Code for team 226's Power Up robot.
- ArcadeDrive: Left joystick Y on driver for throttle, right joystick X for turn
- ShiftDriveTrainHigh: LS button on driver controller
- ShiftDriveTrainLow: RS button on driver controller
- CompressorOn: Y button on driver controller
- CompressorOff: B button on driver controller
- DriveArm: RB button on driver controller
- DriveIntake: Triggers on manip controller
- ShiftIntake: RB button on manip controller
- Intake: RS button on manip controller
- ShootOuttake: B button on manip controller
- Shoot: START button on manip controller
- ControlArm: Left joystick Y on manip
- HardZeroArmEncoder: SELECT button on manip controller
- SetpointHigh: Y button on manip controller
- SetpointSwitch: X button on manip controller
- SetpointGround: A button on manip controller
- ToggleAutonRecoding: START button on driver controller
- ExecuteMacro: SELECT button on driver controller
- Download latest release of SharkMacro from here.
- Copy the downloaded .jar file to
. - Right click on 2018RobotCode in Eclipse > Build Path > Add External Archives...
- Select the jar file you copied to the userlib directory.
- Download Apache Commons Lang from here.
- Download OpenCSV from here.
- Repeat steps 2-4 with
- Download latest release of HammerheadLib from here.
- Copy the downloaded .jar file to
. - Right click on 2018RobotCode in Eclipse > Build Path > Add External Archives...
- Select the Hammerhead jar file you copied to the userlib directory.
- Install the latest Java SE Development Kit (Windows x64).
- Install the latest Eclipse IDE for Java Develoeprs (64 bit).
- Follow the 2018 FRC Control System Eclipse setup instructions for Java only.
- The code deployment error
roboRIO Image does not match plugin, allowed image version: ##
means you need to update your Eclipse plugins. - Numerous
(class) cannot be resolved to a type
errors may indicate a bad project build path, you should re-create the project.
- The code deployment error
- Install the latest CTRE Phoenix Framework (for the Talon SRX motor controller).
- Install the latest Kauai Labs Libraries (for the navX-MXP gyro/accelerometer).
- Uninstall all existing National Instruments products form the "National Instruments Software" installer.
- Create a National Instruments account.
- Install the FRC 2018 Update Suite (you can skip the LabVIEW product) using the serial number from your most recent kit of parts. Activate the software when prompted.
- If asked for a password it is
. - You may need to enable .NET Framework 3.5.
- You may need to update .NET Framework 4.6.
- If asked for a password it is
- Run "NI Update Service" (manual download) and install all critical updates, but no patches.
- Open FRC Driver Station and set your team number on the Setup tab.
- Switch your workspace to the cloned folder (where this README is).
- Import the Java project into the workspace.
- Troubleshooting:
Unable to find a javac compiler
/ is not on the classpath
- JDK needs to be configured in the global build path (above WPILib instructions).Property 'team-number' doesn't exist in this project
- follow the instructions in the error message.The import java.* cannot be resolved
- "JRE System Library" needs to be added to the project's build path libraries.
- Follow the Imaging your roboRIO guide.
- Follow the Installing Java 8 on the roboRIO using the FRC roboRIO Java Installer guide.
- Follow the Installing Phoenix Framework onto your FRC robot guide.
- OpenMesh OM5P-AC / OM5P-AN (2017 / 2016). Troubleshooting:
Bridge firmware load failed: Error finding NPF device name for adapter
- disable all other network adapters and try again.
- D-Link DAP-1522 (2015) (NI install with tools no longer available).