Decodes Gauntlet Dark Legacy PS2 WAD.BIN
Place your WAD.BIN
file into the same directory as the scripts, and run
. Afterwords you should see a out/
folder. You will also see a not_used.txt
, which just contains a list of files from
that didn't match with any of the hashes in the WAD.BIN
. (This is normal.)
is a very simple archive file. The first four bytes are the number of files. Following that is a list of files (* number of files.)
The file entries are structured like:
struct FileEntry {
int UncompressedFileSize;
int FilePointer;
uint Hash;
int CompressedFileSize;
If CompressedFileSize
is -1
then the file is not compressed. Otherwise it uses zlib compression. The file paths are hashed via the hashing function in
I use a giant list of paths in
generated via a script (based off the xbox version, which only has loose files), and then hand-tweaked. The remaining unknown files are dumped into out/unknown/
as unk.#
. There seems to be some type of WAD
(not related to WAD.BIN
) type data per textures.ps2, and some left-over script outputs.
Some helper functions are from io_scene_abc, at least for the time being! Research and development by Haekb (HeyThereCoffeee)