Simple SpringBoot project that aims to handle two types of players: experts and novices.
- Apache Maven (version: 3.6.3)
- Java (version: 11)
- SpringBoot (version: 2.4.3)
- Kafka (version: 2.7.0)
If you have Docker and Docker Compose installed on your machine, just run:
docker-compose up -d
And everything will be setup for you.
Please note that, inside the file docker-compose.yaml
, you gotta change the value of the variable ADVERTISED_LISTENERS to your local IP Address (IPv4) or Domain name.
Otherwise, you will be not able to download the messages from the consumers.
In another terminal window, run the following command to read the messages posted in the consumer: --bootstrap-server --topic novice-players --from-beginning
Download or clone this project to your local machine.
Open the terminal inside the project folder then run the following command to download and install dependencies:
mvn clean install
Inside the project folder, run the following command to start the project so you will be able to send requests to it:
java -jar target/*.jar
To test this project you need to have Zookeeper and Kafka running on your machine.
When the project detects novice players, it will post messages on a topic called novice-players.
Kafka can create the topic automatically, but it is not recommended unless you have Kafka configurations well setted, specially the partitions default quantity.
After start Zookeeper and Kafka server on your local machine, you will have to create a the topic by running the following command on your terminal: --zookeeper --topic novice-players --create --partitions 3 --replication-factor 1
You can check the messages on the topic by running the following command on your terminal: --bootstrap-server --topic novice-players --from-beginning
You can use any tool you like to send request to the API. Currently, the only endpoint available is:
POST /players
Payload sample:
{ "players": [ { "name": "Sub zero", "type": "expert" }, { "name": "Scorpion", "type": "novice" }, { "name": "Reptile", "type": "meh" } ] }
This project uses in-memory database H2, you can have access to the data through the your web browser by the going to
the following URL: http://localhost:8080/h2-console
Fill the form with the following information:
- Driver Class: org.h2.Driver
- JDBC URL: jdbc:h2:mem:playersdb
- User Name: sa
- Password: password