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The Voidrice rice

Inspired by Luke Smith's dotfiles


Platform Specific Programs

App type Mac Linux
Window Manager Yabai dwm
KeyMapper kanata/Karabiner Elements kanata/setxkbmap
General key binder skhd/ LeaderKey sxhkd
Application launcher Raycast dmenu
Primary terminal kitty st
Statusbar - dwmblocks
Clipboard manager Maccy clipmenu
Notification daemon - dunst

Cross-platform programs

Install these dotfiles and all dependencies

There is an in the repo directory for quickly symlink the dotfiles but I would advice you to go through the required config and move the helpful component to your setup.

For personal configs maintained I have Private repo, where I keep my personal config those configs are symlinked into this repo.

For few programs like mopidy, where you would often face some setup issues, Readme file is added inside individual program config directory.

Other recommended programs

Mac Specific

Homerow, Itsycal, Hidden Bar, MonitorControl, TomatoBar, CheatSheet, Caffeine


uBlock Origin, Surfingkeys/Vimium, Bitwarden, Ente Auth, Maestral, Floccus/xBrowserSync, Flameshot, Espanso, keep-alive, BackgroundMusic