Tostcu makes Toasts to feed your app.
Add this in your root build.gradle
file (not your module build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
Add this to your module's build.gradle
file (make sure the version matches the JitPack badge above):
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.hamurcuabi:Tostcu:1.0.0'
This step is optional, but if you want you can configure some Tostcu parameters. Place this anywhere in your app:
.setErrorColor(@ColorInt int errorColor) // optional
.setInfoColor(@ColorInt int infoColor) // optional
.setSuccessColor(@ColorInt int successColor) // optional
.setWarningColor(@ColorInt int warningColor) // optional
.setToastTypeface(@NonNull Typeface typeface) // optional
.setTextSize(int sizeInSp) // optional
.setWithAnim(boolean with_anim)//optional
.apply(); // required
You can reset the configuration by using reset()
This following basic methodes have default variables. You can change them we have some easy methodes.
```text_size=16 sp,
```typeface=(sans-serif-condensed", Typeface.NORMAL),
To display basic error Toast:
Tostcu.error(yourContext, "This is an error toast.");
To display basic success Toast:
Tostcu.success(yourContext, "This is an success toast.");
To display basic info Toast:, "This is an info toast.");
To display basic warning Toast:
Tostcu.warning(yourContext, "This is an warning toast.");
You can also create your custom Toasts with the custom()
Tostcu.custom(yourContext, "I'm a custom Toast", yourDrwableResid,duration, bg_color, gravity, with_anim,typeface,text_size);
Tostcu.warning(yourContext, "This is an warning toast.");
Tostcu.warning(yourContext, R.string.warning_message);
This blink animation can be set false but it is true default.
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