All of the tweets for this project have been processed and consolidated into a single file that can be downloaded with this link:
1.85 Gb zipped / 15.80 Gb unzipped
Each of the 4 million rows in this file is a tweet in json format containing the following information:
- All the Twitter data in exactly the json format of the original
- Unix time stamp
- All the Topsy data
- originating file name
- score
- author screen name
- URLs
60% of the records have geographic information ...
- Latitude & Longitude
- Country name & ISO2 country code
- City
- For country code "US"
- Zipcode
- Telephone area code
- Square miles inside the zipcode
- 2010 Census population of the zipcode
- County & FIPS code
- State name & USPS abbreviation
The basic technique for using this file in Python is the following:
import json
with open("HTA_noduplicates.json", "r") as f:
# convert each row in turn into json format and process
for row in f:
tweet = json.loads(row)
text = tweet["text"] # text of original tweet
... # etc.
Python provides very powerful analytical and plotting features but R is also very handy; R does not work well with large datasets but Python can be used to create a targeted subset file that R can read (or Excel, or anything else for that matter).
For long-running jobs, I used Amazon Web Service's EC2 running Ubuntu 14.04, accessed via PuTTY and WebSCP; for local processing I used a Windows 7 laptop with the data on a terabyte external hard drive.
The Status Report in the main repo contains
- a comprehensive explanation of the dataset
- examples of analyses done with this dataset
- a list of references to other healthcare-related Twitter analyses
- instructions for using Amazon Web Services
- sample programs using this file with Python, R and MongoDB.