless Permission Set Licenses Assignments and suggests to delete them.

 Many thanks to [Vincent Finet]( for the inspiration during his great 

speaker session at French Touch Dreamin '23, and his kind agreement for reusing such inspiration in this command :)

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:unusedlicenses $ sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:unusedlicenses --fix

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/diagnose/unusedlicenses.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:files:export [-p <string>] [-c <number>] [-t <number>] [-s <number>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Export file attachments from a Salesforce org

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:files:export [-p ] [-c ] [-t ] [-s ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -c, --chunksize=chunksize [default: 1000] Number of records to add in a chunk before it is processed

-d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-p, --path=path Path to the file export project

-s, --startchunknumber=startchunknumber Chunk number to start from

-t, --polltimeout=polltimeout [default: 300000] Timeout in MS for Bulk API calls

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION See article below

[How to mass download notes and attachments files from a Salesforce org](https://nic

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:org:files:export

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/files/export.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:fix:listviewmine [-l <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Fix listviews whose scope Mine has been replaced by Everything

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:fix:listviewmine [-l ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-l, --listviews=listviews Comma-separated list of listviews following format Object:ListViewName Example: Contact:MyContacts,Contact:MyActiveContacts,Opportunity:MYClosedOpportunities

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION [Invalid scope:Mine, not allowed ? Deploy your ListViews anyway !](https://

List of ListViews can be:

  • read from .sfdx-hardis.yml file in property listViewsToSetToMine
  • sent in argument listviews

Note: property listViewsToSetToMine can be auto-generated by command hardis:work:save if .sfdx-hardis.yml contains the following configuration

   - listViewsMine
  • Example of sfdx-hardis.yml property listViewsToSetToMine:
   - "force-app/main/default/objects/Operation__c/listViews/MyCurrentOperations.listView-meta.xml"
   - "force-app/main/default/objects/Operation__c/listViews/MyFinalizedOperations.listView-meta.xml"
   - "force-app/main/default/objects/Opportunity/listViews/Default_Opportunity_Pipeline.listView-meta.xml"
   - "force-app/main/default/objects/Opportunity/listViews/MyCurrentSubscriptions.listView-meta.xml"
   - "force-app/main/default/objects/Opportunity/listViews/MySubscriptions.listView-meta.xml"
   - "force-app/main/default/objects/Account/listViews/MyActivePartners.listView-meta.xml"
  • If manually written, this could also be:
   - "Operation__c:MyCurrentOperations"
   - "Operation__c:MyFinalizedOperations"
   - "Opportunity:Default_Opportunity_Pipeline"
   - "Opportunity:MyCurrentSubscriptions"
   - "Opportunity:MySubscriptions"
   - "Account:MyActivePartners"

Troubleshooting: if you need to run this command from an alpine-linux based docker image, use this workaround in your dockerfile:

# Do not use puppeteer embedded chromium
RUN apk add --update --no-cache chromium
ENV CHROMIUM_PATH="/usr/bin/chromium-browser"

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:org:fix:listviewmine $ sfdx hardis:org:fix:listviewmine --listviews Opportunity:MySubscriptions,Account:MyActivePartners

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/fix/listviewmine.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:generate:packagexmlfull [--outputfile <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Generates full org package.xml, including managed items

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:generate:packagexmlfull [--outputfile ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--outputfile=outputfile Output package.xml file

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:org:generate:packagexmlfull $ sfdx hardis:org:generate:packagexmlfull --outputfile /tmp/packagexmlfull.xml $ sfdx hardis:org:generate:packagexmlfull --targetusername

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/generate/packagexmlfull.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:monitor:all [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Monitor org, generate reports and sends notifications

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:monitor:all [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION You can disable some commands defining either a monitoringDisable property in .sfdx-hardis.yml, or a comma separated list in env variable MONITORING_DISABLE

Example in .sfdx-hardis.yml:


Example in env var:


A default list of monitoring commands is used, if you want to override it you can define property monitoringCommands in your .sfdx-hardis.yml file


   - title: My Custom command
     command: sfdx my:custom:command
   - title: My Custom command 2
     command: sfdx my:other:custom:command

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:org:monitor:all

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/monitor/all.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:monitor:backup [-o <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Retrieve sfdx sources in the context of a monitoring backup

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:monitor:backup [-o ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-o, --outputfile=outputfile Force the path and name of output report file. Must end with .csv

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION You can remove more metadata types from backup, especially in case you have too many metadatas and that provokes a crash, using:

  • Manual update of manifest/package-skip-items.xml config file (then commit & push in the same branch)

  • Environment variable MONITORING_BACKUP_SKIP_METADATA_TYPES (example: MONITORING_BACKUP_SKIP_METADATA_TYPES=CustomLabel,StaticResource,Translation): that will be applied to all monitoring branches.

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:org:monitor:backup

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/monitor/backup.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:purge:apexlog [-z] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Purge apex logs in selected org

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:purge:apexlog [-z] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

-z, --[no-]prompt Prompt for confirmation (true by default, use --no-prompt to skip)

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:org:purge:apexlog $ sfdx hardis:org:purge:apexlog --targetusername

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/purge/apexlog.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:purge:flow [-z] [-n <string>] [-s <string>] [-f] [-r <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Purge Obsolete flow versions to avoid the 50 max versions limit. Filters on Status and Name

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:purge:flow [-z] [-n ] [-s ] [-f] [-r ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-f, --[no-]allowpurgefailure Allows purges to fail without exiting with 1. Use --no-allowpurgefailure to disable

-n, --name=name Filter according to Name criteria

-r, --instanceurl=instanceurl [default:] URL of org instance

-s, --status=status Filter according to Status criteria

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

-z, --[no-]prompt Prompt for confirmation (true by default, use --no-prompt to skip)

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:org:purge:flow --no-prompt $ sfdx hardis:org:purge:flow --targetusername Found 1 records: ID MASTERLABEL VERSIONNUMBER DESCRIPTION STATUS 30109000000kX7uAAE TestFlow 2 test flowwww Obsolete Are you sure you want to delete this list of records (y/n)?: y Successfully deleted record: 30109000000kX7uAAE. Deleted the following list of records: ID MASTERLABEL VERSIONNUMBER DESCRIPTION STATUS 30109000000kX7uAAE TestFlow 2 test flowwww Obsolete

$ sfdx hardis:org:purge:flow --targetusername --status "Obsolete,Draft,InvalidDraft --name TestFlow" Found 4 records: ID MASTERLABEL VERSIONNUMBER DESCRIPTION STATUS 30109000000kX7uAAE TestFlow 2 test flowwww Obsolete 30109000000kX8EAAU TestFlow 6 test flowwww InvalidDraft 30109000000kX8AAAU TestFlow 5 test flowwww InvalidDraft 30109000000kX89AAE TestFlow 4 test flowwww Draft Are you sure you want to delete this list of records (y/n)?: n No record deleted

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/purge/flow.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:packageconfig [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Retrieve package configuration from an org

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:packageconfig [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:packageconfig sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:packageconfig -u myOrg

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/retrieve/packageconfig.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:analytics [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Retrieve all CRM Analytics sources from an org, with workarounds for SFDX bugs

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:analytics [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:analytics

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/retrieve/sources/analytics.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:dx [-f <string>] [-t <string>] [-k <string>] [-m <string>] [-o] [-r <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Retrieve Salesforce DX project from org

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:dx [-f ] [-t ] [-k ] [-m ] [-o] [-r ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) -f, --folder=folder [default: .] Folder

-k, --keepmetadatatypes=keepmetadatatypes Comma separated list of metadatas types that will be the only ones to be retrieved

-m, --filteredmetadatas=filteredmetadatas Comma separated list of Metadatas keys to remove from PackageXml file

-o, --shape Updates project-scratch-def.json from org shape

-r, --instanceurl=instanceurl URL of org instance

-t, --tempfolder=tempfolder [default: ./tmp] Temporary folder

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:dx

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/retrieve/sources/dx.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:dx2 [-x <string>] [-t <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Retrieve Salesforce DX project from org

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:dx2 [-x ] [-t ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-t, --template=template sfdx-hardis package.xml Template name. ex: wave

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

-x, --packagexml=packagexml Path to package.xml file

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:dx2

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/retrieve/sources/dx2.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:metadata [-f <string>] [-p <string>] [--includemanaged] [-r <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Retrieve Salesforce DX project from org

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:metadata [-f ] [-p ] [--includemanaged] [-r ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) -f, --folder=folder [default: .] Folder -p, --packagexml=packagexml Path to package.xml manifest file -r, --instanceurl=instanceurl URL of org instance

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--includemanaged Include items from managed packages

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:metadata $ SFDX_RETRIEVE_WAIT_MINUTES=200 sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:metadata

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/retrieve/sources/metadata.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:retrofit [--commit] [--commitmode updated|all] [--push] [--pushmode default|mergerequest] [--productionbranch <string>] [--retrofittargetbranch <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Retrieve changes from org link to a ref branch not present in sources

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:retrofit [--commit] [--commitmode updated|all] [--push] [--pushmode default|mergerequest] [--productionbranch ] [--retrofittargetbranch ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--commit If true, a commit will be performed after the retrofit

--commitmode=(updated|all) [default: updated] Defines if we commit all retrieved updates, or all updates including creations

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--productionbranch=productionbranch Name of the git branch corresponding to the org we want to perform the retrofit on. Can be defined in productionBranch property in .sfdx-hardis.yml

--push If true, a push will be performed after the retrofit

--pushmode=(default|mergerequest) [default: default] Defines if we send merge request options to git push arguments

--retrofittargetbranch=retrofittargetbranch Name of branch the merge request will have as target Can be defined in retrofitBranch property in .sfdx-hardis.yml

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION This command need to be triggered from a branch that is connected to a SF org. It will then retrieve all changes not present in that branch sources, commit them and create a merge request against the default branch. If a merge request already exists, it will simply add a new commit.

 Define the following properties in **.sfdx-hardis.yml**

 - **productionBranch** : Name of the git branch that is corresponding to production org
 - **retrofitBranch** : Name of the git branch that will be used as merge request target

 List of metadata to retrieve can be set in three way, in order of priority :

 - `CI_SOURCES_TO_RETROFIT`: env variable (can be defined in CI context)
 - `sourcesToRetrofit` property in `.sfdx-hardis.yml`
 - Default list:

   - CompactLayout
   - CustomApplication
   - CustomField
   - CustomLabel
   - CustomLabels
   - CustomMetadata
   - CustomObject
   - CustomObjectTranslation
   - CustomTab
   - DuplicateRule
   - EmailTemplate
   - FlexiPage
   - GlobalValueSet
   - Layout
   - ListView
   - MatchingRules
   - PermissionSet
   - RecordType
   - StandardValueSet
   - Translations
   - ValidationRule

 You can also ignore some files even if they have been updated in production. To do that, define property 

retrofitIgnoredFiles in .sfdx-hardis.yml

 Example of full retrofit configuration:

 productionBranch: master
 retrofitBranch: preprod
 - force-app/main/default/applications/
 - force-app/main/default/applications/
 - force-app/main/default/flexipages/MyFlexipageContainingDashboards.flexipage-meta.xml

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:retrofit sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:retrofit --productionbranch master --commit --commitmode updated sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:retrofit --productionbranch master --retrofitbranch preprod --commit --commitmode updated --push --pushmode mergerequest

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/retrieve/sources/retrofit.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:select [-h] [-s] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Interactive org selection for user

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:select [-h] [-s] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) -h, --devhub Also connect associated DevHub

-s, --scratch Select scratch org related to default DevHub

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:org:select

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/select.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:test:apex [-l NoTestRun|RunSpecifiedTests|RunLocalTests|RunAllTestsInOrg] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Run apex tests in Salesforce org

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:test:apex [-l NoTestRun|RunSpecifiedTests|RunLocalTests|RunAllTestsInOrg] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-l, --testlevel=(NoTestRun|RunSpecifiedTests|RunLocalTests|RunAllTestsInOrg) [default: RunLocalTests] Level of tests to apply to validate deployment

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION If following configuration is defined, it will fail if apex coverage target is not reached:

  • Env APEX_TESTS_MIN_COVERAGE_ORG_WIDE or .sfdx-hardis property apexTestsMinCoverageOrgWide
  • Env APEX_TESTS_MIN_COVERAGE_ORG_WIDE or .sfdx-hardis property apexTestsMinCoverageOrgWide

You can override env var SFDX_TEST_WAIT_MINUTES to wait more than 60 minutes

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:org:test:apex

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/test/apex.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:user:activateinvalid [-p <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Update sandbox users so their email is valid

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:user:activateinvalid [-p ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-p, --profiles=profiles Comma-separated list of profiles names that you want to reactive users assigned to and with a .invalid email

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION Example: replaces with

See article below

[Reactivate all the sandbox users with .invalid emails in 3 clicks](https://

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:org:user:activateinvalid $ sfdx hardis:org:user:activateinvalid --targetusername $ sfdx hardis:org:user:activateinvalid --profiles 'System Administrator,MyCustomProfile' --targetusername

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/user/activateinvalid.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:user:freeze [-n <string>] [-p <string>] [-e <string>] [-m <number>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Mass freeze users in org before a maintenance or go live

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:user:freeze [-n ] [-p ] [-e ] [-m ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-e, --excludeprofiles=excludeprofiles List of profiles that you want to NOT freeze, separated by commas

-m, --maxuserdisplay=maxuserdisplay [default: 100] Maximum users to display in logs

-n, --name=name Filter according to Name criteria

-p, --includeprofiles=includeprofiles List of profiles that you want to freeze, separated by commas

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION See user guide in the following article

[How to freeze / unfreeze users during a Salesforce deployment](https://med

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:org:user:freeze $ sfdx hardis:org:user:freeze --targetusername $ sfdx hardis:org:user:freeze --includeprofiles 'Standard' $ sfdx hardis:org:user:freeze --excludeprofiles 'System Administrator,Some Other Profile'

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/user/freeze.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:user:unfreeze [-n <string>] [-p <string>] [-e <string>] [-m <number>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Mass unfreeze users in org after a maintenance or go live

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:user:unfreeze [-n ] [-p ] [-e ] [-m ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-e, --excludeprofiles=excludeprofiles List of profiles that you want to NOT unfreeze, separated by commas

-m, --maxuserdisplay=maxuserdisplay [default: 100] Maximum users to display in logs

-n, --name=name Filter according to Name criteria

-p, --includeprofiles=includeprofiles List of profiles that you want to unfreeze, separated by commas

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION See user guide in the following article

[How to freeze / unfreeze users during a Salesforce deployment](https://med

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:org:user:unfreeze $ sfdx hardis:org:user:unfreeze --targetusername $ sfdx hardis:org:user:unfreeze --includeprofiles 'Standard' $ sfdx hardis:org:user:unfreeze --excludeprofiles 'System Administrator,Some Other Profile'

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/user/unfreeze.js](

## `sfdx hardis:package:create [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Create a new package

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:package:create [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-v ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-v, --targetdevhubusername=targetdevhubusername username or alias for the dev hub org; overrides default dev hub org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:package:create

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/package/create.js](

## `sfdx hardis:package:install [-p <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [-k <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Install a package in an org using its id (starting with **04t**)

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:package:install [-p ] [-d] [--websocket ] [-k ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-k, --installationkey=installationkey installation key for key-protected package (default: null)

-p, --package=package Package Version Id to install (04t...)

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION Assisted menu to propose to update installedPackages property in .sfdx-hardis.yml

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:package:install

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/package/install.js](

## `sfdx hardis:package:mergexml [-f <string>] [-p <string>] [-x <string>] [-r <string>] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Select and merge package.xml files

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:package:mergexml [-f ] [-p ] [-x ] [-r ] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -f, --folder=folder [default: manifest] Root folder

-p, --packagexmls=packagexmls Comma separated list of package.xml files to merge. Will be prompted to user if not provided

-r, --result=result Result package.xml file name

-x, --pattern=pattern [default: /**/package.xml] Name criteria to list package.xml files

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:package:mergexml $ sfdx hardis:package:mergexml --folder packages --pattern /**/*.xml --result myMergedPackage.xml $ sfdx hardis:package:mergexml --packagexmls "config/mypackage1.xml,config/mypackage2.xml,config/mypackage3.xml" --result myMergedPackage.xml

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/package/mergexml.js](

## `sfdx hardis:package:version:create [-d] [-p <string>] [-k <string>] [--deleteafter] [-i] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Create a new version of an unlocked package

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:package:version:create [-d] [-p ] [-k ] [--deleteafter] [-i] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-v ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-i, --install Install package version on default org after generation

-k, --installkey=installkey Package installation key

-p, --package=package Package identifier that you want to use to generate a new package version

-v, --targetdevhubusername=targetdevhubusername username or alias for the dev hub org; overrides default dev hub org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--deleteafter Delete package version after creating it

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:package:version:create

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/package/version/create.js](

## `sfdx hardis:package:version:list [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

List versions of unlocked package

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:package:version:list [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-v ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-v, --targetdevhubusername=targetdevhubusername username or alias for the dev hub org; overrides default dev hub org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:package:version:list

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/package/version/list.js](

## `sfdx hardis:package:version:promote [-d] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Promote package(s) version(s): convert it from beta to released

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:package:version:promote [-d] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-v ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --auto Auto-detect which versions of which packages need to be promoted

-d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-v, --targetdevhubusername=targetdevhubusername username or alias for the dev hub org; overrides default dev hub org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:package:version:promote $ sfdx hardis:package:version:promote --auto

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/package/version/promote.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:audit:apiversion [-m <number>] [-f] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Audit API version

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:audit:apiversion [-m ] [-f] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-f, --failiferror Fails (exit code 1) if an error is found

-m, --minimumapiversion=minimumapiversion [default: 20] Minimum allowed API version

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:audit:apiversion

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/audit/apiversion.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:audit:callincallout [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Generate list of callIn and callouts from sfdx project

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:audit:callincallout [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) --json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:audit:callouts

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/audit/callincallout.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:audit:duplicatefiles [-p <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Find duplicate files in sfdx folder (often from past @salesforce/cli bugs)

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:audit:duplicatefiles [-p ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-p, --path=path [default: C:\git\pro\sfdx-hardis2] Root path to check

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:audit:duplicatefiles

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/audit/duplicatefiles.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:audit:remotesites [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Generate list of remote sites

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:audit:remotesites [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) --json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:audit:remotesites

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/audit/remotesites.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:clean:emptyitems [-f <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Remove unwanted empty items within sfdx project sources

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:emptyitems [-f ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) -f, --folder=folder [default: force-app] Root folder --json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:emptyitems

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/clean/emptyitems.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:clean:hiddenitems [-f <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Remove unwanted hidden items within sfdx project sources

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:hiddenitems [-f ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) -f, --folder=folder [default: force-app] Root folder --json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:hiddenitems

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/clean/hiddenitems.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:clean:listviews [-f <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Replace Mine by Everything in ListView, and log the replacements in sfdx-hardis.yml

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:listviews [-f ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) -f, --folder=folder [default: force-app] Root folder --json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:listviews

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/clean/listviews.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:clean:manageditems [-n <string>] [-f <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Remove unwanted managed items within sfdx project sources

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:manageditems [-n ] [-f ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) -f, --folder=folder [default: force-app] Root folder -n, --namespace=namespace Namespace to remove --json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:manageditems --namespace crta

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/clean/manageditems.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:clean:minimizeprofiles [-f <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Remove all profile attributes that exist on Permission Sets

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:minimizeprofiles [-f ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) -f, --folder=folder [default: force-app] Root folder --json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION It is a bad practice to define on Profiles elements that can be defined on Permission Sets.

Salesforce will deprecate such capability in Spring 26.

Don't wait for that, and use minimizeProfiles cleaning to automatically remove from Profiles any permission that exists on a Permission Set !

The following XML tags are removed automatically:

  • classAccesses
  • customMetadataTypeAccesses
  • externalDataSourceAccesses
  • fieldPermissions
  • objectPermissions
  • pageAccesses
  • userPermissions (except on Admin Profile)

You can override this list by defining a property minimizeProfilesNodesToRemove in your .sfdx-hardis.yml config file.

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:minimizeprofiles

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/clean/minimizeprofiles.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:clean:orgmissingitems [-f <string>] [-p <string>] [-t <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Clean SFDX sources from items present neither in target org nor local package.xml

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:orgmissingitems [-f ] [-p ] [-t ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-f, --folder=folder [default: force-app] Root folder

-p, --packagexmlfull=packagexmlfull Path to packagexml used for cleaning. Must contain also standard CustomObject and CustomField elements. If not provided, it will be generated from a remote org

-t, --packagexmltargetorg=packagexmltargetorg Target org username or alias to build package.xml (sfdx must be authenticated). If not provided, will be prompted to the user.

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:orgmissingitems

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/clean/orgmissingitems.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:clean:references [-t <string>] [-c <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Remove unwanted references within sfdx project sources

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:references [-t ] [-c ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -c, --config=config Path to a JSON config file or a destructiveChanges.xml file

-d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-t, --type=all|caseentitlement|dashboards|datadotcom|destructivechanges|localfields|productrequest|entitlement Cleaning type

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:references $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:references --type all $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:references --config ./cleaning/myconfig.json $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:references --config ./somefolder/myDestructivePackage.xml

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/clean/references.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:clean:retrievefolders [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Retrieve dashboards, documents and report folders in DX sources. Use -u ORGALIAS

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:retrievefolders [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:retrievefolders

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/clean/retrievefolders.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:clean:standarditems [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Remove unwanted standard items within sfdx project sources

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:standarditems [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) --json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:standarditems

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/clean/standarditems.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:clean:systemdebug [-f <string>] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-d] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Clean System.debug() lines in APEX Code (classes and triggers)

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:systemdebug [-f ] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-d] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --delete Delete lines with System.debug -f, --folder=folder [default: force-app] Root folder --json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:systemdebug

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/clean/systemdebug.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:clean:xml [-f <string>] [-p <string> -x <string>] [-n <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Remove XML elements using Glob patterns and XPath expressions

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:xml [-f ] [-p -x ] [-n ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) -f, --folder=folder [default: force-app] Root folder

-n, --namespace=namespace [default: ata] XML Namespace to use

-p, --globpattern=globpattern Glob pattern to find files to clean. Ex: /**/*.flexipage-meta.xml

-x, --xpath=xpath XPath to use to detect the elements to remove. Ex: //ns:flexiPageRegions//ns:name[conta ins(text(),'dashboardName')]

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION This can be very useful to avoid to always remove manually the same elements in the same XML file.

  • globpattern can be any glob pattern allowing to identify the XML files to update, for example /**/*.flexipage-meta.xml

  • xpath can be any xpath following the format //ns:PARENT-TAG-NAME//ns:TAG-NAME[contains(text(),'TAG-VALUE')]. If an element is found, the whole PARENT-TAG-NAME (with its subtree) will be removed.

How to build cleaning XPath

Note: If globpattern and xpath are not sent, elements defined in property cleanXmlPatterns in .sfdx-hardis.yml config file will be used

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:xml $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:xml --globpattern "/**/*.flexipage-meta.xml" --xpath "//ns:flexiPageRegions//ns:name[contains(text(),'dashboardName')]"

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/clean/xml.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:configure:auth [-b] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Configure authentication from git branch to target org

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:configure:auth [-b] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-v ] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -b, --devhub Configure project DevHub -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

-v, --targetdevhubusername=targetdevhubusername username or alias for the dev hub org; overrides default dev hub org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:configure:auth

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/configure/auth.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:convert:profilestopermsets [-e <array>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Creates permission sets from existing profiles, with id PS_PROFILENAME

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:convert:profilestopermsets [-e ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) -e, --except=except [default: ] List of filters --json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:convert:profilestopermsets

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/convert/profilestopermsets.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:create [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Create a new SFDX Project

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:create [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) --json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:create

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/create.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:deploy:sources:dx [-c] [-l NoTestRun|RunSpecifiedTests|RunRepositoryTests|RunLocalTests|RunAllTestsInOrg] [-r <string>] [-p <string>] [--delta] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Deploy SFDX source to org, following deploymentPlan in .sfdx-hardis.yml

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:deploy:sources:dx [-c] [-l NoTestRun|RunSpecifiedTests|RunRepositoryTests|RunLocalTests|RunAllTestsInOrg] [-r ] [-p ] [--delta] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -c, --check Only checks the deployment, there is no impact on target org

-d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-l, --testlevel=(NoTestRun|RunSpecifiedTests|RunRepositoryTests|RunLocalTests|RunAllTestsInOrg) [default: RunLocalTests] Level of tests to validate deployment. RunRepositoryTests auto-detect and run all repository test classes

-p, --packagexml=packagexml Path to package.xml containing what you want to deploy in target org

-r, --runtests=runtests Apex test classes to run if --testlevel is RunSpecifiedTests

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--delta Applies sfdx-git-delta to package.xml before other deployment processes

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION In case of errors, tips to fix them will be included within the error messages.

Quick Deploy

In case Pull Request comments are configured on the project, Quick Deploy will try to be used (equivalent to button Quick Deploy)

If you do not want to use QuickDeploy, define variable SFDX_HARDIS_QUICK_DEPLOY=false

Delta deployments

To activate delta deployments, define property useDeltaDeployment: true in config/.sfdx-hardis.yml.

This will activate delta deployments only between minor and major branches (major to major remains full deployment mode)

If you want to force the delta deployment into major orgs (ex: preprod to prod), this is not recommended but you can use env variable ALWAYS_ENABLE_DELTA_DEPLOYMENT=true

Dynamic deployment items / Overwrite management

If necessary,you can define the following files (that supports wildcards *):

  • manifest/package-no-overwrite.xml: Every element defined in this file will be deployed only if it is not existing yet in the target org (can be useful with ListView for example, if the client wants to update them directly in production org)
  • manifest/packageXmlOnChange.xml: Every element defined in this file will not be deployed if it already has a similar definition in target org (can be useful for SharingRules for example)

See Overwrite management documentation

Deployment plan

If you need to deploy in multiple steps, you can define a property deploymentPlan in .sfdx-hardis.yml.

  • If a file manifest/package.xml is found, it will be placed with order 0 in the deployment plan

  • If a file manifest/destructiveChanges.xml is found, it will be executed as --postdestructivechanges

  • If env var SFDX_HARDIS_DEPLOY_IGNORE_SPLIT_PACKAGES is defined as false , split of package.xml will be applied


     - label: Deploy Flow-Workflow
       packageXmlFile: manifest/splits/packageXmlFlowWorkflow.xml
       order: 6
     - label: Deploy SharingRules - Case
       packageXmlFile: manifest/splits/packageXmlSharingRulesCase.xml
       order: 30
       waitAfter: 30

Packages installation

You can define a list of package to install during deployments using property installedPackages

  • If INSTALL_PACKAGES_DURING_CHECK_DEPLOY is defined as true (or installPackagesDuringCheckDeploy: true in .sfdx-hardis.yml), packages will be installed even if the command is called with --check mode
  • You can automatically update this property by listing all packages installed on an org using command sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:packageconfig


   - Id: 0A35r0000009EtECAU
     SubscriberPackageId: 033i0000000LVMYAA4
     SubscriberPackageName: Marketing Cloud
     SubscriberPackageNamespace: et4ae5
     SubscriberPackageVersionId: 04t6S000000l11iQAA
     SubscriberPackageVersionName: Marketing Cloud
     installOnScratchOrgs: true                  // true or false depending you want to install this package when 
creating a new scratch org
     installDuringDeployments: true              // set as true to install package during a deployment using sfdx 
     installationkey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx       // if the package has a password, write it in this property
     - Id: 0A35r0000009F9CCAU
     SubscriberPackageId: 033b0000000Pf2AAAS
     SubscriberPackageName: Declarative Lookup Rollup Summaries Tool
     SubscriberPackageNamespace: dlrs
     SubscriberPackageVersionId: 04t5p000001BmLvAAK
     SubscriberPackageVersionName: Release
     installOnScratchOrgs: true
     installDuringDeployments: true

Automated fixes post deployments

List view with scope Mine

If you defined a property listViewsToSetToMine in your .sfdx-hardis.yml, related ListViews will be set to Mine ( see command )


   - "Operation__c:MyCurrentOperations"
   - "Operation__c:MyFinalizedOperations"
   - "Opportunity:Default_Opportunity_Pipeline"
   - "Opportunity:MyCurrentSubscriptions"
   - "Opportunity:MySubscriptions"
   - "Account:MyActivePartners"

Troubleshooting: if you need to fix ListViews with mine from an alpine-linux based docker image, use this workaround in your dockerfile:

# Do not use puppeteer embedded chromium
RUN apk add --update --no-cache chromium
ENV CHROMIUM_PATH="/usr/bin/chromium-browser"

If you need to increase the deployment waiting time (force:source:deploy --wait arg), you can define env var SFDX_DEPLOY_WAIT_MINUTES

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:project:deploy:sources:dx $ sfdx hardis:project:deploy:sources:dx --check

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/deploy/sources/dx.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:deploy:sources:metadata [-c] [-x <string>] [-p <string>] [-f] [-k <string>] [-l NoTestRun|RunSpecifiedTests|RunLocalTests|RunAllTestsInOrg] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Deploy metadatas to source org

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:deploy:sources:metadata [-c] [-x ] [-p ] [-f] [-k ] [-l NoTestRun|RunSpecifiedTests|RunLocalTests|RunAllTestsInOrg] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -c, --check Only checks the deployment, there is no impact on target org

-d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-f, --filter Filter metadatas before deploying

-k, --destructivepackagexml=destructivepackagexml Path to destructiveChanges.xml file to deploy

-l, --testlevel=(NoTestRun|RunSpecifiedTests|RunLocalTests|RunAllTestsInOrg) [default: RunLocalTests] Level of tests to apply to validate deployment

-p, --packagexml=packagexml Path to package.xml file to deploy

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

-x, --deploydir=deploydir [default: .] Deploy directory

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:deploy:sources:metadata

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/deploy/sources/metadata.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:fix:v53flexipages [-p <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Fix flexipages for apiVersion v53 (Winter22).

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:fix:v53flexipages [-p ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-p, --path=path [default: C:\git\pro\sfdx-hardis2] Root folder

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION Note: Update api version to 53.0 in package.xml and sfdx-project.json

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:fix:v53flexipages

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/fix/v53flexipages.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:generate:gitdelta [--branch <string>] [--fromcommit <string>] [--tocommit <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Generate package.xml git delta between 2 commits

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:generate:gitdelta [--branch ] [--fromcommit ] [--tocommit ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) --branch=branch Git branch to use to generate delta --fromcommit=fromcommit Hash of commit to start from --json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--tocommit=tocommit Hash of commit to stop at

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:generate:gitdelta

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/generate/gitdelta.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:lint [-f] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Apply syntactic analysis (linters) on the repository sources, using Mega-Linter

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:lint [-f] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) -f, --fix Apply linters fixes

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:project:lint $ sfdx hardis:project:lint --fix

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/lint.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:metadata:findduplicates [-f <array>] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

find duplicate values in XML file(s).

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:metadata:findduplicates [-f ] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -f, --files=files XML metadata files path --json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION Find duplicate values in XML file(s). Keys to be checked can be configured in config/sfdx-hardis.yml using property metadataDuplicateFindKeys.

Default config : metadataDuplicateFindKeys : [object Object]


... Required Name Required Name

$ sfdx hardis:project:metadata:findduplicates --file layout.layout-meta.xml [sfdx-hardis] Duplicate values in layout.layout-meta.xml - Key : Layout.layoutSections.layoutColumns.layoutItems.field - Values : Name

$ sfdx hardis:project.metadata:findduplicates -f "force-app/main/default/**/*.xml" [sfdx-hardis] hardis:project:metadata:findduplicates execution time 0:00:00.397 [sfdx-hardis] Duplicate values in layout1.layout-meta.xml - Key : Layout.layoutSections.layoutColumns.layoutItems.field - Values : CreatedById

[sfdx-hardis] Duplicate values in layout2.layout-meta.xml - Key : Layout.layoutSections.layoutColumns.layoutItems.field - Values : LastModifiedById, Name

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/metadata/findduplicates.js](

## `sfdx hardis:scratch:create [-n] [-d] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Create and initialize a scratch org or a source-tracked sandbox (config can be defined using `config/.sfdx-hardis.yml`):

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:scratch:create [-n] [-d] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-v ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-d, --pool Creates the scratch org for a scratch org pool

-n, --forcenew If an existing scratch org exists, do not reuse it but create a new one

-v, --targetdevhubusername=targetdevhubusername username or alias for the dev hub org; overrides default dev hub org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration


  • Install packages
    • Use property installedPackages
  • Push sources
  • Assign permission sets
    • Use property initPermissionSets
  • Run apex initialization scripts
    • Use property scratchOrgInitApexScripts
  • Load data
    • Use property dataPackages

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:scratch:create

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/scratch/create.js](

## `sfdx hardis:scratch:delete [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Assisted menu to delete scratch orgs associated to a DevHub

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:scratch:delete [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-v ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-v, --targetdevhubusername=targetdevhubusername username or alias for the dev hub org; overrides default dev hub org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:scratch:delete

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/scratch/delete.js](

## `sfdx hardis:scratch:pool:create [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Select a data storage service and configure information to build a scratch org pool

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:scratch:pool:create [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-v ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-v, --targetdevhubusername=targetdevhubusername username or alias for the dev hub org; overrides default dev hub org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION Run the command, follow instruction, then you need to schedule a daily CI job for the pool maintenance:

 - Define CI ENV variable SCRATCH_ORG_POOL with value "true"

 - Call the following lines in the CI job:
   sfdx hardis:auth:login --devhub
   sfdx hardis:scratch:pool:refresh

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:scratch:pool:configure

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/scratch/pool/create.js](

## `sfdx hardis:scratch:pool:localauth [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Calls the related storage service to request api keys and secrets that allows a local user to fetch a scratch org from scratch org pool

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:scratch:pool:localauth [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-v ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-v, --targetdevhubusername=targetdevhubusername username or alias for the dev hub org; overrides default dev hub org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:scratch:pool:localauth

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/scratch/pool/localauth.js](

## `sfdx hardis:scratch:pool:refresh [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Create enough scratch orgs to fill the pool

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:scratch:pool:refresh [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-v ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-v, --targetdevhubusername=targetdevhubusername username or alias for the dev hub org; overrides default dev hub org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:scratch:pool:refresh

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/scratch/pool/refresh.js](

## `sfdx hardis:scratch:pool:reset [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Reset scratch org pool (delete all scratches in the pool)

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:scratch:pool:reset [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-v ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-v, --targetdevhubusername=targetdevhubusername username or alias for the dev hub org; overrides default dev hub org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:scratch:pool:refresh

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/scratch/pool/reset.js](

## `sfdx hardis:scratch:pool:view [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Displays all stored content of project scratch org pool if defined

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:scratch:pool:view [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-v ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-v, --targetdevhubusername=targetdevhubusername username or alias for the dev hub org; overrides default dev hub org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:scratch:pool:view

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/scratch/pool/view.js](

## `sfdx hardis:scratch:pull [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

This commands pulls the updates you performed in your scratch or sandbox org, into your local files

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:scratch:pull [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION Then, you probably want to stage and commit the files containing the updates you want to keep, as explained in this video.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  • Calls sfdx force:source:pull under the hood
  • If there are errors, proposes to automatically add erroneous item in .forceignore, then pull again
  • If you want to always retrieve sources like CustomApplication that are not always detected as updates by force:source:pull , you can define property autoRetrieveWhenPull in .sfdx-hardis.yml


   - CustomApplication:MyCustomApplication
   - CustomApplication:MyOtherCustomApplication
   - CustomApplication:MyThirdCustomApp

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:scratch:pull

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/scratch/pull.js](

## `sfdx hardis:scratch:push [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Push local files to scratch org

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:scratch:push [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION Calls sfdx force:source:push under the hood

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:scratch:push

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/scratch/push.js](

## `sfdx hardis:source:deploy [--soapdeploy] [-w <minutes>] [--predestructivechanges <filepath> ] [--postdestructivechanges <filepath> ] [-f [-t |  | [-q <id> | -x <filepath> | -m <array> | -p <array> | -c | -l NoTestRun|RunSpecifiedTests|RunLocalTests|RunAllTestsInOrg | -r <array> | -o | -g]]] [--resultsdir <directory>] [--coverageformatters <array>] [--junit] [--checkcoverage] [--debug] [--websocket <string>] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--verbose] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

sfdx-hardis wrapper for sfdx force:source:deploy that displays tips to solve deployment errors.

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:source:deploy [--soapdeploy] [-w ] [--predestructivechanges ] [--postdestructivechanges ] [-f [-t | | [-q | -x | -m | -p | -c | -l NoTestRun|RunSpecifiedTests|RunLocalTests|RunAllTestsInOrg | -r | -o | -g]]] [--resultsdir ] [--coverageformatters ] [--junit] [--checkcoverage] [--debug] [--websocket ] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--verbose] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -c, --checkonly checkonly -f, --forceoverwrite forceoverwrite -g, --ignorewarnings ignoreWarnings -l, --testlevel=(NoTestRun|RunSpecifiedTests|RunLocalTests|RunAllTestsInOrg) [default: NoTestRun] testlevel -m, --metadata=metadata metadata -o, --ignoreerrors ignoreErrors -p, --sourcepath=sourcepath sourcePath -q, --validateddeployrequestid=validateddeployrequestid validateDeployRequestId -r, --runtests=runtests [default: ] runTests -t, --tracksource tracksource

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

-w, --wait=wait [default: 60 minutes] wait

-x, --manifest=manifest flagsLong.manifest

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--checkcoverage Check Apex org coverage

--coverageformatters=coverageformatters coverageformatters

--debug debug

--json format output as json

--junit junit

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--postdestructivechanges=postdestructivechanges postdestructivechanges

--predestructivechanges=predestructivechanges predestructivechanges

--resultsdir=resultsdir resultsdir

--soapdeploy soapDeploy

--verbose verbose

--websocket=websocket websocket

DESCRIPTION Additional to the base command wrapper: If using --checkonly, add options --checkcoverage and --coverageformatters json-summary to check that org coverage is > 75% (or value defined in .sfdx-hardis.yml property apexTestsMinCoverageOrgWide)

You can also have deployment results as pull request comments, on:

[Assisted solving of Salesforce deployments errors](http s://


  • You can disable coloring of errors in red by defining env variable SFDX_HARDIS_DEPLOY_ERR_COLORS=false

[See documentation of Salesforce command]( rce_source.htm#cli_reference_force_source_deploy)

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:source:deploy -x manifest/package.xml --wait 60 --ignorewarnings --testlevel RunLocalTests --postdestructivechanges ./manifest/destructiveChanges.xml --targetusername --checkonly --checkcoverage --verbose --coverageformatters json-summary

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/source/deploy.js](

## `sfdx hardis:source:push [-f] [-w <minutes>] [-g] [--debug] [--websocket <string>] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--quiet] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

sfdx-hardis wrapper for sfdx force:source:push that displays tips to solve deployment errors.

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:source:push [-f] [-w ] [-g] [--debug] [--websocket ] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--quiet] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -f, --forceoverwrite forceoverwrite -g, --ignorewarnings ignorewarnings

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

-w, --wait=wait [default: 60 minutes] wait

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--debug debug

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--quiet quiet

--websocket=websocket websocket

DESCRIPTION [Assisted solving of Salesforce deployments errors](http s://

[See documentation of Salesforce command]( rce_source.htm#cli_reference_force_source_push)

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/source/push.js](

## `sfdx hardis:source:retrieve [-p <array> | -x <filepath> | -m <array>] [-w <minutes>] [-n <array>] [-f -t] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [-a <string>] [--verbose] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

sfdx-hardis wrapper for sfdx force:source:retrieve

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:source:retrieve [-p | -x | -m ] [-w ] [-n ] [-f -t] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [-a ] [--verbose] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -a, --apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

-d, --debug debugMode

-f, --forceoverwrite forceoverwrite

-m, --metadata=metadata metadata

-n, --packagenames=packagenames packagenames

-p, --sourcepath=sourcepath sourcePath

-t, --tracksource tracksource

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

-w, --wait=wait wait

-x, --manifest=manifest manifest

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--verbose verbose

--websocket=websocket websocket


  • If no retrieve constraint is sent, as assisted menu will request the list of metadatas to retrieve
  • If no org is selected , an assisted menu will request the user to choose one

[See documentation of Salesforce command]( rce_source.htm#cli_reference_force_source_retrieve)

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/source/retrieve.js](

## `sfdx hardis:work:new [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Assisted menu to start working on a Salesforce task.

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:work:new [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-v ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-v, --targetdevhubusername=targetdevhubusername username or alias for the dev hub org; overrides default dev hub org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION Advanced instructions in Create New Task documentation

At the end of the command, it will allow you to work on either a scratch org or a sandbox, depending on your choices.

Under the hood, it can:

  • Make git pull to be up to date with target branch
  • Create new git branch with formatted name (you can override the choices using .sfdx-hardis.yml property branchPrefixChoices)
  • Create and initialize a scratch org or a source-tracked sandbox (config can be defined using config/.sfdx-hardis.yml):
  • (and for scratch org only for now):
    • Install packages
      • Use property installedPackages
      • Push sources
      • Assign permission sets
        • Use property initPermissionSets
      • Run apex initialization scripts
        • Use property scratchOrgInitApexScripts
      • Load data
        • Use property dataPackages

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:work:task:new

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/work/new.js](

## `sfdx hardis:work:refresh [-n] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Make my local branch and my scratch org up to date with the most recent sources

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:work:refresh [-n] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-n, --nopull No scratch pull before save (careful if you use that!)

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:work:refresh

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/work/refresh.js](

## `sfdx hardis:work:resetselection [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Resets the selection that we want to add in the merge request

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:work:resetselection [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION Calls a soft git reset behind the hood

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:work:resetsave

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/work/resetselection.js](

## `sfdx hardis:work:save [-n] [-g] [-c] [--auto] [--targetbranch <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

When a work task is completed, guide user to create a merge request

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:work:save [-n] [-g] [-c] [--auto] [--targetbranch ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -c, --noclean No cleaning of local sources -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) -g, --nogit No automated git operations -n, --nopull No scratch pull before save

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--auto No user prompts (when called from CI for example)

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--targetbranch=targetbranch Name of the Merge Request target branch. Will be guessed or prompted if not provided.

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION Advanced instructions in Publish a task

  • Generate package-xml diff using sfdx-git-delta
  • Automatically update manifest/package.xml and manifest/destructiveChanges.xml according to the committed updates
  • Automatically Clean XML files using .sfdx-hardis.yml properties
    • autocleantypes: List of auto-performed sources cleanings, available on command hardis:project:clean:references
    • autoRemoveUserPermissions: List of userPermission to automatically remove from profile metadatas


   - checkPermissions
   - destructivechanges
   - datadotcom
   - minimizeProfiles
   - listViewsMine
   - EnableCommunityAppLauncher
   - FieldServiceAccess
   - OmnichannelInventorySync
   - SendExternalEmailAvailable
   - UseOmnichannelInventoryAPIs
   - ViewDataLeakageEvents
   - ViewMLModels
   - ViewPlatformEvents
   - WorkCalibrationUser
  • Push commit to server

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:work:task:save $ sfdx hardis:work:task:save --nopull --nogit --noclean

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/work/save.js](

## `sfdx hardis:work:ws [-e <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Technical calls to WebSocket functions

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:work:ws [-e ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) -e, --event=event WebSocket event --json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:work:ws --event refreshStatus

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/work/ws.js](
<!-- commandsstop -->
* [`sfdx hardis:auth:login [-r <string>] [-h] [-s] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisauthlogin--r-string--h--s--d---websocket-string---skipauth---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:cache:clear [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardiscacheclear--d---websocket-string---skipauth---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:config:get [-l <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisconfigget--l-string--d---websocket-string---skipauth---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:doc:extract:permsetgroups [-o <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisdocextractpermsetgroups--o-string--d---websocket-string---skipauth---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:doc:plugin:generate [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisdocplugingenerate--d---websocket-string---skipauth---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:lint:access [-e <string>] [-i <string>] [-f <string>] [-o <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardislintaccess--e-string--i-string--f-string--o-string--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:lint:metadatastatus [-d] [-o <string>] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardislintmetadatastatus--d--o-string---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:lint:missingattributes [-d] [-o <string>] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardislintmissingattributes--d--o-string---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:lint:unusedmetadatas [-d] [-o <string>] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardislintunusedmetadatas--d--o-string---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:mdapi:deploy [-d <directory>] [-w <minutes>] [-q <id> | -l NoTestRun|RunSpecifiedTests|RunLocalTests|RunAllTestsInOrg | -r <array> | -o | -g | -c] [-f <filepath>] [-s] [--soapdeploy] [--purgeondelete] [--debug] [--websocket <string>] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--verbose] [--concise] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardismdapideploy--d-directory--w-minutes--q-id---l-notestrunrunspecifiedtestsrunlocaltestsrunalltestsinorg---r-array---o---g---c--f-filepath--s---soapdeploy---purgeondelete---debug---websocket-string--u-string---apiversion-string---verbose---concise---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:misc:toml2csv -f <string> [-t <string>] [-l <array>] [-s] [-o <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardismisctoml2csv--f-string--t-string--l-array--s--o-string--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:org:configure:data [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisorgconfiguredata--d---websocket-string---skipauth---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:org:configure:files [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisorgconfigurefiles--d---websocket-string---skipauth---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:org:configure:monitoring [--orginstanceurl <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisorgconfiguremonitoring---orginstanceurl-string--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:org:connect [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisorgconnect--d---websocket-string---skipauth---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:org:create [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisorgcreate--d---websocket-string---skipauth--v-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:org:data:delete [-p <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisorgdatadelete--p-string--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:org:data:export [-p <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisorgdataexport--p-string--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:org:data:import [-p <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisorgdataimport--p-string--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:audittrail [-e <string>] [-t <number>] [-o <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisorgdiagnoseaudittrail--e-string--t-number--o-string--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:legacyapi [-e <string>] [-l <number>] [-o <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisorgdiagnoselegacyapi--e-string--l-number--o-string--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:unusedlicenses [-o <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisorgdiagnoseunusedlicenses--o-string--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:org:files:export [-p <string>] [-c <number>] [-t <number>] [-s <number>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisorgfilesexport--p-string--c-number--t-number--s-number--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:org:fix:listviewmine [-l <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisorgfixlistviewmine--l-string--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:org:generate:packagexmlfull [--outputfile <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisorggeneratepackagexmlfull---outputfile-string--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:org:monitor:all [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisorgmonitorall--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:org:monitor:backup [-o <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisorgmonitorbackup--o-string--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:org:purge:apexlog [-z] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisorgpurgeapexlog--z--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:org:purge:flow [-z] [-n <string>] [-s <string>] [-f] [-r <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisorgpurgeflow--z--n-string--s-string--f--r-string--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:org:report:export [-r <string>] [-e <string>] [-f xls|xlsx|csv|localecsv] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisorgreportexport--r-string--e-string--f-xlsxlsxcsvlocalecsv--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:packageconfig [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisorgretrievepackageconfig--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:analytics [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisorgretrievesourcesanalytics--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:dx [-f <string>] [-t <string>] [-k <string>] [-m <string>] [-o] [-r <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisorgretrievesourcesdx--f-string--t-string--k-string--m-string--o--r-string--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:dx2 [-x <string>] [-t <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisorgretrievesourcesdx2--x-string--t-string--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:metadata [-f <string>] [-p <string>] [--includemanaged] [-r <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisorgretrievesourcesmetadata--f-string--p-string---includemanaged--r-string--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:retrofit [--commit] [--commitmode updated|all] [--push] [--pushmode default|mergerequest] [--productionbranch <string>] [--retrofittargetbranch <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisorgretrievesourcesretrofit---commit---commitmode-updatedall---push---pushmode-defaultmergerequest---productionbranch-string---retrofittargetbranch-string--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:org:select [-h] [-s] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisorgselect--h--s--d---websocket-string---skipauth---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:org:test:apex [-l NoTestRun|RunSpecifiedTests|RunLocalTests|RunAllTestsInOrg] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisorgtestapex--l-notestrunrunspecifiedtestsrunlocaltestsrunalltestsinorg--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:org:user:activateinvalid [-p <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisorguseractivateinvalid--p-string--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:org:user:freeze [-n <string>] [-p <string>] [-e <string>] [-m <number>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisorguserfreeze--n-string--p-string--e-string--m-number--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:org:user:unfreeze [-n <string>] [-p <string>] [-e <string>] [-m <number>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisorguserunfreeze--n-string--p-string--e-string--m-number--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:package:create [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardispackagecreate--d---websocket-string---skipauth--v-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:package:install [-p <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [-k <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardispackageinstall--p-string--d---websocket-string--k-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:package:mergexml [-f <string>] [-p <string>] [-x <string>] [-r <string>] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardispackagemergexml--f-string--p-string--x-string--r-string---websocket-string---skipauth---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:package:version:create [-d] [-p <string>] [-k <string>] [--deleteafter] [-i] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardispackageversioncreate--d--p-string--k-string---deleteafter--i---websocket-string---skipauth--v-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:package:version:list [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardispackageversionlist--d---websocket-string---skipauth--v-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:package:version:promote [-d] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardispackageversionpromote--d--d---websocket-string---skipauth--v-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:project:audit:apiversion [-m <number>] [-f] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisprojectauditapiversion--m-number--f--d---websocket-string---skipauth---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:project:audit:callincallout [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisprojectauditcallincallout--d---websocket-string---skipauth---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:project:audit:duplicatefiles [-p <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisprojectauditduplicatefiles--p-string--d---websocket-string---skipauth---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:project:audit:remotesites [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisprojectauditremotesites--d---websocket-string---skipauth---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:project:clean:emptyitems [-f <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisprojectcleanemptyitems--f-string--d---websocket-string---skipauth---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:project:clean:hiddenitems [-f <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisprojectcleanhiddenitems--f-string--d---websocket-string---skipauth---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:project:clean:listviews [-f <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisprojectcleanlistviews--f-string--d---websocket-string---skipauth---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:project:clean:manageditems [-n <string>] [-f <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisprojectcleanmanageditems--n-string--f-string--d---websocket-string---skipauth---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:project:clean:minimizeprofiles [-f <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisprojectcleanminimizeprofiles--f-string--d---websocket-string---skipauth---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:project:clean:orgmissingitems [-f <string>] [-p <string>] [-t <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisprojectcleanorgmissingitems--f-string--p-string--t-string--d---websocket-string---skipauth---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:project:clean:references [-t <string>] [-c <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisprojectcleanreferences--t-string--c-string--d---websocket-string---skipauth---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:project:clean:retrievefolders [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisprojectcleanretrievefolders--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:project:clean:standarditems [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisprojectcleanstandarditems--d---websocket-string---skipauth---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:project:clean:systemdebug [-f <string>] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-d] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisprojectcleansystemdebug--f-string---websocket-string---skipauth--d---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:project:clean:xml [-f <string>] [-p <string> -x <string>] [-n <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisprojectcleanxml--f-string--p-string--x-string--n-string--d---websocket-string---skipauth---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:project:configure:auth [-b] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisprojectconfigureauth--b--d---websocket-string---skipauth--v-string--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:project:configure:cloudiscore [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisprojectconfigurecloudiscore--d---websocket-string---skipauth--v-string--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:project:configure:quality [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisprojectconfigurequality--d---websocket-string---skipauth--v-string--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:project:convert:profilestopermsets [-e <array>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisprojectconvertprofilestopermsets--e-array--d---websocket-string---skipauth---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:project:create [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisprojectcreate--d---websocket-string---skipauth---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:project:deploy:sources:dx [-c] [-l NoTestRun|RunSpecifiedTests|RunRepositoryTests|RunLocalTests|RunAllTestsInOrg] [-r <string>] [-p <string>] [--delta] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisprojectdeploysourcesdx--c--l-notestrunrunspecifiedtestsrunrepositorytestsrunlocaltestsrunalltestsinorg--r-string--p-string---delta--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:project:deploy:sources:metadata [-c] [-x <string>] [-p <string>] [-f] [-k <string>] [-l NoTestRun|RunSpecifiedTests|RunLocalTests|RunAllTestsInOrg] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisprojectdeploysourcesmetadata--c--x-string--p-string--f--k-string--l-notestrunrunspecifiedtestsrunlocaltestsrunalltestsinorg--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:project:fix:v53flexipages [-p <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisprojectfixv53flexipages--p-string--d---websocket-string---skipauth---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:project:generate:gitdelta [--branch <string>] [--fromcommit <string>] [--tocommit <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisprojectgenerategitdelta---branch-string---fromcommit-string---tocommit-string--d---websocket-string---skipauth---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:project:lint [-f] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisprojectlint--f--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:project:metadata:findduplicates [-f <array>] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisprojectmetadatafindduplicates--f-array---websocket-string---skipauth---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:scratch:create [-n] [-d] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisscratchcreate--n--d--d---websocket-string---skipauth--v-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:scratch:delete [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisscratchdelete--d---websocket-string---skipauth--v-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:scratch:pool:create [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisscratchpoolcreate--d---websocket-string---skipauth--v-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:scratch:pool:localauth [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisscratchpoollocalauth--d---websocket-string---skipauth--v-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:scratch:pool:refresh [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisscratchpoolrefresh--d---websocket-string---skipauth--v-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:scratch:pool:reset [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisscratchpoolreset--d---websocket-string---skipauth--v-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:scratch:pool:view [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisscratchpoolview--d---websocket-string---skipauth--v-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:scratch:pull [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisscratchpull--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:scratch:push [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisscratchpush--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:source:deploy [--soapdeploy] [-w <minutes>] [--predestructivechanges <filepath> ] [--postdestructivechanges <filepath> ] [-f [-t |  | [-q <id> | -x <filepath> | -m <array> | -p <array> | -c | -l NoTestRun|RunSpecifiedTests|RunLocalTests|RunAllTestsInOrg | -r <array> | -o | -g]]] [--resultsdir <directory>] [--coverageformatters <array>] [--junit] [--checkcoverage] [--debug] [--websocket <string>] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--verbose] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardissourcedeploy---soapdeploy--w-minutes---predestructivechanges-filepath----postdestructivechanges-filepath---f--t-----q-id---x-filepath---m-array---p-array---c---l-notestrunrunspecifiedtestsrunlocaltestsrunalltestsinorg---r-array---o---g---resultsdir-directory---coverageformatters-array---junit---checkcoverage---debug---websocket-string--u-string---apiversion-string---verbose---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:source:push [-f] [-w <minutes>] [-g] [--debug] [--websocket <string>] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--quiet] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardissourcepush--f--w-minutes--g---debug---websocket-string--u-string---apiversion-string---quiet---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:source:retrieve [-p <array> | -x <filepath> | -m <array>] [-w <minutes>] [-n <array>] [-f -t] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [-a <string>] [--verbose] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardissourceretrieve--p-array---x-filepath---m-array--w-minutes--n-array--f--t--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string--a-string---verbose---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:work:new [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisworknew--d---websocket-string---skipauth--v-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:work:refresh [-n] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisworkrefresh--n--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:work:resetselection [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisworkresetselection--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:work:save [-n] [-g] [-c] [--auto] [--targetbranch <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisworksave--n--g--c---auto---targetbranch-string--d---websocket-string---skipauth--u-string---apiversion-string---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)
* [`sfdx hardis:work:ws [-e <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`](#sfdx-hardisworkws--e-string--d---websocket-string---skipauth---json---loglevel-tracedebuginfowarnerrorfataltracedebuginfowarnerrorfatal)

## `sfdx hardis:auth:login [-r <string>] [-h] [-s] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Login to salesforce org

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:auth:login [-r ] [-h] [-s] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) -h, --devhub Also connect associated DevHub -r, --instanceurl=instanceurl URL of org instance -s, --scratchorg Scratch org --json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:auth:login

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/auth/login.js](

## `sfdx hardis:cache:clear [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Clear cache generated by sfdx-hardis

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:cache:clear [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) --json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:cache:clear

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/cache/clear.js](

## `sfdx hardis:config:get [-l <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Returns sfdx-hardis project config for a given level

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:config:get [-l ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-l, --level=project|branch|user [default: project] project,branch or user

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:deploy:sources:metadata

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/config/get.js](

## `sfdx hardis:doc:extract:permsetgroups [-o <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Generate markdown files with project documentation

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:doc:extract:permsetgroups [-o ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-o, --outputfile=outputfile Force the path and name of output report file. Must end with .csv

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:doc:extract:permsetgroups

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/doc/extract/permsetgroups.js](

## `sfdx hardis:doc:plugin:generate [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Generate Markdown documentation ready for HTML conversion with mkdocs

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:doc:plugin:generate [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) --json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION After the first run, you need to update manually:

  • mkdocs.yml
  • .github/workflows/build-deploy-docs.yml
  • docs/javascripts/gtag.js , if you want Google Analytics tracking

Then, activate Github pages, with "gh_pages" as target branch

At each merge into master/main branch, the GitHub Action build-deploy-docs will rebuild documentation and publish it in GitHub pages

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:doc:plugin:generate

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/doc/plugin/generate.js](

## `sfdx hardis:lint:access [-e <string>] [-i <string>] [-f <string>] [-o <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Check if elements(apex class and field) are at least in one permission set

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:lint:access [-e ] [-i ] [-f ] [-o ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-e, --elementsignored=elementsignored Ignore specific elements separated by commas

-f, --folder=folder [default: force-app] Root folder

-i, --ignorerights=ignorerights Ignore permission sets or profiles

-o, --outputfile=outputfile Force the path and name of output report file. Must end with .csv

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:lint:access $ sfdx hardis:lint:access -e "ApexClass:ClassA, CustomField:Account.CustomField" $ sfdx hardis:lint:access -i "PermissionSet:permissionSetA, Profile"

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/lint/access.js](

## `sfdx hardis:lint:metadatastatus [-d] [-o <string>] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Check if elements(flows) are inactive in the project

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:lint:metadatastatus [-d] [-o ] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-o, --outputfile=outputfile Force the path and name of output report file. Must end with .csv

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:lint:metadatastatus

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/lint/metadatastatus.js](

## `sfdx hardis:lint:missingattributes [-d] [-o <string>] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Check if elements(custom fields) aren't description

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:lint:missingattributes [-d] [-o ] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-o, --outputfile=outputfile Force the path and name of output report file. Must end with .csv

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:lint:missingattributes

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/lint/missingattributes.js](

## `sfdx hardis:lint:unusedmetadatas [-d] [-o <string>] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Check if elements (custom labels and custom permissions) are used in the project

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:lint:unusedmetadatas [-d] [-o ] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-o, --outputfile=outputfile Force the path and name of output report file. Must end with .csv

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:lint:unusedmetadatas

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/lint/unusedmetadatas.js](

## `sfdx hardis:mdapi:deploy [-d <directory>] [-w <minutes>] [-q <id> | -l NoTestRun|RunSpecifiedTests|RunLocalTests|RunAllTestsInOrg | -r <array> | -o | -g | -c] [-f <filepath>] [-s] [--soapdeploy] [--purgeondelete] [--debug] [--websocket <string>] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--verbose] [--concise] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

sfdx-hardis wrapper for sfdx force:mdapi:deploy that displays tips to solve deployment errors.

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:mdapi:deploy [-d ] [-w ] [-q | -l NoTestRun|RunSpecifiedTests|RunLocalTests|RunAllTestsInOrg | -r | -o | -g | -c] [-f ] [-s] [--soapdeploy] [--purgeondelete] [--debug] [--websocket ] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--verbose] [--concise] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -c, --checkonly checkOnly -d, --deploydir=deploydir deployDir -f, --zipfile=zipfile zipFile -g, --ignorewarnings ignoreWarnings -l, --testlevel=(NoTestRun|RunSpecifiedTests|RunLocalTests|RunAllTestsInOrg) [default: NoTestRun] testLevel -o, --ignoreerrors ignoreErrors -q, --validateddeployrequestid=validateddeployrequestid validatedDeployRequestId -r, --runtests=runtests [default: ] runTests -s, --singlepackage singlePackage

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

-w, --wait=wait [default: 0 minutes] wait

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--concise concise

--debug debug

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--purgeondelete purgeOnDelete

--soapdeploy soapDeploy

--verbose verbose

--websocket=websocket websocket

DESCRIPTION [Assisted solving of Salesforce deployments errors](http s://

[See documentation of Salesforce command]( rce_mdapi.htm#cli_reference_force_mdapi_deploy)

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/mdapi/deploy.js](

## `sfdx hardis:misc:toml2csv -f <string> [-t <string>] [-l <array>] [-s] [-o <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Split TOML file into distinct CSV files

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:misc:toml2csv -f [-t ] [-l ] [-s] [-o ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) -f, --tomlfile=tomlfile (required) Input TOML file path

-l, --filtersections=filtersections [default: ] List of sections to process (if not set, all sections will be processed)

-o, --outputdir=outputdir Output directory

-s, --skiptransfo Do not apply transformation to input data

-t, --transfoconfig=transfoconfig Path to JSON config file for mapping and transformation

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:misc:toml2csv --tomlfile 'D:/clients/toto/V1_full.txt' $ sfdx hardis:misc:toml2csv --skiptransfo --tomlfile 'D:/clients/toto/V1_full.txt' $ sfdx hardis:misc:toml2csv --skiptransfo --tomlfile 'D:/clients/toto/V1_full.txt' --outputdir 'C:/tmp/rrrr' $ NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=9096 sfdx hardis:misc:toml2csv --skiptransfo --tomlfile './input/V1.txt' --outputdir './output' --filtersections 'COMPTES,SOUS'

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/misc/toml2csv.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:configure:data [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Configure Data Export/Import with a [SFDX Data Loader]( Project

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:configure:data [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) --json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION See article:

[How to detect bad words in Salesforce records using SFDX Data Loader and sfdx-hardis](https://

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:org:configure:data

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/configure/data.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:configure:files [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Configure export of file attachments from a Salesforce org

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:configure:files [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) --json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION See article below

[How to mass download notes and attachments files from a Salesforce org](https://nic

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:org:configure:files

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/configure/files.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:configure:monitoring [--orginstanceurl <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Configure monitoring of an org

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:configure:monitoring [--orginstanceurl ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--orginstanceurl=orginstanceurl Org instance url (technical param, do not use manually)

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:org:configure:monitoring

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/configure/monitoring.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:connect [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Connect to an org without setting it as default username, then proposes to open the org in web browser

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:connect [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) --json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration


EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:org:connect

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/connect.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:create [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Create and initialize sandbox org

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:create [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-v ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-v, --targetdevhubusername=targetdevhubusername username or alias for the dev hub org; overrides default dev hub org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:org:create

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/create.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:data:delete [-p <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Delete data in org using sfdmu

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:data:delete [-p ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) -p, --path=path Path to the sfdmu workspace folder

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:org:data:delete

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/data/delete.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:data:export [-p <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Export data from an org using a [SFDX Data Loader]( Project

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:data:export [-p ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) -p, --path=path Path to the sfdmu workspace folder

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION See article:

[How to detect bad words in Salesforce records using SFDX Data Loader and sfdx-hardis](https://

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:org:data:export

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/data/export.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:data:import [-p <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Import/Load data in an org using a [SFDX Data Loader]( Project

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:data:import [-p ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) -p, --path=path Path to the sfdmu workspace folder

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION See article:

[How to detect bad words in Salesforce records using SFDX Data Loader and sfdx-hardis](https://

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:org:data:import

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/data/import.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:audittrail [-e <string>] [-t <number>] [-o <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Export Audit trail into a CSV file with selected criteria, and highlight suspect actions

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:audittrail [-e ] [-t ] [-o ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-e, --excludeusers=excludeusers Comma-separated list of usernames to exclude

-o, --outputfile=outputfile Force the path and name of output report file. Must end with .csv

-t, --lastndays=lastndays Number of days to extract from today (included)

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION Regular setup actions performed in major orgs are filtered.

  • ""
    • createScratchOrg
    • changedsenderemail
    • deleteScratchOrg
    • loginasgrantedtopartnerbt
  • Certificate and Key Management
    • insertCertificate
  • Data Management
    • queueMembership
  • Email Administration
    • dkimRotationPreparationSuccessful
    • dkimRotationSuccessful
  • Groups
    • groupMembership
  • Holidays
    • holiday_insert
  • Inbox mobile and legacy desktop apps
    • enableSIQUserNonEAC
  • Manage Users
    • activateduser
    • createduser
    • changedcommunitynickname
    • changedemail
    • changedfederationid
    • changedpassword
    • changedinteractionuseroffon
    • changedinteractionuseronoff
    • changedmarketinguseroffon
    • changedmarketinguseronoff
    • changedprofileforuser
    • changedprofileforusercusttostd
    • changedprofileforuserstdtocust
    • changedroleforusertonone
    • changedroleforuser
    • changedroleforuserfromnone
    • changedUserEmailVerifiedStatusUnverified
    • changedUserEmailVerifiedStatusVerified
    • changedUserPhoneNumber
    • changedUserPhoneVerifiedStatusUnverified
    • deactivateduser
    • deleteAuthenticatorPairing
    • deleteTwoFactorInfo2
    • deleteTwoFactorTempCode
    • frozeuser
    • insertAuthenticatorPairing
    • insertTwoFactorInfo2
    • insertTwoFactorTempCode
    • lightningloginenroll
    • PermSetAssign
    • PermSetGroupAssign
    • PermSetGroupUnassign
    • PermSetLicenseAssign
    • PermSetUnassign
    • PermSetLicenseUnassign
    • registeredUserPhoneNumber
    • resetpassword
    • suOrgAdminLogin
    • suOrgAdminLogout
    • useremailchangesent
  • Reporting Snapshots
    • createdReportJob
    • deletedReportJob
  • Sandboxes
    • DeleteSandbox

By default, deployment user defined in .sfdx-hardis.yml targetUsername property will be excluded.

You can define additional users to exclude in .sfdx-hardis.yml monitoringExcludeUsernames property.

You can also add more sections / actions considered as not suspect using property monitoringAllowedSectionsActions



   "Some section": [] // Will ignore all actions from such section
   "Some other section": ["actionType1","actionType2","actionType3"] // Will ignore only those 3 actions from section 
"Some other section". Other actions in the same section will be considered as suspect.

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:audittrail $ sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:audittrail --excludeusers $ sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:audittrail --excludeusers, $ sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:audittrail --lastndays 5

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/diagnose/audittrail.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:legacyapi [-e <string>] [-l <number>] [-o <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Checks if an org uses retired or someday retired API version

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:legacyapi [-e ] [-l ] [-o ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-e, --eventtype=eventtype [default: ApiTotalUsage] Type of EventLogFile event to analyze

-l, --limit=limit [default: 999] Number of latest EventLogFile events to analyze

-o, --outputfile=outputfile Force the path and name of output report file. Must end with .csv

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION See article below

[Handle Salesforce API versions Deprecation like a pro](https://ni

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:legacyapi $ sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:legacyapi -u $ sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:legacyapi --outputfile 'c:/path/to/folder/legacyapi.csv' $ sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:legacyapi -u --outputfile ./tmp/legacyapi.csv

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/diagnose/legacyapi.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:unusedlicenses [-o <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

When you assign a Permission Set to a user, and that this Permission Set is related to a Permission Set License, a Permission Set License Assignment is automatically created for the user.

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:unusedlicenses [-o ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-o, --outputfile=outputfile Force the path and name of output report file. Must end with .csv

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION But when you unassign this Permission Set from the user, the Permission Set License Assignment is not deleted.

 This leads that you can be **charged for Permission Set Licenses that are not used** !

 This command detects such useless Permission Set Licenses Assignments and suggests to delete them.

 Many thanks to [Vincent Finet]( for the inspiration during his great 

speaker session at French Touch Dreamin '23, and his kind agreement for reusing such inspiration in this command :)

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:unusedlicenses $ sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:unusedlicenses --fix

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/diagnose/unusedlicenses.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:files:export [-p <string>] [-c <number>] [-t <number>] [-s <number>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Export file attachments from a Salesforce org

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:files:export [-p ] [-c ] [-t ] [-s ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -c, --chunksize=chunksize [default: 1000] Number of records to add in a chunk before it is processed

-d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-p, --path=path Path to the file export project

-s, --startchunknumber=startchunknumber Chunk number to start from

-t, --polltimeout=polltimeout [default: 300000] Timeout in MS for Bulk API calls

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION See article below

[How to mass download notes and attachments files from a Salesforce org](https://nic

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:org:files:export

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/files/export.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:fix:listviewmine [-l <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Fix listviews whose scope Mine has been replaced by Everything

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:fix:listviewmine [-l ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-l, --listviews=listviews Comma-separated list of listviews following format Object:ListViewName Example: Contact:MyContacts,Contact:MyActiveContacts,Opportunity:MYClosedOpportunities

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION [Invalid scope:Mine, not allowed ? Deploy your ListViews anyway !](https://

List of ListViews can be:

  • read from .sfdx-hardis.yml file in property listViewsToSetToMine

  • sent in argument listviews

    Note: property listViewsToSetToMine can be auto-generated by command hardis:work:save if .sfdx-hardis.yml contains the following configuration

       - listViewsMine
  • Example of sfdx-hardis.yml property listViewsToSetToMine:

       - "force-app/main/default/objects/Operation__c/listViews/MyCurrentOperations.listView-meta.xml"
       - "force-app/main/default/objects/Operation__c/listViews/MyFinalizedOperations.listView-meta.xml"
       - "force-app/main/default/objects/Opportunity/listViews/Default_Opportunity_Pipeline.listView-meta.xml"
       - "force-app/main/default/objects/Opportunity/listViews/MyCurrentSubscriptions.listView-meta.xml"
       - "force-app/main/default/objects/Opportunity/listViews/MySubscriptions.listView-meta.xml"
       - "force-app/main/default/objects/Account/listViews/MyActivePartners.listView-meta.xml"
  • If manually written, this could also be:

       - "Operation__c:MyCurrentOperations"
       - "Operation__c:MyFinalizedOperations"
       - "Opportunity:Default_Opportunity_Pipeline"
       - "Opportunity:MyCurrentSubscriptions"
       - "Opportunity:MySubscriptions"
       - "Account:MyActivePartners"

    Troubleshooting: if you need to run this command from an alpine-linux based docker image, use this workaround in your dockerfile:

    # Do not use puppeteer embedded chromium
    RUN apk add --update --no-cache chromium
    ENV CHROMIUM_PATH="/usr/bin/chromium-browser"

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:org:fix:listviewmine $ sfdx hardis:org:fix:listviewmine --listviews Opportunity:MySubscriptions,Account:MyActivePartners

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/fix/listviewmine.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:generate:packagexmlfull [--outputfile <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Generates full org package.xml, including managed items

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:generate:packagexmlfull [--outputfile ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--outputfile=outputfile Output package.xml file

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:org:generate:packagexmlfull $ sfdx hardis:org:generate:packagexmlfull --outputfile /tmp/packagexmlfull.xml $ sfdx hardis:org:generate:packagexmlfull --targetusername

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/generate/packagexmlfull.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:monitor:all [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Monitor org, generate reports and sends notifications

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:monitor:all [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION You can disable some commands defining either a monitoringDisable property in .sfdx-hardis.yml, or a comma separated list in env variable MONITORING_DISABLE

Example in .sfdx-hardis.yml:


Example in env var:


A default list of monitoring commands is used, if you want to override it you can define property monitoringCommands in your .sfdx-hardis.yml file


   - title: My Custom command
     command: sfdx my:custom:command
   - title: My Custom command 2
     command: sfdx my:other:custom:command

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:org:monitor:all

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/monitor/all.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:monitor:backup [-o <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Retrieve sfdx sources in the context of a monitoring backup

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:monitor:backup [-o ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-o, --outputfile=outputfile Force the path and name of output report file. Must end with .csv

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION You can remove more metadata types from backup, especially in case you have too many metadatas and that provokes a crash, using:

  • Manual update of manifest/package-skip-items.xml config file (then commit & push in the same branch)

  • Environment variable MONITORING_BACKUP_SKIP_METADATA_TYPES (example: MONITORING_BACKUP_SKIP_METADATA_TYPES=CustomLabel,StaticResource,Translation): that will be applied to all monitoring branches.

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:org:monitor:backup

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/monitor/backup.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:purge:apexlog [-z] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Purge apex logs in selected org

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:purge:apexlog [-z] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

-z, --[no-]prompt Prompt for confirmation (true by default, use --no-prompt to skip)

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:org:purge:apexlog $ sfdx hardis:org:purge:apexlog --targetusername

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/purge/apexlog.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:purge:flow [-z] [-n <string>] [-s <string>] [-f] [-r <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Purge Obsolete flow versions to avoid the 50 max versions limit. Filters on Status and Name

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:purge:flow [-z] [-n ] [-s ] [-f] [-r ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-f, --[no-]allowpurgefailure Allows purges to fail without exiting with 1. Use --no-allowpurgefailure to disable

-n, --name=name Filter according to Name criteria

-r, --instanceurl=instanceurl [default:] URL of org instance

-s, --status=status Filter according to Status criteria

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

-z, --[no-]prompt Prompt for confirmation (true by default, use --no-prompt to skip)

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:org:purge:flow --no-prompt $ sfdx hardis:org:purge:flow --targetusername Found 1 records: ID MASTERLABEL VERSIONNUMBER DESCRIPTION STATUS 30109000000kX7uAAE TestFlow 2 test flowwww Obsolete Are you sure you want to delete this list of records (y/n)?: y Successfully deleted record: 30109000000kX7uAAE. Deleted the following list of records: ID MASTERLABEL VERSIONNUMBER DESCRIPTION STATUS 30109000000kX7uAAE TestFlow 2 test flowwww Obsolete

$ sfdx hardis:org:purge:flow --targetusername --status "Obsolete,Draft,InvalidDraft --name TestFlow" Found 4 records: ID MASTERLABEL VERSIONNUMBER DESCRIPTION STATUS 30109000000kX7uAAE TestFlow 2 test flowwww Obsolete 30109000000kX8EAAU TestFlow 6 test flowwww InvalidDraft 30109000000kX8AAAU TestFlow 5 test flowwww InvalidDraft 30109000000kX89AAE TestFlow 4 test flowwww Draft Are you sure you want to delete this list of records (y/n)?: n No record deleted

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/purge/flow.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:report:export [-r <string>] [-e <string>] [-f xls|xlsx|csv|localecsv] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Exports a report and sends it to a list of emails

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:report:export [-r ] [-e ] [-f xls|xlsx|csv|localecsv] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-e, --emails=emails Comma separated list of emails that must receive the report export

-f, --format=(xls|xlsx|csv|localecsv) Format of output

-r, --reportname=reportname Name of the report to extract as file

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration


  • You can set --reportname using EXPORT_REPORT_NAME environment variable

  • You can set --emails using EXPORT_REPORT_EMAILS environment variable (comma-separated)

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:org:report:export $ sfdx hardis:org:report:export --reportname MyReport --emails,

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/report/export.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:packageconfig [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Retrieve package configuration from an org

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:packageconfig [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:packageconfig sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:packageconfig -u myOrg

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/retrieve/packageconfig.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:analytics [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Retrieve all CRM Analytics sources from an org, with workarounds for SFDX bugs

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:analytics [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:analytics

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/retrieve/sources/analytics.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:dx [-f <string>] [-t <string>] [-k <string>] [-m <string>] [-o] [-r <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Retrieve Salesforce DX project from org

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:dx [-f ] [-t ] [-k ] [-m ] [-o] [-r ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) -f, --folder=folder [default: .] Folder

-k, --keepmetadatatypes=keepmetadatatypes Comma separated list of metadatas types that will be the only ones to be retrieved

-m, --filteredmetadatas=filteredmetadatas Comma separated list of Metadatas keys to remove from PackageXml file

-o, --shape Updates project-scratch-def.json from org shape

-r, --instanceurl=instanceurl URL of org instance

-t, --tempfolder=tempfolder [default: ./tmp] Temporary folder

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:dx

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/retrieve/sources/dx.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:dx2 [-x <string>] [-t <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Retrieve Salesforce DX project from org

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:dx2 [-x ] [-t ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-t, --template=template sfdx-hardis package.xml Template name. ex: wave

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

-x, --packagexml=packagexml Path to package.xml file

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:dx2

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/retrieve/sources/dx2.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:metadata [-f <string>] [-p <string>] [--includemanaged] [-r <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Retrieve Salesforce DX project from org

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:metadata [-f ] [-p ] [--includemanaged] [-r ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) -f, --folder=folder [default: .] Folder -p, --packagexml=packagexml Path to package.xml manifest file -r, --instanceurl=instanceurl URL of org instance

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--includemanaged Include items from managed packages

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:metadata $ SFDX_RETRIEVE_WAIT_MINUTES=200 sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:metadata

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/retrieve/sources/metadata.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:retrofit [--commit] [--commitmode updated|all] [--push] [--pushmode default|mergerequest] [--productionbranch <string>] [--retrofittargetbranch <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Retrieve changes from org link to a ref branch not present in sources

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:retrofit [--commit] [--commitmode updated|all] [--push] [--pushmode default|mergerequest] [--productionbranch ] [--retrofittargetbranch ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--commit If true, a commit will be performed after the retrofit

--commitmode=(updated|all) [default: updated] Defines if we commit all retrieved updates, or all updates including creations

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--productionbranch=productionbranch Name of the git branch corresponding to the org we want to perform the retrofit on. Can be defined in productionBranch property in .sfdx-hardis.yml

--push If true, a push will be performed after the retrofit

--pushmode=(default|mergerequest) [default: default] Defines if we send merge request options to git push arguments

--retrofittargetbranch=retrofittargetbranch Name of branch the merge request will have as target Can be defined in retrofitBranch property in .sfdx-hardis.yml

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION This command need to be triggered from a branch that is connected to a SF org. It will then retrieve all changes not present in that branch sources, commit them and create a merge request against the default branch. If a merge request already exists, it will simply add a new commit.

 Define the following properties in **.sfdx-hardis.yml**

 - **productionBranch** : Name of the git branch that is corresponding to production org
 - **retrofitBranch** : Name of the git branch that will be used as merge request target

 List of metadata to retrieve can be set in three way, in order of priority :

 - `CI_SOURCES_TO_RETROFIT`: env variable (can be defined in CI context)
 - `sourcesToRetrofit` property in `.sfdx-hardis.yml`
 - Default list:

   - CompactLayout
   - CustomApplication
   - CustomField
   - CustomLabel
   - CustomLabels
   - CustomMetadata
   - CustomObject
   - CustomObjectTranslation
   - CustomTab
   - DuplicateRule
   - EmailTemplate
   - FlexiPage
   - GlobalValueSet
   - Layout
   - ListView
   - MatchingRules
   - PermissionSet
   - RecordType
   - StandardValueSet
   - Translations
   - ValidationRule

 You can also ignore some files even if they have been updated in production. To do that, define property 

retrofitIgnoredFiles in .sfdx-hardis.yml

 Example of full retrofit configuration:

 productionBranch: master
 retrofitBranch: preprod
 - force-app/main/default/applications/
 - force-app/main/default/applications/
 - force-app/main/default/flexipages/MyFlexipageContainingDashboards.flexipage-meta.xml

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:retrofit sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:retrofit --productionbranch master --commit --commitmode updated sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:retrofit --productionbranch master --retrofitbranch preprod --commit --commitmode updated --push --pushmode mergerequest

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/retrieve/sources/retrofit.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:select [-h] [-s] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Interactive org selection for user

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:select [-h] [-s] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) -h, --devhub Also connect associated DevHub

-s, --scratch Select scratch org related to default DevHub

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:org:select

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/select.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:test:apex [-l NoTestRun|RunSpecifiedTests|RunLocalTests|RunAllTestsInOrg] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Run apex tests in Salesforce org

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:test:apex [-l NoTestRun|RunSpecifiedTests|RunLocalTests|RunAllTestsInOrg] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-l, --testlevel=(NoTestRun|RunSpecifiedTests|RunLocalTests|RunAllTestsInOrg) [default: RunLocalTests] Level of tests to apply to validate deployment

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION If following configuration is defined, it will fail if apex coverage target is not reached:

  • Env APEX_TESTS_MIN_COVERAGE_ORG_WIDE or .sfdx-hardis property apexTestsMinCoverageOrgWide

  • Env APEX_TESTS_MIN_COVERAGE_ORG_WIDE or .sfdx-hardis property apexTestsMinCoverageOrgWide

    You can override env var SFDX_TEST_WAIT_MINUTES to wait more than 60 minutes

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:org:test:apex

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/test/apex.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:user:activateinvalid [-p <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Update sandbox users so their email is valid

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:user:activateinvalid [-p ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-p, --profiles=profiles Comma-separated list of profiles names that you want to reactive users assigned to and with a .invalid email

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION Example: replaces with

See article below

[Reactivate all the sandbox users with .invalid emails in 3 clicks](https://

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:org:user:activateinvalid $ sfdx hardis:org:user:activateinvalid --targetusername $ sfdx hardis:org:user:activateinvalid --profiles 'System Administrator,MyCustomProfile' --targetusername

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/user/activateinvalid.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:user:freeze [-n <string>] [-p <string>] [-e <string>] [-m <number>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Mass freeze users in org before a maintenance or go live

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:user:freeze [-n ] [-p ] [-e ] [-m ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-e, --excludeprofiles=excludeprofiles List of profiles that you want to NOT freeze, separated by commas

-m, --maxuserdisplay=maxuserdisplay [default: 100] Maximum users to display in logs

-n, --name=name Filter according to Name criteria

-p, --includeprofiles=includeprofiles List of profiles that you want to freeze, separated by commas

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION See user guide in the following article

[How to freeze / unfreeze users during a Salesforce deployment](https://med

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:org:user:freeze $ sfdx hardis:org:user:freeze --targetusername $ sfdx hardis:org:user:freeze --includeprofiles 'Standard' $ sfdx hardis:org:user:freeze --excludeprofiles 'System Administrator,Some Other Profile'

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/user/freeze.js](

## `sfdx hardis:org:user:unfreeze [-n <string>] [-p <string>] [-e <string>] [-m <number>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Mass unfreeze users in org after a maintenance or go live

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:org:user:unfreeze [-n ] [-p ] [-e ] [-m ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-e, --excludeprofiles=excludeprofiles List of profiles that you want to NOT unfreeze, separated by commas

-m, --maxuserdisplay=maxuserdisplay [default: 100] Maximum users to display in logs

-n, --name=name Filter according to Name criteria

-p, --includeprofiles=includeprofiles List of profiles that you want to unfreeze, separated by commas

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION See user guide in the following article

[How to freeze / unfreeze users during a Salesforce deployment](https://med

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:org:user:unfreeze $ sfdx hardis:org:user:unfreeze --targetusername $ sfdx hardis:org:user:unfreeze --includeprofiles 'Standard' $ sfdx hardis:org:user:unfreeze --excludeprofiles 'System Administrator,Some Other Profile'

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/org/user/unfreeze.js](

## `sfdx hardis:package:create [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Create a new package

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:package:create [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-v ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-v, --targetdevhubusername=targetdevhubusername username or alias for the dev hub org; overrides default dev hub org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:package:create

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/package/create.js](

## `sfdx hardis:package:install [-p <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [-k <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Install a package in an org using its id (starting with **04t**)

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:package:install [-p ] [-d] [--websocket ] [-k ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-k, --installationkey=installationkey installation key for key-protected package (default: null)

-p, --package=package Package Version Id to install (04t...)

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION Assisted menu to propose to update installedPackages property in .sfdx-hardis.yml

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:package:install

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/package/install.js](

## `sfdx hardis:package:mergexml [-f <string>] [-p <string>] [-x <string>] [-r <string>] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Select and merge package.xml files

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:package:mergexml [-f ] [-p ] [-x ] [-r ] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -f, --folder=folder [default: manifest] Root folder

-p, --packagexmls=packagexmls Comma separated list of package.xml files to merge. Will be prompted to user if not provided

-r, --result=result Result package.xml file name

-x, --pattern=pattern [default: /**/package.xml] Name criteria to list package.xml files

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:package:mergexml $ sfdx hardis:package:mergexml --folder packages --pattern /**/*.xml --result myMergedPackage.xml $ sfdx hardis:package:mergexml --packagexmls "config/mypackage1.xml,config/mypackage2.xml,config/mypackage3.xml" --result myMergedPackage.xml

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/package/mergexml.js](

## `sfdx hardis:package:version:create [-d] [-p <string>] [-k <string>] [--deleteafter] [-i] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Create a new version of an unlocked package

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:package:version:create [-d] [-p ] [-k ] [--deleteafter] [-i] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-v ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-i, --install Install package version on default org after generation

-k, --installkey=installkey Package installation key

-p, --package=package Package identifier that you want to use to generate a new package version

-v, --targetdevhubusername=targetdevhubusername username or alias for the dev hub org; overrides default dev hub org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--deleteafter Delete package version after creating it

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:package:version:create

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/package/version/create.js](

## `sfdx hardis:package:version:list [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

List versions of unlocked package

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:package:version:list [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-v ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-v, --targetdevhubusername=targetdevhubusername username or alias for the dev hub org; overrides default dev hub org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:package:version:list

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/package/version/list.js](

## `sfdx hardis:package:version:promote [-d] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Promote package(s) version(s): convert it from beta to released

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:package:version:promote [-d] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-v ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --auto Auto-detect which versions of which packages need to be promoted

-d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-v, --targetdevhubusername=targetdevhubusername username or alias for the dev hub org; overrides default dev hub org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:package:version:promote $ sfdx hardis:package:version:promote --auto

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/package/version/promote.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:audit:apiversion [-m <number>] [-f] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Audit API version

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:audit:apiversion [-m ] [-f] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-f, --failiferror Fails (exit code 1) if an error is found

-m, --minimumapiversion=minimumapiversion [default: 20] Minimum allowed API version

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:audit:apiversion

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/audit/apiversion.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:audit:callincallout [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Generate list of callIn and callouts from sfdx project

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:audit:callincallout [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) --json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:audit:callouts

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/audit/callincallout.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:audit:duplicatefiles [-p <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Find duplicate files in sfdx folder (often from past @salesforce/cli bugs)

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:audit:duplicatefiles [-p ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-p, --path=path [default: C:\git\pro\sfdx-hardis2] Root path to check

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:audit:duplicatefiles

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/audit/duplicatefiles.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:audit:remotesites [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Generate list of remote sites

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:audit:remotesites [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) --json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:audit:remotesites

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/audit/remotesites.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:clean:emptyitems [-f <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Remove unwanted empty items within sfdx project sources

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:emptyitems [-f ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) -f, --folder=folder [default: force-app] Root folder --json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:emptyitems

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/clean/emptyitems.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:clean:hiddenitems [-f <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Remove unwanted hidden items within sfdx project sources

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:hiddenitems [-f ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) -f, --folder=folder [default: force-app] Root folder --json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:hiddenitems

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/clean/hiddenitems.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:clean:listviews [-f <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Replace Mine by Everything in ListView, and log the replacements in sfdx-hardis.yml

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:listviews [-f ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) -f, --folder=folder [default: force-app] Root folder --json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:listviews

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/clean/listviews.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:clean:manageditems [-n <string>] [-f <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Remove unwanted managed items within sfdx project sources

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:manageditems [-n ] [-f ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) -f, --folder=folder [default: force-app] Root folder -n, --namespace=namespace Namespace to remove --json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:manageditems --namespace crta

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/clean/manageditems.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:clean:minimizeprofiles [-f <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Remove all profile attributes that exist on Permission Sets

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:minimizeprofiles [-f ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) -f, --folder=folder [default: force-app] Root folder --json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION It is a bad practice to define on Profiles elements that can be defined on Permission Sets.

Salesforce will deprecate such capability in Spring 26.

Don't wait for that, and use minimizeProfiles cleaning to automatically remove from Profiles any permission that exists on a Permission Set !

The following XML tags are removed automatically:

  • classAccesses

  • customMetadataTypeAccesses

  • externalDataSourceAccesses

  • fieldPermissions

  • objectPermissions

  • pageAccesses

  • userPermissions (except on Admin Profile)

    You can override this list by defining a property minimizeProfilesNodesToRemove in your .sfdx-hardis.yml config file.

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:minimizeprofiles

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/clean/minimizeprofiles.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:clean:orgmissingitems [-f <string>] [-p <string>] [-t <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Clean SFDX sources from items present neither in target org nor local package.xml

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:orgmissingitems [-f ] [-p ] [-t ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-f, --folder=folder [default: force-app] Root folder

-p, --packagexmlfull=packagexmlfull Path to packagexml used for cleaning. Must contain also standard CustomObject and CustomField elements. If not provided, it will be generated from a remote org

-t, --packagexmltargetorg=packagexmltargetorg Target org username or alias to build package.xml (sfdx must be authenticated). If not provided, will be prompted to the user.

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:orgmissingitems

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/clean/orgmissingitems.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:clean:references [-t <string>] [-c <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Remove unwanted references within sfdx project sources

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:references [-t ] [-c ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -c, --config=config Path to a JSON config file or a destructiveChanges.xml file

-d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-t, --type=all|caseentitlement|dashboards|datadotcom|destructivechanges|localfields|productrequest|entitlement Cleaning type

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:references $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:references --type all $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:references --config ./cleaning/myconfig.json $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:references --config ./somefolder/myDestructivePackage.xml

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/clean/references.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:clean:retrievefolders [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Retrieve dashboards, documents and report folders in DX sources. Use -u ORGALIAS

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:retrievefolders [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:retrievefolders

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/clean/retrievefolders.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:clean:standarditems [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Remove unwanted standard items within sfdx project sources

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:standarditems [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) --json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:standarditems

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/clean/standarditems.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:clean:systemdebug [-f <string>] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-d] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Clean System.debug() lines in APEX Code (classes and triggers)

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:systemdebug [-f ] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-d] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --delete Delete lines with System.debug -f, --folder=folder [default: force-app] Root folder --json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:systemdebug

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/clean/systemdebug.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:clean:xml [-f <string>] [-p <string> -x <string>] [-n <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Remove XML elements using Glob patterns and XPath expressions

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:xml [-f ] [-p -x ] [-n ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) -f, --folder=folder [default: force-app] Root folder

-n, --namespace=namespace [default: ata] XML Namespace to use

-p, --globpattern=globpattern Glob pattern to find files to clean. Ex: /**/*.flexipage-meta.xml

-x, --xpath=xpath XPath to use to detect the elements to remove. Ex: //ns:flexiPageRegions//ns:name[conta ins(text(),'dashboardName')]

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION This can be very useful to avoid to always remove manually the same elements in the same XML file.

  • globpattern can be any glob pattern allowing to identify the XML files to update, for example /**/*.flexipage-meta.xml

  • xpath can be any xpath following the format //ns:PARENT-TAG-NAME//ns:TAG-NAME[contains(text(),'TAG-VALUE')]. If an element is found, the whole PARENT-TAG-NAME (with its subtree) will be removed.

    How to build cleaning XPath

    Note: If globpattern and xpath are not sent, elements defined in property cleanXmlPatterns in .sfdx-hardis.yml config file will be used

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:xml $ sfdx hardis:project:clean:xml --globpattern "/**/*.flexipage-meta.xml" --xpath "//ns:flexiPageRegions//ns:name[contains(text(),'dashboardName')]"

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/clean/xml.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:configure:auth [-b] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Configure authentication from git branch to target org

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:configure:auth [-b] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-v ] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -b, --devhub Configure project DevHub -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

-v, --targetdevhubusername=targetdevhubusername username or alias for the dev hub org; overrides default dev hub org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:configure:auth

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/configure/auth.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:configure:cloudiscore [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Configure sfdx project for CloudiScore

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:configure:cloudiscore [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-v ] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

-v, --targetdevhubusername=targetdevhubusername username or alias for the dev hub org; overrides default dev hub org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:configure:cloudiscore

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/configure/cloudiscore.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:configure:quality [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Configure sfdx project for Quality Checks

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:configure:quality [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-v ] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

-v, --targetdevhubusername=targetdevhubusername username or alias for the dev hub org; overrides default dev hub org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:configure:quality

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/configure/quality.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:convert:profilestopermsets [-e <array>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Creates permission sets from existing profiles, with id PS_PROFILENAME

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:convert:profilestopermsets [-e ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) -e, --except=except [default: ] List of filters --json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:convert:profilestopermsets

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/convert/profilestopermsets.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:create [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Create a new SFDX Project

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:create [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) --json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:create

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/create.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:deploy:sources:dx [-c] [-l NoTestRun|RunSpecifiedTests|RunRepositoryTests|RunLocalTests|RunAllTestsInOrg] [-r <string>] [-p <string>] [--delta] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Deploy SFDX source to org, following deploymentPlan in .sfdx-hardis.yml

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:deploy:sources:dx [-c] [-l NoTestRun|RunSpecifiedTests|RunRepositoryTests|RunLocalTests|RunAllTestsInOrg] [-r ] [-p ] [--delta] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -c, --check Only checks the deployment, there is no impact on target org

-d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-l, --testlevel=(NoTestRun|RunSpecifiedTests|RunRepositoryTests|RunLocalTests|RunAllTestsInOrg) [default: RunLocalTests] Level of tests to validate deployment. RunRepositoryTests auto-detect and run all repository test classes

-p, --packagexml=packagexml Path to package.xml containing what you want to deploy in target org

-r, --runtests=runtests Apex test classes to run if --testlevel is RunSpecifiedTests

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--delta Applies sfdx-git-delta to package.xml before other deployment processes

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION In case of errors, tips to fix them will be included within the error messages.

Quick Deploy

In case Pull Request comments are configured on the project, Quick Deploy will try to be used (equivalent to button Quick Deploy)

If you do not want to use QuickDeploy, define variable SFDX_HARDIS_QUICK_DEPLOY=false

Delta deployments

To activate delta deployments, define property useDeltaDeployment: true in config/.sfdx-hardis.yml.

This will activate delta deployments only between minor and major branches (major to major remains full deployment mode)

If you want to force the delta deployment into major orgs (ex: preprod to prod), this is not recommended but you can use env variable ALWAYS_ENABLE_DELTA_DEPLOYMENT=true

Dynamic deployment items / Overwrite management

If necessary,you can define the following files (that supports wildcards *):

  • manifest/package-no-overwrite.xml: Every element defined in this file will be deployed only if it is not existing yet in the target org (can be useful with ListView for example, if the client wants to update them directly in production org)

  • manifest/packageXmlOnChange.xml: Every element defined in this file will not be deployed if it already has a similar definition in target org (can be useful for SharingRules for example)

    See Overwrite management documentation

Deployment plan

If you need to deploy in multiple steps, you can define a property deploymentPlan in .sfdx-hardis.yml.

  • If a file manifest/package.xml is found, it will be placed with order 0 in the deployment plan

  • If a file manifest/destructiveChanges.xml is found, it will be executed as --postdestructivechanges

  • If env var SFDX_HARDIS_DEPLOY_IGNORE_SPLIT_PACKAGES is defined as false , split of package.xml will be applied


         - label: Deploy Flow-Workflow
           packageXmlFile: manifest/splits/packageXmlFlowWorkflow.xml
           order: 6
         - label: Deploy SharingRules - Case
           packageXmlFile: manifest/splits/packageXmlSharingRulesCase.xml
           order: 30
           waitAfter: 30

Packages installation

You can define a list of package to install during deployments using property installedPackages

  • If INSTALL_PACKAGES_DURING_CHECK_DEPLOY is defined as true (or installPackagesDuringCheckDeploy: true in .sfdx-hardis.yml), packages will be installed even if the command is called with --check mode

  • You can automatically update this property by listing all packages installed on an org using command sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:packageconfig


       - Id: 0A35r0000009EtECAU
         SubscriberPackageId: 033i0000000LVMYAA4
         SubscriberPackageName: Marketing Cloud
         SubscriberPackageNamespace: et4ae5
         SubscriberPackageVersionId: 04t6S000000l11iQAA
         SubscriberPackageVersionName: Marketing Cloud
         installOnScratchOrgs: true                  // true or false depending you want to install this package when 
    creating a new scratch org
         installDuringDeployments: true              // set as true to install package during a deployment using sfdx 
         installationkey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx       // if the package has a password, write it in this property
         - Id: 0A35r0000009F9CCAU
         SubscriberPackageId: 033b0000000Pf2AAAS
         SubscriberPackageName: Declarative Lookup Rollup Summaries Tool
         SubscriberPackageNamespace: dlrs
         SubscriberPackageVersionId: 04t5p000001BmLvAAK
         SubscriberPackageVersionName: Release
         installOnScratchOrgs: true
         installDuringDeployments: true

Automated fixes post deployments

List view with scope Mine

If you defined a property listViewsToSetToMine in your .sfdx-hardis.yml, related ListViews will be set to Mine ( see command )


   - "Operation__c:MyCurrentOperations"
   - "Operation__c:MyFinalizedOperations"
   - "Opportunity:Default_Opportunity_Pipeline"
   - "Opportunity:MyCurrentSubscriptions"
   - "Opportunity:MySubscriptions"
   - "Account:MyActivePartners"

Troubleshooting: if you need to fix ListViews with mine from an alpine-linux based docker image, use this workaround in your dockerfile:

# Do not use puppeteer embedded chromium
RUN apk add --update --no-cache chromium
ENV CHROMIUM_PATH="/usr/bin/chromium-browser"

If you need to increase the deployment waiting time (force:source:deploy --wait arg), you can define env var SFDX_DEPLOY_WAIT_MINUTES

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:project:deploy:sources:dx $ sfdx hardis:project:deploy:sources:dx --check

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/deploy/sources/dx.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:deploy:sources:metadata [-c] [-x <string>] [-p <string>] [-f] [-k <string>] [-l NoTestRun|RunSpecifiedTests|RunLocalTests|RunAllTestsInOrg] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Deploy metadatas to source org

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:deploy:sources:metadata [-c] [-x ] [-p ] [-f] [-k ] [-l NoTestRun|RunSpecifiedTests|RunLocalTests|RunAllTestsInOrg] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -c, --check Only checks the deployment, there is no impact on target org

-d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-f, --filter Filter metadatas before deploying

-k, --destructivepackagexml=destructivepackagexml Path to destructiveChanges.xml file to deploy

-l, --testlevel=(NoTestRun|RunSpecifiedTests|RunLocalTests|RunAllTestsInOrg) [default: RunLocalTests] Level of tests to apply to validate deployment

-p, --packagexml=packagexml Path to package.xml file to deploy

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

-x, --deploydir=deploydir [default: .] Deploy directory

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:deploy:sources:metadata

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/deploy/sources/metadata.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:fix:v53flexipages [-p <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Fix flexipages for apiVersion v53 (Winter22).

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:fix:v53flexipages [-p ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-p, --path=path [default: C:\git\pro\sfdx-hardis2] Root folder

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION Note: Update api version to 53.0 in package.xml and sfdx-project.json

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:fix:v53flexipages

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/fix/v53flexipages.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:generate:gitdelta [--branch <string>] [--fromcommit <string>] [--tocommit <string>] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Generate package.xml git delta between 2 commits

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:generate:gitdelta [--branch ] [--fromcommit ] [--tocommit ] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) --branch=branch Git branch to use to generate delta --fromcommit=fromcommit Hash of commit to start from --json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--tocommit=tocommit Hash of commit to stop at

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:project:generate:gitdelta

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/generate/gitdelta.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:lint [-f] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Apply syntactic analysis (linters) on the repository sources, using Mega-Linter

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:lint [-f] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-u ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs) -f, --fix Apply linters fixes

-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLES $ sfdx hardis:project:lint $ sfdx hardis:project:lint --fix

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/lint.js](

## `sfdx hardis:project:metadata:findduplicates [-f <array>] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

find duplicate values in XML file(s).

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:project:metadata:findduplicates [-f ] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -f, --files=files XML metadata files path --json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION Find duplicate values in XML file(s). Keys to be checked can be configured in config/sfdx-hardis.yml using property metadataDuplicateFindKeys.

Default config : metadataDuplicateFindKeys : [object Object]


... Required Name Required Name

$ sfdx hardis:project:metadata:findduplicates --file layout.layout-meta.xml [sfdx-hardis] Duplicate values in layout.layout-meta.xml - Key : Layout.layoutSections.layoutColumns.layoutItems.field - Values : Name

$ sfdx hardis:project.metadata:findduplicates -f "force-app/main/default/**/*.xml" [sfdx-hardis] hardis:project:metadata:findduplicates execution time 0:00:00.397 [sfdx-hardis] Duplicate values in layout1.layout-meta.xml - Key : Layout.layoutSections.layoutColumns.layoutItems.field - Values : CreatedById

[sfdx-hardis] Duplicate values in layout2.layout-meta.xml - Key : Layout.layoutSections.layoutColumns.layoutItems.field - Values : LastModifiedById, Name

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/project/metadata/findduplicates.js](

## `sfdx hardis:scratch:create [-n] [-d] [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Create and initialize a scratch org or a source-tracked sandbox (config can be defined using `config/.sfdx-hardis.yml`):

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:scratch:create [-n] [-d] [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-v ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-d, --pool Creates the scratch org for a scratch org pool

-n, --forcenew If an existing scratch org exists, do not reuse it but create a new one

-v, --targetdevhubusername=targetdevhubusername username or alias for the dev hub org; overrides default dev hub org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration


  • Install packages
    • Use property installedPackages
  • Push sources
  • Assign permission sets
    • Use property initPermissionSets
  • Run apex initialization scripts
    • Use property scratchOrgInitApexScripts
  • Load data
    • Use property dataPackages

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:scratch:create

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/scratch/create.js](

## `sfdx hardis:scratch:delete [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Assisted menu to delete scratch orgs associated to a DevHub

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:scratch:delete [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-v ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-v, --targetdevhubusername=targetdevhubusername username or alias for the dev hub org; overrides default dev hub org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:scratch:delete

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/scratch/delete.js](

## `sfdx hardis:scratch:pool:create [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Select a data storage service and configure information to build a scratch org pool

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:scratch:pool:create [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-v ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-v, --targetdevhubusername=targetdevhubusername username or alias for the dev hub org; overrides default dev hub org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

DESCRIPTION Run the command, follow instruction, then you need to schedule a daily CI job for the pool maintenance:

 - Define CI ENV variable SCRATCH_ORG_POOL with value "true"

 - Call the following lines in the CI job:
   sfdx hardis:auth:login --devhub
   sfdx hardis:scratch:pool:refresh

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:scratch:pool:configure

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/scratch/pool/create.js](

## `sfdx hardis:scratch:pool:localauth [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Calls the related storage service to request api keys and secrets that allows a local user to fetch a scratch org from scratch org pool

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:scratch:pool:localauth [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-v ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-v, --targetdevhubusername=targetdevhubusername username or alias for the dev hub org; overrides default dev hub org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:scratch:pool:localauth

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/scratch/pool/localauth.js](

## `sfdx hardis:scratch:pool:refresh [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Create enough scratch orgs to fill the pool

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:scratch:pool:refresh [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-v ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

OPTIONS -d, --debug Activate debug mode (more logs)

-v, --targetdevhubusername=targetdevhubusername username or alias for the dev hub org; overrides default dev hub org

--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command

--json format output as json

--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

--skipauth Skip authentication check when a default username is required

--websocket=websocket Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration

EXAMPLE $ sfdx hardis:scratch:pool:refresh

_See code: [lib/commands/hardis/scratch/pool/refresh.js](

## `sfdx hardis:scratch:pool:reset [-d] [--websocket <string>] [--skipauth] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]`

Reset scratch org pool (delete all scratches in the pool)

USAGE $ sfdx hardis:scratch:pool:reset [-d] [--websocket ] [--skipauth] [-v ] [--apiversion ] [--json] [--loglevel trac