1.0.0 (2022-12-27)
Bug Fixes
add missing files for commitzen (018ba8b )
add npx before percy command line (4824e98 )
add sitemap file in gitignore, it shouldn't commit to git (344b731 )
add steps in update-deps.yml file, syntax error (b5de445 )
change matching regex for Cypress files (861d545 )
code styling in blog component pages (f4a55c4 )
Eslint comment update (8baa5d1 )
just rebuild sitemap (831bae9 )
move getStaticPaths at the top of blog page (83892ea )
remove generated files by next-sitemap (c5d93bf )
rename from mjs to js next-sitemap file (7d450ff )
resolve merge conflict (276f57a )
retrive PERCY_TOKEN and set token for percy cli (afe00f2 )
update package-lock.json (fba016d )
update README file for next-sitemap (9496217 )
use npx npm-check-updates (e530193 )
wait until the link rendered instead a wrong heading tag (e38655b )
add auto-update GitHub Actions (364168f )
add blog page (89c4ec7 )
add commit script in package.json (8f4719e )
add commitlint with config-conventional (97a9ac7 )
add coverage for vscode-jest and configure jest autoRun (ad8a030 )
add cypress and cypress eslint plugin (5657ee6 )
add sitemap.xml and robots.txt from build (545d133 )
add TypeScript support for Tailwind CSS configuration (41f1918 )
add visual testing with Percy (b0a39f5 )
add vscode jest extension (49ab935 )
automatically format the whole codebase with npm run format (9299209 )
change 'powered by' text to 'built' with (fe0a29f )
disable Husky for release (f20c595 )
rename from master to main (10920ec )
run github release only on completed CI workflow (dd4de76 )
update footer message and comment (4f74176 )
update TypeScript to 4.9.x (471dc70 )
update dependencies and remove commitzen (d136e02 )
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