Open Training is an Android app for planning your fitness training.
More information:
At the moment I'm in contact with the developer of wger( In the future OpenTraining might be able to sync exercises or even training plans with wger.
Google Play Store: (catalogue of FOSS):
You can also use this QR-Codes:
Java (and some shell scripts for development)
GPL 3 Exercises are CC licensed(currently all CC-BY-SA)
English, German. More wanted! Help here:
- Git
- Android-SDK v19
- Android Support Repository
$ git clone git://
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
* File -> Import -> Existing Projects into Workspace
* File -> Import -> Existing Projects into Workspace
* Instructions:; 'Adding libraries with resources', step 1 to 4 should be enough
*Click right on project 'android-support-v7-appcompat' -> Properties -> Android Lint Preferences -> Ignore all
$ gradle installDebug