Exercise caution when updating:
- heroicons
- next
- superjson
- framer-motion
- tanstack/react-query
These updates could introduce breaking changes.
This repository is a Turbo monorepo to build Interfaces for users to interact with Dozer Finance Smart Contracts hosted at Hathor Network.
It is built with T3 Stack primitives using TypeScript, Prisma, trpc v10 and Tailwind Css.
- Node > 16
- Pnpm > 8
We recommend instaling node via nvm: https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm?tab=readme-ov-file#install--update-script
Pnpm installation: https://pnpm.io/installation
Vercel Storage doesn't need any installation on the developer machine to run. It generates an URL with user and password to direct access the postgres server from Neon.
The steps are:
- Create an .env file in packages/database folder
- Define two variables:
- As the value for this variables are sensitive content, ask the Team for the right values to be inserted.
Install dependencies:
- Open a command prompt or PowerShell in the project directory.
- Run:
pnpm install
Configure environment:
- Copy
. - Edit
and provide the necessary values.
- Copy
Generate Prisma schema:
- Run:
pnpm generate
- Run:
Start development server:
- Run:
pnpm run dev
- Run:
Let's get started!