Version 24: Firebase v1 API Support
The Firebase REST API has been updated with 3 available versions. This application originally supported "v1beta1", and now supports "v1beta2" and "v1".
- To start utilizing another version (such as "v1") update your initial constructor to:
FirestoreApp.getFirestore(email, key, projectId, "v1");
- If version is omitted, it defaults to "v1beta1". This will change in the future.
- v1 supports to utilization of the new
operators: "IN" and "Contains_Any" (case-insensitive).
The .getDocuments()
function now allows for an optional second parameter to only select specific documents by name.
const someDocuments = firestore.getDocuments("FirstCollection", ["Doc1", "Doc2", "Doc3"]);
Thanks to @ken-prayogo for the feature request. #79